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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. quite right about the feelings in a non-platform shoe. But I would have to ask this... who really wears high heels on such poor surfaces that it would hurt? (sure a sharp small stone on a concrete path can hurt).. and I have learnt that in very high heels I need to get all the surface feedback from under me, so that I can avoid mishaps - the very feedback which a platform disguises - do you not feel less control with a platform? The beauty of a non-platform stiletto heel is you can rock your shoe from side to side better, they also have flex in the toes, wheras a lot of platforms have limited flex and weigh less. Its the stiletto heel that I enjoy wearing and I can't feel it in a platform...

    You have a good point, but on the odd occasion I have felt a sharp stone or had to walk on rough/uneven surfaces in a non-platform, it was not too fun. It's just more 'surface feedback' than I prefer. :smile:

    I suppose I just have become used the feel of mini-platforms and feel most confident in them. Specifically, I like plats about 3/4" or less, otherwise if higher than that I think I do lose stability and can more easily wobble off balance. Additionally, I tend to more often choose to buy boots with heels that are a bit thicker than stilettos (1" or thicker). With the larger upper body I have, it just looks and feels right to me and I can walk more gracefully in them.

    Don't get me wrong, non-platforms and stiletto heels are very sexy, especially on the right body type. Based on the pictures I have seen of you, you seem to be slender, and I think those are right for you... and fortunately, there are near-infinite choices to meet all of our individual preferences, right? :wave:

  2. Well, I have a few very comfortable pairs of 5" boots with a mini-platforms (1/2"), that I can walk in for hours, but since they technically do have a small platform, I would say 4.5" is my non-platform limit. I've really come to like small platforms more than no platforms as they just seem to be more comfortable for longer walks, etc. I feel that is because since you are putting all of your weight onto the front of the foot and with the tiny amount of material between you and the ground in non-platforms, you feel the ground, every rock, bump, uneven surface, and so on. For that, I don't even buy zero platforms shoes anymore, plus my feet look too tiny in zero platforms. :smile:

  3. Like many people these days, I really want to lose weight. But more so, as I really want to be comfortable to wear more adventurous things out. I am really pleased with my body from the waist down, but my mid-section, really just aggravates me. I so much want to wear more exciting freestyle outfits out like many here on this forum have done, but with my current bodyshape, I feel I would just look like a complete idiot. So ya, thats my top priority for 2012 more so than any other year in my life. :smile:

  4. Is it really that important and a requirement for you to find a woman that only wears 5-6" heels? I mean seriously... you would leave a woman that refuses to wear over 4" heels? I agree that a woman in very high heels is a wonderful sight to see, and I would be very happy to be with someone that wants to spend her days in them. However, it just is not practical for most women to spend all day in 5"+ heels. You try spending more than 10 minutes, much less a whole day in heels like that and see how productive you are. I mean get real. I am not trying to bash you, but just hoping that you open your eyes. If you find a woman that is willing to spend her days in 3-4" heels, be happy with that as I am happy with my wife. She rarely wore heels before meeting me, but now wears 3-4" heels because she knows I love them, and I am very very happy with her doing that. I would never insist that she wears 5" or higher heels all day, because I have tried to spend several hours walking in 5"+ heels, and it just is not that practical or remotely comfortable. So anyway, hopefully you don't take my post the wrong way, but please be realistic and look for a woman that you like for her personality and sure, her looks, too. Make those your top priority, not requiring her to wear extreme heels, that's just sillly.

  5. Pretty nice article/blog, and a very open minded author. I like most of the photos & video she chose to use as well. Many of those we've seen elsewhere, but just more tastefully put together in my opinion.

  6. Sandal wearing is over at work so I changed things up a bit and went with black this time, foregoing the more conservative french style. I am also sporting my Kenneth Cole Unlisted strappy sandal heels that I have never worn.

    I don't often compliment guys' feet lol... but you do have nice feet, and the color and the sandals work well together on you.

  7. Have done all of the above (epilating, deplitory, wax, shaving) but most often fall back to using the razor out of convenience and I have to say that the absolute best razor I have ever used is the Gilette Venus razor. I get zero razor burn, it produces the smoothest skin, longest lasting shaving results, and it is almost impossible to cut yourself with it unless you do something blatently wrong (so its perfect for the private parts too). It makes frequent shaving a breeze. Anyway, just wanted to add my 2 cents since some are recommending various other razors. I've even used this razor on my face, and it just beats anything else I've used before. Hmm, that sounded like some kind of marketing there... lol :smile:

  8. Thank you heelguy for sharing with us about your dad as well as the touching update. Its horrible that we're programmed from an early age to feel like we must fit into these silos defined by society. That we automatically feel bad as though we are doing something wrong by having this in our lives. I never did tell my parents sadly, but I am greatful that I did share it with my wife and that she is so understanding and supportive. I wish you the best with your dad and hope that he's truly moved beyond the stress he was feeling and can be completely at ease with it in the future. You shouldn't feel bad about this experience. It is who we are, and there is nothing wrong with it... you did nothing wrong.

  9. I drive in heels very often, but rarely in heels over 5". I know I can manage driving in higher heels pretty easily, but if it reduces my ability to control the pedals in an emergency where I need to respond immediately, even if by just a small amount, that is unacceptable... but I have total confidence and it pretty much feels natural driving in heels under 5", so I'll keep right on doing that.

  10. There are times I feel pretty darn guilty about all the money I've spent on heels and think to myself "what the heck am I doing... why do I keep doing this?" But, then I remember how good I feel wearing them and that there would be a gaping hole in my life without them. I guess I really just wish I had better control of my spending when it comes to heels. I mean when I realized recently that my shoe collection is now more than 3 times larger than my wife's, that is when the guilt really kicks in. :smile: Anyway, no, I don't think I ever want to give this up.

  11. A couple of years back, I posted some youtube videos here with me walking around in 4.5" (with .75" platform) slingback wedge heels. After seeing this thread and looking back on those videos, I think I walk pretty close to what I normally would walk like, but perhaps I might look a bit odd to others?

    Note, I am holding a phone camera aimed at myself and its hard to walk too smooth while doing that, here is one of the videos, for example: http://www.youtube.com/user/hhshoeguy#p/u/1/j0anuLTA9v4

  12. I have been a seasonal bare-legged guy for a few years now (as mentioned in other threads). I do bare legs about 8 months of the year, then keep my leg hair well groomed during shorts season. This year, I finally just went for it and wore shorts with bare legs for about the last half of summer. Surprisingly (only to me I suppose), most people didn't seem to care or notice. I got a few 'looks' from people at work, but no comments. I think my co-workers pretty much expect the unexpected from me now. I still won't do heels (beyond 2.5") at work, but I do push the boundaries in many ways (women's jeans / shorts and often androgynous footwear, etc).

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