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Everything posted by Shyheels

  1. Those are very nice! I love ankle boots and these are very elegant in their simplicity
  2. Yes, that's quite a presentable style - a welcome break from the usual monstrous offerings for men
  3. Not at all!!! Entirely understandable. You struck it lucky in finding a life partner - and I don’t mean anything to do with heels but partner in the fullest richest sense of the word. That’s so rare
  4. That's a nice story, candid and well-told - and, professionally speaking, a very nice piece of writing as well. I know you were a pilot but you clearly have a gift for writing.
  5. Yes having strong flexible ankles helps - I did lots of fencing in my youth and have retained a lot of that flexibility in my ankles ( probably thanks to many many thousand of miles of cycling since then )
  6. Other than a few broad tips, such as walking heel to toe, it’s mainly a matter of practice which is why so many of the videos seem to say the same thing
  7. Yes own the look and nobody will care
  8. I never see any other guy in heels but just this afternoon I had a girl compliment me on my knee boots
  9. I see more heels now that I'm in the north of England
  10. Mind you, these days it doesn't have to be heels that meet that definition of not meant to be walked in. I bought a pair of midrange hiking boots from an outdoors shop a couple of years ago and they lasted about a month of what would be very modest walking, and around town at that. When I complained I was told that they were not designed for that kind of 'heavy use". I probably had ten miles on them....
  11. I can't say I know anyone who wears heels either - although in my odd little off-grid world wearing heels would be a drawback ...
  12. Sounds like a great result from the meeting! As a boot wearer I never suffer from those problems with boot cut jeans - I can well imagine it would be irritating
  13. I agree with @Bubba136 I think he’s given some very sound advice
  14. As a freelance I have the good fortune to work from home and so can wear what I please. My wife, who does not wear heels, neither approves nor strongly disapproves - she seems to consider it a reasonably excusable foible on my part. I do not wear heels out on assignment, mainly because the remote places I tend to go they'd be utterly inappropriate, if not dangerous, footwear. Also in the past year I've been living off-grid in circumstances where heels would be almost comically inappropriate footwear whether you were man or woman. But when I am put and about I do wear lower heeled knee boots (with sturdy soles) just about everywhere. And when I'm at my desk, in my home office, heels are definitely part of my office dress code!
  15. You're doing fine now. I know I could certainly lift my game - indeed wearing heels has helped with that.
  16. I have issues with my back having had surgery on my L4/L5 vertebrae some years ago- wearing a belt is not helpful. You’d think it might be supportive but it’s not
  17. What an interesting pic! Nice boots. Just the look and style I like to present
  18. I made several trips up there in the course of the assignment/ four or five /about a week or so each time, between February and August. I travelled all over up there from Tromsø to a tiny speck of an island called Røst. It was really interesting
  19. I woukd say it was the colours and overall brightness of your outfit that attracted their notice - the heels were merely the finishing touch. i would not say your shoes were outrageous in the least. And I too would call that shade magenta
  20. Happy Birthday - I hope it is a good one
  21. That’s true as regards sizing. Another good thing about going custom is that size no longer becomes an issue - I have bigger feet than yours and had no problems - but it was expensive. Ghstd one of the good things about the late Shoes of Prey - their sizes went up to a UK11 or 12 Long Tall Sally occasionally have large sizes but very few heels unfortunately
  22. I’m quite a fan of chunky heels of 7cms or so and have several pair. Like you I do not care for statement style and like you I want something nice. I have a very nice pair of chunky heeled ankle boots from Shoes of Prey which, unfortunately went out of business a few years ago. You may find some on eBay though, The others I have - taller boots - are from Jean Gaborit, a custom maker in France, considerably more expensive than high street offerings they are beautifully made and will last for ages and fit beautifully too. They have a wide range of styles and a good selection of low and mid-heel boots. As I say they are custom made so will take a few weeks but are well worth the time and cost if you can afford it. I take the view that I’d rather have one really nice pair than ten ordinary ones
  23. You certainly got some very good use out of them! Worth keeping them just for the memories
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