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Posts posted by Cali

  1. If you going to wear open toe sandals you need to have nice nails.  If they look at your feet, and they will, nasty looking toes will distract.

    Most of the time I have my toes done at a salon, in fact tomorrow is my next appointment. I get a leg and foot massage with it.  Its not easy for me to do a pedicure and takes me hours to do it right.

    I would suggest you go to a salon at least once and watch how they do things.  This will help you to learn how to do it yourself.

    Nice Gladiator sandals.

  2. My hip has hurt ever since that injury, and I have been on pain killers ever since.  Over a decade later, I had a very large tear in my calf.  They wanted me to raise my heel 3-4 inches to heal.  But because of the previous injury, I had to raise both heels the same height.  So I told the doctor I was going to try high heels and he only said "no stilettos."   That afternoon I went to a DSW and got my first 4 inch heels.  Put them on that night and I could walk (1 minute to learn my balance).  While I was in heels my friends noticed I wasn't complaining about my hip.  Six months later, I tried to go back to my regular shoes (1.5 to 2 inch heels and running shoes) but my hip pain returned.  I have been in heels ever since.  My hip will tell me when I haven't been in heels long enough.

    But that's why I can be so bold about wearing heels almost everywhere, I really have no choice.  If I'm going to wear heels, I might as well enjoy and have fun with it.

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  3. I had a major injury years ago, spent significant time in hospitals and years recovering. I'm held together with many pieces of titanium.  My "pain" comes from a bone spur from that injury that they don't want to go in and fix.

    Years ago I determine that my knee and ankle problems came from ill-fitting men's shoes.  Men's shoes just are NOT designed for my feet.  I've had very little problems since I switched to women's shoe. My orthopedic doctors agree that I need to have at least a 2.5 inch heel too.

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Puffer said:

    Given the obvious platform and the apparent heel height, you are not getting your required 4"+ rise with these, surely?

    You are right, only 3.75 inch difference, which is the lowest end, but on a rainy day these are keep me from slipping.  I'm not particularly happy with that uneasy feeling you get when your stilettoes start to slip on the wet polished floor.

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  5. Went into my local small shoe boutique today.  They have been have troubles getting heels in, delays, delays.  They even started to sell some clothes because they couldn't get their shoe orders.  Today when I entered the manager came right over and showed me that they finally got in some heels.  What they had in my 4 inch ranged was the Soda Agenda in black.  I have the burgundy version (see below) and I decided to get the black too.  These Agendas are easy to walk in and great for the winter and wet.

    She complimented me on my Christmas pedicure - a dark red with stripes in gold glitter. She then bought over some new Madden stiletto sandals they also got.  When she tried them on earlier she didn't have the pedicure you need to have to go with them, like mine.  LOL

    We talked about what they should be getting in during the next month and what I am looking for next - replace my high heel sandals. 


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    20 minutes ago, Shyheels said:

    I had an uncle like that too - he insisted I had to wear a tie to church. I was about twelve at the time. I showed up grinning wearing a tie - and a T-shirt. He flipped his lid and right there on the church steps yelled something wholly inappropriate, much worse form than my tie and T-shirt combo…

    You could have worn it as a belt.

  7. When I was 8, I had an uncle who believed that you had to have a suit and tie on to open Christmas presents on Christmas morning. So my dad got these t-shirts for opening presents Christmas morning one year when we were visiting. My dad and my uncle had different views of life.



  8. 4 hours ago, SF said:

    Interesting.....   Fashion trends change as we all know. Heck I still have some paisley print shirts in the closet and I am waiting for a comeback.  Within the past few weeks I have also seen articles in print and on the net talking about men wearing heels, and to a lesser degree even dresses and skirts.   

    @SF 1969 called, they want their paisley shirts back. I still have a few too.  But those prices are outrageous.

    I have been telling my friends I'm a "trend setter" with my heels and other things I wear.  Now I have proof!😉

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  9. You need to give more information because size matters in availability.

    What size are you?

    How high of a heel?

    You seem to really like pumps? Is this the style you want to wear?

    I might wear designer heels now and then, but none were design for men.

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