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Posts posted by Cali

  1. Today I decided to wear my new Soda booties to go shopping at Costco. They are a little stiff, so I need to break them in over a few days.  Nothing too memorable until I was leaving.  The “checker” at the door told me, “oh, I see you have new heels today, I like them.”

    Good comment but this checker has told me before that she recognize by my heels and I don’t need to show my card to go in.

    While I was loading my car a woman surprise me when she stopped and told me how much she liked my heels. So, it seems it was a good purchase. And inexpensive too!

    black sodahh.JPG

  2. The understatement of the year has been awarded to 

    1 hour ago, Rockpup said:

    A friend suggested shorter shorts with heels, as it’s often a bit warm for jeans or pants in south Florida. I do think I was noticed a lot more than when wearing long pants.

    As a short with heels wearer I can tell you that your heels certainly will get noticed more when you have shorts on. And even more so when you wear very short shorts.

    Add waxed legs (I tape them up with k-tape for certain activities) and manicured toes and that notice rate goes up.

  3. Will they notice?

    Of course some will notice while others will have their attention on their phones.

    Last week I was riding an elevator with a load of luggage I was taking to my car. Around the 9th floor a guy got on and I could tell he saw my wedges and want to say something. So I said "yes, they are high heels." We talked a bit as we continued down.

    Then another day last week, I was leaving the post office and an older woman was walking towards the post office. Her head was down looking at the ground. When she got closer, she saw (again) my wedges and looked up with a shocked look. I almost bust into laughter, but didn't, just kept moving on.

    So people will notice.

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