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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. Hey Heelguy , yeah that outfit you put together there is really great could be worn by a guy or girl & looks great & more to the idea that clothes are just that, clothes, they don't actually have a gender ,there are just different styles and it takes the individual to put them together into a successful outfit YOU win on this point

    We need to catch up sometime

    cheers malinheels :smile:

    Cheers Mal! we certainly do need a catch up sometime! i was beginning to think you'd disappeared!

  2. Heelguy,

    Wow, great outfit ! How did you find that singlet which is assorted to the shoes ? And what is their color ? Is it brown ?

    Curiously, the most feminine part of your outfit is to me this singlet which let your chest appear more than a regular T-shirt.

    I bought the singlet before i bought the shoes, it's just coinsidence that they're similar in colour. The colour of the singlet is called "wine" and the colour of the shoes is called "cherry".

    I don't tend to consider how feminine the outfits i wear are, if i feel i look good, then i'll wear it :smile:

  3. The weekend just gone was mine and my girlfriend's 2 year anniversary, so she came down to Melbourne so we could be together. A little while ago i posted that she had stumbled across a shoe sale and got us both some heels, original RRP $159.99 she got them for $70! Well she brought them down with her and here they are... :smile: Worn with my black blazer again, a dark red singlet and some khaki jean trousers. Also a bangle just for a little accessory.



  4. To travel to work I wore my black 'trench coat' style jacket and a black trilby hat.

    The first thing that came to mind when i read this was inspector gadget LOL or is your trench coat lined with dodgey knock-off watches? :smile:

    but more seriously, your story was great, the people who work in your office sound wonderful :smile:

  5. Compare the 2 attached images. Kerry Katona and Amy Childs look awful, Daphne Guinness has some semblance of class.

    I actually think Kerry Katona, aside from the facial expression, looks quite nice. Obviously not as classy as the girl next to her, but she doesn't look half as bad as that other thing you posted!

  6. So from what I have seen your outfits look great and fit you well.

    You just plain look great!

    Sounds like your shopping was easy with helpful sales associates.

    Keep us up to date on future shopping experiences.

    Wondered if you had a partner and what their thoughts are of your outfits.

    If you read through this thread then you will see that indeed i have a girlfriend and she does know about the way i dress. She's gotten alot more used to it since i first told her and tells me i look really good :)

  7. I really like your style heelguy! Your outfits and shoes are very well put together! I really like how you wear all your clothes! I can't find a single critique! Keep doing what your doing!

    Thanks so much LuvyourShoes

    There are many things that i could do better when putting my outfits together. At the moment, i really feel like i'm lacking accessories, as i have absolutely none! :/

    i'll just have to sort that out :) any excuse to do more shopping! i hardly get a chance these days...

  8. Heelguy, with your build you could get away wearing almost anything and look good. I'll bet you look amazing in tight jeans as well.

    haha thankyou Shafted!

    Well here's a couple of pics of me in tight jeans.. Judge how i look for yourself :)




  9. it is pretty pathetic that it takes them to be in a car and able to speed off for them to have the balls to shout something. I can almost certainly guarantee you that if they were on foot or if they weren't together, then nothing would have been said! Obviously if something like that happens it's always abit disheartening and puts you off abit, but who cares what these imbosiles think or say, do what makes you happy! I once was walking through a shopping center in my heels when a tall stereotypically dressed tradesman was stood staring at me, he literally couldn't take his eyes off of me and what i was wearing, but when i stared right back at him blatently, he was the one who cowared away and stopped looking, because i was doing absolutely nothing wrong or illegal, he was the one being rude by staring :)

  10. I'd been browsing on the internet at Tony Bianco shoes and saw a satin red pair that i fell in love with! Today i went to try them on in store, the closest store to me is at a shopping center that i used to work at and infact my dad's fiance (who knows about me) works as the manager of the store i used to work in at this center. I drove there wearing nothing exciting, ugg boots, tight jeans and a normal top. Worried about being stopped by anybody who knew me straight away for a chat, i went directly to the TB store. I walked around there and couldn't see these amazing satin red heels i'd seen on their website, but i found them in black, so i asked the lady if they had them in any other colours, she showed me over to a rack filled with only this style of shoes, and to my excitement it read "20% off SALE!" :) Unfortunately they didn't have the red colour that i wanted, but they had black, a nude colour and a champage colour. I tried on both the black and the champagne ones and decided i liked the champagne better, so took them to the counter. While i tried them on there would have been maybe only 3 other people in the store, and there was a young girl around my age that walked right infront of me as i was standing infront of the mirror in these heels and didn't bat an eye lid. The shoes were marked as $90 in the sale, so i was pleased enough as they usually retail for $160! Then as the woman who was serving me put them through, she said "That's $72 then thanks :)" I was like :P bargainnnnnn!! haha so that made me even more pleased with my purchase :silly: I went and said hi to my dad's fiance who was working and showed her the shoes i'd just bought, she said she absolutely loves them but would never be able to wear them as she struggles with heels that are quite high I carried on having a look around the center and i'd completely forgotten that a friend of mine that i met when she was working at Payless shoes, now works at the quicksilver store in this very center. I made my way there and saw her standing near the front of the store, went in and had a nice chat with her, caught up breifly and showed her my purchase, when she had to run off and help out some customers. I thought i'd have a quick browse around the store while she was busy, and noticed a skirt that was up on a manikin. When my friend came back over, i asked her where they were and she showed me, she got me a size 8 and size 10 and i asked if i could try them on. "Sure! :) let me know if you need a different size" so i took them into the changing room to try them on. They both seemed like they'd be too tight for me before i actually tried on the 8 first and it was atually a little big :/ I asked her if she had a size 6 but they didnt, as the skirt wasn't TOO big, i decided to buy it anyway! After buying the skirt we said our goodbye's and i carried on walking around. I came back to the Tony Bianco store, and in a store opposite, i saw a very cute black and red dress, so i went in and had a look around. It was moderately busy, around 5 or so women browsing around in the small store. I grabbed 2 dresses and took them to one of the Sales Assistants and asked to try them on, I was pleasantly suprised at how un-phased and almost pleased that me, a guy, wanted to try this stuff on. It definately makes me feel alot more comfortable and confident! As i was in the changing room the woman came upto my door and asked if i needed a hand with sizes, to which i replied no thankyou, i'm fine! The one dress i tried was wayy too small and the other was actually really nice, a singlety style dress, with a tight skirted section, but unfortunately i found the skirted section was just a little bit see-through :/ so ended up not purchasing either! And that was my day today! :) Here's a couple of pics of the shoes and the skirt i got, i think they go quite well together, especially with my bright pink toes!



  11. Had yet another day off of work so decided to use the time to check out a local nail salon that i'd previously been into, anyway i made the 5-10min drive there wearing my leopard heels, grey jean-shorts that expose my legs just above the knee so i didn't have to wear trackie pants and roll them up for the pedi. I wore a black round neck top and a black blazer. There were no parking spots right out front of the nail salon itself, so i had to park just across from it and walk the 20 seconds or so it took to get there, this involved crossing the carpark where the car's drive and it was pretty busy! but as far as i know i got no strange looks. I walked into the salon and was greeted by a caucasian lady with a smile and asked me how can she help. I said "i've just come in for a pedicure :)" and she asked me to pick a colour and take a seat wherever i liked. I chose a very bright fluro pink and headed over to the pedicure/massage chairs and sat myself directly infront of the television that was hanging on the wall. There were only 2 or 3 other ladies in the salon at the time getting manicures, so i felt almost high up and on display sitting in the big leather chairs. During my pedi a couple of other ladies came in for various things, 2 for pedicures and they sat either side of me. This didn't bother me at all, and apart from the occasional glance they gave me it didn't seem to phase them either. I saw a couple of big brawly kiwi tradies walk past the window and look in, im not sure if they saw me sitting there at all, but it definately made me feel conscious! Anyway before i knew it my pedicure was done and i slipped into the foam thongs that they provide for you so the nail polish can properly dry, after paying and thanking the asian lady who did my pedicure i walked back to my car with my heels in my hand and headed home! :) Pretty uneventful but it got me out of the house and wearing my heels for a short amount of time, and now i have pretty toes! :) haha Here's a picture of the outfit i wore, it's pretty bland and boring, and i would not wear the jean-shorts out as an everyday item, they were just practical for the pedicure


  12. Do any of you guys have girlfriends or significant others? If so, what have their reactions been like?

    My girlfriend initially accepted it well, took her a little while to get used to, but now i think she's pretty much over the shock factor of it. We'll go out in public together wearing heels at some point, we just haven't had the opportunity to as we live in different states. She buys me heels and i buy her heels so it works well :)

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