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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. wil,I think those Also are beautiful.

    unfortunately due to my ill health, I have terminal cancer, I. rarely get the opportunity to wear mine any more. but I always look at the postings on hhp

    keep up the good work all you wonderful. guys are doing for our cause.

    if I don't post. any more, you know why.

    I love you all


    absolutely speechless. You're an inspiration muddypaws! Thankyou for all the kind words and advice you've ever given to me :)

  2. it's exciting being out in your heels isn't it hhfan? :) I live in Melbourne and my Girlfriend lives in Sydney so i do the 10hour drive quite often. I always take a pair of heels with me atleast, and on my last drive i put them on everytime i stopped. Seeing people around at these rest stops doesn't bother me hardly at all though as i figure i'm pretty much garauntee'd to never see these people again! although i did have abit of a scare as i was checking facebook on my journey and around 1 hour after i stopped at a McDonalds about 3/4hours outside Melbourne, i saw a group of my friends check in at exactly the same point! haha that could've been interesting! Keep it up anyway, you've taken your first public steps, things can only get better from here on!

  3. Excellent Heelguy, sounds like you had a great day out and about.

    I'm very impressed with the women at the lingerie store, they clearly took the time to observe, comprehend and help without judging. I'd go back to that store just on principle now.

    How did it go in the tax office? All smooth I hope?

    I'm really impressed you've incorporated your heels into your everyday life to fully and would like to believe I (and perhaps many others) would do so too if it wasn't for objecting partners.

    I love the Cherry Betty's, absolutely stunning. Now to find an outfit to wear with them?


    It was a very pleasing day :)

    Me too! i entered the store cautiously, not really knowing what the staff would make of me, but it was great to not only be accepted but for them to not even question why a guy like me was in the store to begin with! i'll definately be going back there many more times!

    The tax office went extremely well, i sat slightly forward with my heels pushed back directly under the seat and the nose of the shoes touching the floor so they were blatently on show, the guy who was doing my tax got up out of his seat and had to walk back in the room past me so there was every opportunity for him to see exactly what i was wearing on my feet, but he also didn't seem bothered, shook his hand as i left and thanked him for his help. I'm not sure and this might not be related at all, but at the time he had Red Hot Chili Peppers playing in the office and i couldn't help but tap my fingers on the desk along to the music because i love the chili's, he obviously did too so he may have felt more at ease knowing that we shared that same interest? more likely that i was just thinking way too deeply about the whole situation :silly:

    Well i knew that if i wore my normal boring everyday guys attire then it would've been one of the most boring days ever, and felt like spicing it up a tiny bit :)

    In regards to your partner objecting, how can she object if she doesn't know you went out in public in your heels? :) I'm very fortunate in that department that my girlfriend is accepting of it and also encouraging!

    Thankyou, Cherry Betty's are a lovely shoe! i think they'd have gone well with the outfit i wore on this little "adventure". I can't imagine them going very well with any of the dresses i have at the moment, so i guess it's an excuse wear them to go for some much needed retail therapy and match them with an outfit (or three :P)

  4. I've had a couple of days off work lately, so being self employed i decided to bite the bullet and go file my tax return! I looked up the company i used last year to do my tax and found that they had an office ALOT closer to home than the one i visited the previous year, so i decided to go to that one. It was a nice sunny day but the breeze was quite cold, so i threw on a pair of skin tight dark denim jeans, a plain grey 3/4 sleeve top which has almost a skirt at the bottom of it which sits half around my bum, and my black ankle booties. This was the first time i've been out in public so local to my area, but it was a wednesday afternoon so i figured anybody i knew would be at work.

    Anyway i drove down to the tax office, parked my car right out the front amd walked up to the door only to see a "back in 5mins" sign. I used to work at a cafe a few stores up so thought i'd go grab a coffee and come back inabit, but as i got near the cafe, i noticed that a new lingerie shop had opened up right next door. I headed inside the lingerie shop to have a browse and i was approached and greeted very by a very friendly middle/older aged woman with a smile and asked if i needed any help "no just browsing at the moment thankyou" i replied. After a few minutes of looking around i noticed the prices of the underwear was CRAZILY cheap! i'm talking $2/3 for a g-banger! (g-string for the non aussie's here :silly:) I approached the desk and said "actually i would like some help" and i asked her if they stocked any shapewear. She led me over to the shapewear which was also $3!! the sizes started from size 12 which i assumed would be too big for me and asked if they have smaller sizes to which she replied no. Another lady who was working in the store (and who i happened to know was the owner of the store as she used to frequent the cafe i worked in next door) approached but i dont think she remembered me, she said that the sizes run pretty small, and the other lady who was helping me took the item off the hanger and held it up to my waist.

    So without me even saying it was for me they knew it straight away and didn't blink an eye which made me feel so relaxed and comfortable. As she held it up to me i looked at it more and decided that it was actually the correct size and bought a few other things too. All the while still strolling around in my black ankle booties.

    By this time the guy was back in the tax office but he still hadn't unlocked the door, so i put my purchases in my car and i walked over to the fully glazed door and knocked. He came straight over and answered the door to me, i wasn't quite sure wether or not he noticed the fact i was wearing high heel boots or not, either way he didn't seem phased! I sat inside the office for around about 30-45mins in my booties.

    I've said it before but i still can't stress enough to any male high heel wearers reading this who dont quite have the courage to take their passion into the public yet, just take the plunge, it REALLY is nothing to hide away from, infact it's more something to be proud of as it portrayes confidence and inner content.

    These are the booties i was wearing if any of you don't recall my previous posts of them :)


    Today I was messeging with my girlfriend while she was on her lunch break (we live in different states for those that haven't followed my thread). She went into a shoe store that was having a closing down sale so all the shoes were cheap as compared to full blown retail prices. She told me that she got a pair of "Tony Bianco Cherry Betty" heels that i know she'd been after for over a year now as everytime we've been together and gone shopping we've looked for them in her size but everywhere's been sold out. They usually Retail at around $160-180AUD, she picked them up today in her size for $70!! as soon as i read that messege i called her up and said "GET ME A PAIR TOO!!!" so she did ^.^ so even though i'm not in possession of them yet, i now own these hot mamma's! these will be the 3rd pair now that me and my girlfriend have matching :)


  5. That's fantastic that you get to wear what you really want to at work and that everyone seems to be accepting of it. Unfortunately i cannot do the same as i work a trade and heels just aren't practical, i need shoes and clothing with a bit of resiliance. Im quite jealous! :irked:

  6. It's one thing to sign up here accusing all male heel wearers as having a "fetish" for shoes, because i certainly do not consider my activities in any way sexually gratifying. Approaching a group and asking for pictures of their feet and shoes for you to get your rocks off to is NOT appropriate at all, and i do not appreciate you taking it to private messeges either and asking for those same pictures. There are many other website's designed for exactly your desire, this is not the place.

  7. Slingfan, You keep referring to your heel wearing as a 'fetish'. Do you find wearing heels to be in someway sexual? I also went through purges as you have, throwing away my heels and trying painfully to disregard any tendancies i had to want to wear them again, but the feelings always come back, so it's just something i accepted as being part of me. I just turned 21 in July and have been living in Aus for over 3 years now, i personally have found that every person i've chosen to trust with my little secret has been accepting of it, alot of the fear of being ridiculed is made up in your head, although there are certain ways to go about telling people. My attitude towards opening up to people in my life has always been to pick out those who i initially think will be most accepting, then do some ground work, try and spark up conversations towards the topic and suss out their opinions, from that point on you can usually tell what their reaction is going to be. I found alot of confidence reading other people's stories and adventures out and about in heels, and thought to myself "well if they can do it, then so can i!" Just remember, you're not doing anything illegal by wearing womens footwear, so you're not doing anything wrong and it is nothing to feel guilty about. I also think that setting yourself goals of where and how far you want to take your heel wearing and what is going to bring you the most satisfaction without shooting yourself in the foot so to speak, ie are you happy keeping your heel wearing a secret or would you like to intergrate it more into your everyday life? this is something that i have done and found helpful when finding myself in heels :irked: Hope that all made sense and you too find who you are in heels!

  8. I mainly always shave my legs, but have waxed them a few times. People's reactions don't bother me, i was once out with friends wearing shorts and one of them shouted to the group "*** shaves his legs!" to which i replied... "no shit" lol he got over it pretty quickly after that and nothing else was said. When i told my dad's fiance about my passion for heels and other clothing, i asked her if she thought anything of it when they all found out i shave my legs and she just said "no not at all, i just thought you liked to groom and keep yourself neat". Seriously guys, shaving your legs is no big deal, if you make an issue of it, other people will too. I work on building site's and ALWAYS wear shorts in summer with my shaven legs, comments are made yes, but take it on the chin and don't make a big deal of it and neither will others :irked: Also, in my personal opinion, i think any guy that wants to wear heels and show abit of leg MUST keep their legs smooth. There is nothing more disgusting than seeing pictures on here of guys wearing their heels and having hairy gorilla legs, it's hideous!

  9. Hi Heelguy,

    we went to an adult shop a year or so ago and she asked if I wanted to try some heels on. I was too nervous and so I didn't, but probably gave it away that I would have like to. If she found out? Well I think she would be good about it, but I get concerned of her tendency to let little secrets out when she drinks, so I probably won't take it further. Just enjoy my hobby privately.

    Ohh you so should'av taken your oportunity and tried them on!! it is daunting to begin with though, but once you get over that it becomes less and less of something you think as being so scary.

    The same goes with her maybe letting your secret out, even if she did tell people about you wearing heels, i dont think their reactions would be bad at all, because the fact that she's telling them this secret and she's good about it would relax their reactions to it abit, and maybe even you could start wearing them out and about with her and the people who know in the future, it may be the perfect excuse to tell her, so she spreads the word without you having to face the person, and ponder over wether to tell them or not!

    Just a thought anyway... :irked:

  10. Thanks hhboots! I really feel like my life in high heels is broadening and is definately something im trying to intergrate with more and more things that i usually wouldn't have the confidence to do, but it's all about being myself and wearing what makes me happy :irked: Never say never, if you put your mind to it, anything is possible, and putting on clothes and going about your business is absolutely nothing to be scared of. You should be as adventurous as your heart wants you to be, you'll love it! Thanks for following my updates! hopefully soon i'll have some more, but for the time being it's all work work work and i'm driving up to Sydney in 9 days to see my girlfriend and be there for her 21st birthday :smile: obviously i'll be taking a pair of heels or 2 along for the journey with me, but wether they'll be put to use and worn is an unknown! I can only cross my fingers that i get the opportunity to!

  11. Clean up time! Tonight i opened my wardrobe door and saw some of my heels sitting there and i found myself wishing that i could fit ALL of my heels in there in some sort of order or display for easy chosing. I also for some reason can't seem to bring myself to trow out the boxes that the shoes come in. I've been thinking lately about building a little shoe display cabinet to go in my wardrobe with open fronted compartments which can snugly fit 1 pair of heels in each. As it was around 8pm tonight i knew i wasn't going to do that, but decided anyway that i needed some sort of order in there and ripped everything out, i had electrical goods, an old suitcase and other misc items sitting in there for no apparent reason. So first of all i filled the suitcase with as much stuff as i could fit in it and put it away neatly in the garage so it was stored for easy access but wouldn't get in the way. I got rid of ALOT of plastic and paper/card bags from shopping trips, old car magazines and some old converse, all of it went in the bin! :irked: I still didn't want to get rid of the boxes that the shoes came in, but knew they were going to take up abit of space, so i tried using them almost as a display-step setup, this also gave me a chance to count how many pairs of heels i've actually accumulated, i counted 13 pairs, i thought it was a higher number than that, but there's always room for more shoes! :smile: I wonder how many of you like to keep your heels neat and how many of you keep the boxes they come in? I didn't think to take a before shot of the mess that was sitting at the bottom of my wardrobe, but here's an after shot of all my shoes placed nicely in there together :smile:


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