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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. These are the heels that i bought just before Christmas, i bought a pair for myself and a pair for my girlfriend :fine:

    They're Steve Madden Parfait in Purple, so cute! XD

    Sorry about the link, HHP won't let me attach the picture in 2 separate threads :/



    Thanks heels are me! Yea i got them from the latest Steve Madden Store that's opened up at Chadstone, the girl that helped me there was SO nice, she said that when she saw me walk in wearing my heels she wanted to be the one to serve me because everybody else she'd served was boring! :fine: Thanks, the leggings are called "black rats" and they're by sass and bide. haha yes i have seen the new Tuscan heels by Tony Bianco, i actually posted a picture of them on the Tony Bianco Facebook a month or so before they came out asking what style they were because i want them! :wave: They're a 6.1 inch heel but the arch height would be no higher than 4/4.5 inches because of the large hidden platform

  2. Heelguy,

    First, thank you for answering my post. I don't want to hurt you in any way.

    Please forgive me about the misuse of "boy", english is not my native language. :smile:

    I agree with you, wearing heels or any outfit doesn't mean that you are weak and helpless.

    Also I have no idea where you live. I used to take subway and suburbs trains every day, going late to side stations after work or shopping, and though nothing happened to me, I have seen a number of things I would prefer I had not, or I were able to help. This made me understood why many women stick to classic and comfy outfits, while they could and would like to wear much pretty ones.

    That's okay, danielp6404 explained the language difference to me and all is clear now :wave:

    I live in the suburbs and never ever use public transport, i always drive wherever i go, I grew up in a not-so-friendly city in England, so now i'm living in Melbourne, Australia, although we still have crime here just like any other city, i don't walk out of my front door anymore having to look over my shoulder in fear of who may be there! People here are so much nicer and friendlier than where i spent the first 17 years of my life

  3. Sorry to wake you up, boy.

    Your dad is not only concerned by other people bothering you because they don't accept your choice of clothes .

    A person alone, ankward, and slow, is always an easier target, especially in the dark, regardless of the gender.

    Now you are not going at war everyday, but I personnaly would never let my clothes neither prevent me from moving fast and precisely (no pain, etc.), nor having features easyly grabbed (purse, etc.)


    Please don't refer to me as "boy". It's very rude. You wouldn't call me that in real life, what makes you think you can here?

    You might think wearing heels makes me an easier target, but lets see how far you get with a 5 inch heel driven into your eye socket if you even so much as touch me. I'm out minding my own business, doing nobody harm, so should you, you know?

    You sound like you're living your life in fear if your outfit decision is decided on how fast and precise you're able to move or get out of trouble, you must have alot of enemies?

    What a buzzkill :/

  4. hey heelguy looks like things have been going really well for you ;) and congrats on telling your dad, thats a huge thing.

    I dont seem to come on here much now days (seem to be to busy with work and friends) but every time I come on I always seem to find my self reading your stories. your a huge insperation to guys who are shy about heels, I wouldnt have even had a go at wearing heels in public if it wasnt for you :smile:

    oh and if you dont mind me askin u said u had a pic of you car on your wall with your gf, so im asuming ur into your car, and also having 1 point on your licence says it :wave: what do you drive??

    Im a bit of a rev head myself and I've had a few modded cars. I love turboed imports and at the moment im driving an R33 nissan skyline, and I find it funny as I keep my heels in the boot of my car. and at times I think if only the people looking at my car knew I had a boot full of heels :P

    oh and i must admit here in brisbane at some of the car meets ive been to at night I've seen some awsome looking girls in the sexiest heels :silly:

    Thanks so much for the compliments and i'm glad you can take inspiration from reading all about my life in heels :smile: you got pm

  5. hey everyone, hope you all had a fantastic christmas and new years! mine was pretty standard, spent it with my gf, nothing really heel related happened at all. But, my gay friend that i go to the gay clubs with messeged me and a few other friends of ours on facebook through the week organizing a little catch up, we planned to meet up at our local macdonalds car park and then see what goes on from there. Only 1 other of the people invited said that he would make it, but he is a good friend of mine that i hang out with socially pretty much since i've been in Aus. He's a very typical male figure, but in my mind from the few years i've known him, seems pretty accepting of people. I decided that i wanted to wear heels to this little meet up to make it a little more exciting, so i wore my leopard print closed toe heels with a pair of skin tight black jeans, a white singlet with a silhouette print of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Terminator on it and a black blazer, i quite liked the outfit even if i do say so myself! :wave: Anyway.. i ended up being around 20 minutes late for this meet up, but no drama's, i let them know i was running late. As i was nearing the maccas i could feel my heart racing and my head screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" but i pulled into the car park and though "ahh well it's too late now!" So i parked up, got out of the car, walked over to my friends who were standing there, one of them already knew about my dress sense and the other having no idea, i greeted him and shook his hand like usual, he looked me up and down and when he saw my leopard heels was in absolute shock! He went very quiet for around the next 30 minutes not saying much at all, i was quite concerned i'd just ruined a friendship, but slowly he started asking me all the usual questions and seemed to become abit more relaxed and himself again. As the night wore on we decided to go cruise up and down the local highway as every friday night that's where all the hotted up cars go and drag race illegally :P my friend didn't wanna drive and i only have 1 point left on my license so he ended up driving my car and i was passenger. We were having good talks about my heels and stuff in the car and by the end of the night he really didn't seem to be bothered by it at all and said "i dont give a f dude, it doesn't bother me" which although crude, was actually very pleasing to hear :smile: Anyway speak of the devil i'm heading off out with him now so i'll cut it short Heelguy

  6. Can you please tell us how you compare your CL's with other shoes having a similar style ?

    Are they (really) more comfortable ? Do they fit (much) better ?

    Is-it really worth to spend the extra money for them or you pay only for the name ?

    Well i dont own any, i just tried them on in store, but they felt absolutely amazing on my feet! like they were made around my foot.

    With a sensible head, i'd probably say it wasn't worth paying the extra for them, but with a lustful head for them, i'd totally indulge in as many pairs of them as i could afford as they're to die for! :smile:

  7. I tried on my first pair of CL's the other day and they fit me perfectly! the only thing i will say is that although the red sole looks incredibly pretty, it is definately the slippiest sole i have ever walked on!

  8. Update on the situation with the old man: We had a sit down and a chat outside earlier, he turned to me and said he's struggling to get his head around the whole thing, even got called into his bosses office as he let out some steam at a customer that he looks after. His boss asked him what was going on as he went into work p'd off on monday and did this today. He ended up telling his boss the whole thing and his boss basically said "wow, that's huge, but it could be worse, he could be a drug addict". So we're chatting tonight, seems his main concern is me being beaten up when out in public, i told him not to worry as 99% of people who won't accept how i'm dressed will just stare and MAYBE make a remark, but that's ever as far as anybody's game enough to take it. Forgive me but this happened only an hour ago Max and i'm a little bit hazey right now... We chatted for around 45mins, then came back inside and he went to the living room and i came to my room to talk to my girlfriend on the phone. I don't know how it happened but i ended up in tears :/ so i told my girlfriend i'd call her back. I walked into the kitchen and called me dad in, he asked why (i think he thought i was gunna be standing there in a dress and heels or something but i wasn't). As he walked in my eyes were already completey bright red and i just said "can i have a hug?" as soon as i put my arms around him i just burst out in tears AGAIN! i couldn't hold it back! it was so strange... I said to him that if i'd have known before that it was going to stress him out and affect his work then there is no way i would have told him, also that he doesn't need to worry and that i just don't want him to hate me for it He said that he can't help but worry and that he could never hate me for this and that he loves me more than anything. Anyway i can feel myself tearing up again so i'll leave it there, just keeping you all up to date with what's going on and how the situation is panning out

  9. Thanks for the feedback and comments everyone :smile: I'm very relieved that he knows now, i don't feel like i'm hiding anything at all anymore which is an awesome feeling :penitent: To anybody who suggested lower heels, thanks, but no thanks :smile: I like 5" heels the best, the way they feel and look is in my opinion, perfect!

  10. Well i haven't updated in a while, I've been so busy leading up to Christmas with work and organising to go and spend the holidays with my girlfriend up in Sydney that i haven't had a chance to slip into a pair of heels and really do anything! Well, on Saturday 10th December 2011, I conquered the biggest fear i ever imagined facing. The day was just like any other day, i worked up until around 1pm, got home, did nothing, lazed about, my parents got home, they were getting ready to go out to a fancy dress party that night, when my dad asked me to order pizza for us so they could eat before they went out. I usually keep my room very private in order to keep all my dress's and heels and such hidden from him, but on Saturday i had 3 pairs of heels just sitting on a small little table/drawer thing i have next to my computer desk. My dad opened my door and i was talking to him but it wasn't open enough for him to see the heels so i wasn't phased. I have a couple of pictures of my car hanging up on my wall in a small frame, and wedged inside the frame i have a picture of my girlfriend from when she was around 6-7years old. He asked me who it was in the picture and i told him it's my girlfriend, i walked back into my room to grab the picture down to show him. To my absolute HORROR he followed me into my room and as soon as he did i went white cold knowing my heels were practically right infront of his face! He turned to me and said "jeez you've even got her shoes here! or are they yours?" For some reason, the idea to lie and say they were hers didn't even cross my mind, i just came straight out with "nope, they're mine" to which he replied "oh, they match the ones i have" This confused me a little as i didn't know wether he just shrugged it off and took it really well, or wether he thought i was joking. So about 5 minutes later while still discussing what pizza we were ordering, i said to him "you know i wasn't joking about those shoes before right? They're actually mine" He looked at me all confused and said "what do you mean? :S" i repeated myself and he replied with the usual "you're messing with me, i'm dreaming this!" After a minute or two of me telling him over and over that i was serious, he started to realise this was the real deal, i told him that it's not just the heels that i wear, it's everything. He asked a few questions which were pretty predictable, mainly background on my interest in this type of clothing etc etc He said "so you know what i'm gunna ask now right?" I said "Am i gay? NO." He said "well not so much gay, but bi?" I said "still no, i have no inclination of being any other sexuality but straight" He took it really well and said to me "i don't care what you do, you're still my son" but as we were eating said "I don't think i'd be comfortable seeing you dressed up just yet". Which is fair enough, i'm just glad i don't have to hide it anymore and it feels like such a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. He was the only person in the whole world that i feared about telling or him knowing. Needless to say, i'll be alot more open with it now than i was before, as now my dad knows, his fiance knows (i live with them) and my girlfriend knows. Anybody else knowing i couldn't really care about what they think! so it doesn't bother me :smile: Anyway there is still more! The next day i had off work to get all my Xmas shopping done, i was heading up to Chadstone which i'm pretty sure is the biggest shopping center in Australia (If not Victoria atleast). I knew i was going to visit the new Steve Madden Store there and didn't wanna walk in dressed as a boy because i can't really get a feel for the shoes when im wearing looser jeans and in more of a boy-look. So i wore my skinny denim jeans, a plain black womens top and my Cherry Betty Tony Bianco's. I hadn't been out in heels in such a public and busy place before, but after the day before, i wasn't feeling nervous at all really! It'd been such a long time since i'd been in heels for a prolonged amount of time, my calves were killing me only 10minutes in! Now, i've walked around chadstone probably 10 times when in nike high tops and it doesn't seem far at all, but i'm telling you, after 3 laps of this place, i'm starting to realise just how big it is when you're wearing 5" heels!!!! LOL As usual i got plenty of looks, but carrying myself well and holding my head high in confidence just going about my business, nobody bothered to comment, and if they did i wasn't within hearing distance. Coming up to the end of my shopping i had atleast 8 bags full of xmas gifts and i was pulling a brand new suitcase along as i need one for my coming trip to Sydney! i had about 200 metres walk to the carpark were my car was parked, my feet and toes were hurting so badly i didn't think i could make it, i literally thought i was going to have to do the walk-of-shame in broad daylight and barefoot it :/ Earlier on i'd been into the new Steve Madden store and purchased a couple of pairs of heels for me and my girlfriend and had a very good experience with one of the sales staff, but i forgot to get her name, so as it wasn't far past the carpark, i decided to go back in and ask her name, once i'd done that she told me to head back and see her the next time i was there! My shopping adventure had come to an end and the second i got back into my car the heels came off and i threw on my comfy ugg boots! :smile: lol

  11. Daily - its a new Mazda6 TDi, 50mpg business rep-mobile.

    At weekends, currently a tuned Mitsubishi Legnum VR4 (2.5L V6 Twin Turbo 4wd estate rocket).

    My excuse is that if you want to get from A to B, with your family, mates, shopping etc, safely, in any weather (and let's face it, British weather is unpredictable), then it is the ultimate type of car to have as a back-up. I would only improve it by having a Merc C63 or Audi RS6, but then I would worry about getting it dirty!

    I love the sound those 6A13TT's make! I've always said that the day i have my own family, i'll definately be buying a legnum VR4 Wagon. But in saying that, Mitsubishi also made the Evo 9 Wagon too, and although it was only brought out in japan, i'd only have to own it in japan for 12 months before i could bring it over here to aus :smile:

    Chuck a pic up of the legnum! I drive a mitsu lancer coupe, it's a slug but i love it

  12. Wore heels in public before i bought heels at a shoe store. I wore heels out one night when i was living back in the UK, i had a pair of heels my aunty threw out and when nobody was around i rumaged through the bin liner full of the shoes she was throwing out and grabbed them :smile: They were black closed toe pumps that fully exposed the majority of the foot with a backing peice and ankle strap. I wore them with a Brown pleated skirt as i went for a walk down a few dark streets in my area! It was actually probably quite a dangerous thing to do looking back on it now.. :/ The first pair of heels i ever bought was when i moved to Aus in 2008, They're my black suede Miss Shop pumps i got from Myer

  13. ilikekicks, it sounds like you handled a negative situation very well. There is a fine line when arguing a point, i think it's very important that when facing people who aren't open to the idea of us guys wearing the girls stuff that we don't come off as being too defensive, as that can just make the other person even more irate and become stubborn in their point. Your reply was well worded, not too aggressive, but blunt in it's point hopefully leaving them with not much more to say

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