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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. You'd be correct heelman500. The vast majority of the people in the cafe did not support the owner. I only say the vast majority because I can't tell with the people who didn't pay as much attention to the scene. If you think about this, this is indeed progress. I think the patrons would have helped physically throw them out if the event took place in 1950.. Charlie

  2. You know a very smart lady once told me " You can not control what other people think about you! The only thing you can control is your self!" Witch is how I live my life for the most part! Honestly does it bother me that he did that! Of course it does! Only for the fact that I know exaxctly what people will think! Now my partner who I spend 1/3 of my life with know's the real truth about me! As far as the type of person I am. I know's that I am no way shape or form gay or have any intrest in men. I mean if you have looked at the heel's I have at this time they really are not there to get someone's attention. Now I know that a man wearing heel's will do that with some people. If you look at that total outfit everything except for the hose and heel's are from the men's section. Like I told my partner one day I said if they would make heel and skirt's for men and put them in the men's section then I would by them, but until they do that I have no choice bu to go to the other side of the isle! As far as shoe's go I started wearing heel's 1. cause I'm short 2. men's shoe's are ugly 3. cause I have a hell of a time finding men's shoes that fit my feet. Even the women at payless one day when I was looking for a plain pair of slip on men's dress shoe's told me if you have souch a hard time find men's shoe's that fit why don't you try the women's side! Oh well! I am going to go to my counslar tomarrow to help blow off some steam I think I just may wear that outfit in the picture! What do you guy's think?

    I am with those who've advised that you don't respond at all to this jerk. That's exactly what he wants you to do. Think of him as an internet troll. If you don't feed him, he'll leave.


  3. I think I've had 2 or 3 negative comments in nearly 50 years of street heeling, the last one was probably 30 years ago. All were from behind, from the 15-20 year old age range, and never from someone who was not in a group.

    I've had several compliments over the years, mostly from women, but a couple from men including someone who wanted to know where he could get a pair. He was surprised when I told him they were women's, but remained interested.

    Curiously, the black clogs in the photo below have attracted the most disapproving stares, all from 20-30 year old males. Maybe it's because they're noisy and noticed more often.

    The heeled "work boots" have one fun story attached. I wore them into a local convenience store and was spotted by a group of late teen males that were hanging around. One giggled, pointed, and said "Look!" Teenage boy #2 said, "Cool," and #3 seemed to agree with #2. Maybe there's hope, after all.

    Recently in a supermarket, a gray haired, Birkenstock wearing, thinks he's still in 1966 San Francisco hippie, commented on my cowboy boots. "Those are really nice, I'll bet you didn't get them around here."

    I love all three pics you posted! I have the same clogs and have wore them everywhere from work to around town. It's amazing how comfortable a piece of wood can be. The workboots are the only kind I'd consider if I were to own a pair and the western boots are very similar heel-wise to the regular pairs I wear all over the place.


  4. Hi fellow heel lovers,

    I really loved these, but eventually I just scrapped them. Two times in my life I denied my love for high heeled shoes and got rid of all pairs I had (4-5 in total maybe?).


    This is a very common thing for guys who like high heels to do, especially during the 'early' years.. I've been there personally. After such a purge you will continously kick yourself here and there during the later years for having gotten rid of a pair that you really wish you still had now.. As it sounds like you're discovering, there's nothing wrong with liking and wearing high heels so there's really no need for future purges. Enjoy that which is you!


  5. RC Planes, RC EDF Jets and now RC Tamiya Mini racing (All Electric)

    I've been into electric powered rc planes since the mid 1980's. They're great now with lipo batteries and I also fly rc helicopters too. More specifically I like rc WWII warbirds, motorgliders, and 3D capable helis. I never wear heels when I fly them though because the occasional mishap can put one's feet in nasty places during the retrieval.. LOL

    I also play acoustic guitar and write my own stuff.


  6. For me it's usually social forces that keep me out of my high heeled western boots. Some genius where I work got the notion in his head that if we all dress better it will somehow make us smarter and magically cause money to fall in from the roof.. This stupid policy has nixed my wearing my favorite boots because I hate the way they look with men's dress pants. I also don't think that we're going to dress our way out of this recession.. LOL Charlie

  7. My style is similar to Majo's only I wear women's jeans for the cut and the variance in leg openings that are available. They say a picture is worth a 1000 words.. This picture is a few years old but I haven't changed a bit. Just add 15 pounds to my weight, but hurry because it's already starting to come off! LOL Charlie


  8. They're size 11 U.S. which is my size but they're a tad tight. Nothing that the boot strecher can't fix. They look great on me. The sole is actually leather and the heel is wood. The only thing I really don't like about them is they have one of those hard rubber heel pads that makes that fem click when I walk on concrete. My neighborhood is quiet and when I walked across my driveway it sounded like I could be heard a mile away. I'll replace the pads with softer rubber ones and they'll be fine. If you like the click, you'll love how these boots come right out of the box! Charlie

  9. Well the wife used photos to back up her story at the Salon so whatever they want to think is not going to be changed by me, She knows my sexuality was never in question nor my devotion to our marriage.

    My mom obviously had some idea as it was her clothing, some dating back to the 50s, I used as my introduction into the world of high heel shoes and foundation garments.

    The rest can speculate as to the validity of the rumors and as time has passed the whole thing is a faded memory to most others.

    The ex wife still wants to be involved in my passion (she wants to move in with me) going as far as buying and passing down clothing and asking to come over and be with me in full dress and Im like WTF. I continue to avoid her questions and play it from a distance, guess I have trust issues.:)

    Thanks for the warm welcome all. I am open to questions about my life if it will help others like me. Dont know how to post photos yet (new around here) so any advice is welcome.

    Hope that answered some questions.

    Anyone know where I can find a pair of ELLIE PRINCE 652 platform pumps, or similar, in a 13? Got to have them but everyone is out of stock despite showing otherwise on their web sites. My money has been refunded three times.

    If I were in your spot, I'd put it all on the line and go to the next family reunion in the highest heels you've got. Why not? If for anything else, it would make anything anyone in the room thinks they 'have' on you pale in comparison. I'll bet you'd feel a great weight lifted off of your shoulders after doing this as well. I tend to have a bit of a mean streak in me though.. after doing all this her weapon would be neutralized. Lastly, I'd invite her over one more time, have my way with her, and then kick her to the curb.


  10. Found some links which reference them. Unfortunately not immediately obvious if they are still purchaseable. Despite finding other references to them, none had any pictures that were even close to comparing with the original one.

    It looks like "Timberland", "Amimae/Anima", "83357" are some of the keywords you'd want to search on.




    Apparently also available in black:


    still for sale : http://compare.ebay.com/like/230486222408?ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&rvr_id=193137265708&crlp=1_263602_304662&UA=WXI7&GUID=3898031612d0a0645e95e765ffb20c7f&itemid=230486222408&ff4=263602_304662

    Dark brown with gray heel:


    Does anybody else here feel like salt is being rubbed in the male fashion oppression wounds? They take a boring men's style workboot and make it interesting so that women can enjoy it..


  11. They just came in today. They look great. I got them in brown. I'll be trying them on when I get back in the house from my workshop. My boot jack is in the house and I can't get my 4" heeled western boots I'm wearing right now off without it. LOL I'll keep you posted. Charlie

  12. This must have been a very slow day for news.

    It would be different if the kid was a lot older, but a 5-year old? At that age, there is no such thing as fashion, sexual identity, or cross-dressing...the dress is simply a toy. In a few years, it's likely that the kid won't even remember playing with dresses. Oh, but wait, he will remember because he will likely be ridiculed by his peers about how his parents had put him on national TV and wrote a book to show how much they support his cross-dressing. Good on the parents for not restricting him to toys that they feel are "for boys", but very bad judgment for exposing him to the world over it.

    I doubt the short segment on the news will follow him very long and she didn't use his name anywhere in the book. Getting the viewpoints out there in the mass media will do more than 200 of us would by just walking around in high heeled boots or shoes. All we need is a kid who likes mom's heels and for her to be a writer too. Chuckle..


  13. I just got back from Home Depot. I purchased a new electric heater for my workshop. When I went to the checkout line, all of the cashiers were standing by their registers waiting for customers. I took the heater to the first register nearest me and to my surprise the cashier there was a very tall, full figured (read not fat, looked great like a Mae West kind of figure for those old enough to know who she is.. LOL) redhead. She towered over me in my 4" heeled western boots! I go about 5' 9" in the boots. Gee, and I thought the lady who runs the local hardware store is tall.. chuckle.. I don't know why, but I've always found taller women attractive. I know most of them don't feel the same way about shorter guys though.. not that it matters here as I'm quite happily married. :) Charlie

  14. I'd say yes, a poorly fitted toebox would be worse with increasing heel height. Fortunately, a toebox stretcher is something I haven't had to invest in to date. They're expensive! I'd also go as far as to say that it will amplify a vamp that's on the tight side as well. There's also the shoe design itself. Not all 4" heeled boots or shoes are equal. Some are tougher than others even when the fit does feel good. I think this has something to do with how well the heel contact with the floor lines up with where the ball of the foot touches the floor. Charlie

  15. I saw an interesting news story this morning about a mom who's accepted the fact that her young 5 year old son likes to wear dresses. At first she opposed it but when her older son said "why not just let him be happy?" she slowly embraced it. She's even written a book about it. Her web page can be found here:


    Perhaps change in fashion freedom may some day become a reality? I believe it's going to start with the younger generation and filter upwards, not the other way. She said something similar during the interview that I hear echoed here all the time. She said that it's just clothes. We say they're just shoes. It's all good! He doesn't appear to have discovered heels yet, but it's not unusual for 5 year old girls to have not discovered them either. Time will tell.

    It will become interesting when they face the inevitable dress codes and school uniforms being forced upon young people in public schools these days. I have no children, but I'm opposed to school uniforms as I believe it discourages individuality and flies in the face of the principles our country was founded upon. That's just me..


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