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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Hi All, I was looking at the shoe and boots on Nordstrom's website and came across a couple of new versions of "Shoes of Prey" popular styles that are now being sold through a large fashion  chain. What is really nice to visually see is that the size selection is really good for anyone with a larger foot (as it always has been with SoP). This allows any one up to size 49 EU to get some heels, so guys and gals with larger sizes here is a source for you. The process is easy and you get design your own shoes from the their website or buy from a couple of styles online from Nordstrom. I recently ordered a pair that will come in by May, it has been on my wish list for some time now.  Here are 2 links, Shoes of Prey have been in business now since 2009 in Sydney Australia.




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  2. ANDROgenius

    Okay, you have got the styles I so like, you have nailed them so well. So I would have to agree "genius" you are. I have been looking for clothing just like and it is a very difficult to find here in Canada. Thanks for giving names and styles of the items you show. The 2 pair of boots are fabulous, good choices. You have a great way of putting things together, love the scarfs s well, certainly completes the looks. I appreciate your sharing and showing of the outfits!


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  3. Both of you have added much to the confidence and courage for many of us to just go and try getting outside of one's comfort zone. I thank both of you for sharing and encouraging the rest of us to just do it. What really helps is seeing how you put heels together with outfits to show "Dressed well in heeled shoes and boots". Keep going Jeff!

    Thanks for being you!

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  4. Hi Kneehighs,

    Thanks for the article, really interesting stuff. I feel that the tides are turning for sure, but what I hope to see and be part of is that even the older generations...ie 40-60 and more will be included as part of the change that is expressed. Yes the younger have the spotlight at the moment, but certainly folks like you, JeffB, ThighBootguy, 6Wish and others have been so inspirational we will get there I am sure. The words Gvasaliia spoke could not ring truer, very moving and inspirational..

    Thanks for your long list of articles, updates and links..so good!

    2 hours ago, kneehighs said:

    US VOGUE: Marc Jacobs Is Doing It. So Is Stefano Pilati. Men in Womenswear Is Not Just a Runway Gimmick

    Seems like the high fashion world supports "fashion freestyling" Cool article 

    "That’s often the draw of womenswear for adventurous male customers: Regardless of the runway statement, the clothes that wind up on the shop floor for her end up being far more exciting than what’s on offer for him."  

    "It’s ultimately about freedom in dress—a freedom that’s markedly expressed by a younger generation, by fashion fans like the 17-year-old Smith, who doesn’t seem to care if he’s wearing shorts or a skirt, and designers like Shayne Oliver of Hood By Air, who is 27 and shows men and women in skirts, hose, high heels, and everything in between. Oliver feels gender isn’t an issue when designing his collections, which appears to have struck a chord with guys who, finally, don’t seem too hung up on which side a jacket fastens on, if they like it enough.

    I’m always struck by the words of Gvasalia: “It’s just clothes.” So why not just enjoy them, whether they’re in the men’s or ladies’ department?"


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  5. Hi Bigfoot15,

    Yes hosiery is my choice to wear with all my heeled footwear.  As Steve said, helps prevent blisters and allows a better fit with the shoe. I only wear socks with the odd pair of boots that fit a little big, after many years of wearing pantyhose, knee highs and stockings I prefer them over any socks. Yes agreed it has improved my experience with wearing heeled footwear and even non heeled shoes. I concur with HappyinHeels too, hosiery goes well with nicely manicured feet, it is a great experience that you can enjoy to the maximum!


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  6. Hi 4608, I know and totally agree with you but it just an excuse in the mind if someone were to say something unpleasant. The other side of that, I would talk anyways because I like to strike up conversations with local people when I travel. Do not think anyone would say a thing about the shoes I wear, that is what I have found so far . I have traveled in Europe often and I have to say I try to get a few phrases of the language of the country I am in to make an effort, even though many countries do speak English. Different in Asia and South America for language and speaking.

    On 2016-03-09 at 1:24 PM, 4608 said:

    Mtns..... You know, English is widely spread across Europe! The Danes are know (together with us Swedes) for their often more than decent English :)



  7. Hey hiheellover23,

    Lots of good advice here for sure. Many of us have had similar situations in our histories as well.  Got to say though at your stage of the relationship you will not be reversing any of your gained ground of understanding/acceptance that you have with your wife. The fact she accepts you wearing what you but not acknowledging you when you do wear them is a point of selfishness on her part. That is not a negative stance but one where she refuses to be associated with you when do wear heels. Just her way of saying go ahead wear them but if anything happens I am not there for you. Now imagine you doing a similar thing when she would like to wear something and you allowed her but would not attend to her if something happened. Now I bet you, you would stand up and attend to her every situation that would come up, but it does not appear that would be the case if it were the other way around. Hence the selfish note I am talking about. In the end why would anyone not want allow their spouse to live life to the fullest and be happy? That can only be a win win situation for the relationship no?

    But more to your question, in my relationship now, I have unconditional approval for whatever I want to wear. My SO has now understood what it means to me to express myself how I want and I really appreciate her for being that way. Like others my SO, she does not wear any heels, dress up, wear nylons or skirts anymore. She has had some health problems and can understand why she does not want to but she also knows that it is part of my life that has been couped up for 40 years because social stigmas and other social non acceptance issues. But when I started the relationship I laid it out, this is me and this what I like, if it does not work for you, no problems I'll start somewhere else. She accepted it and I love her for that. But I am not going to change and I am a much better person now when I can be me for our relationship.  Communication is key and having a positive understanding of each others goals and interests. 

    If was close to where you live I would come over heel with you anytime, it would be a lot of fun, sorry I am at the other side of the continent, but if I do come your way I will call you up! Hang in there hope you get some understanding of where you will go with the issue. Lastly do not go away and hide again, you do not have to disallow yourself anything that makes you happy and a warm and lovable person, life is way to short for that.  Good Luck HHlvr23!

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  8. Hi Nietgeweten,

    That will be an amazing chance for you to wear what ever you want for shoes and boots. Go for it! Every chance I get when I go traveling I take not only 1 or 2 pairs but 4-5 pairs with me to wear in the cities or countries I travel to. This spring I am traveling to Copenhagen and Denmark for a week of sightseeing and I am planning to bring a 4 pairs. I will take a pair of knee high wedge boots, comfy and easily worn when I do not know what kind day or the type of streets I will walk on, then I will have 1 or 2 pair of booties, 1 with a cuban heel of 9cm, a pair of 12cm heeled booties. Plus in the bag I will some sort of sandal with a 5-7cm heel if it is sunny and warm. Some nice travel pants, 2 jeans, a skirt and a pair of shorts. Not mention enough hosiery to wear with all combinations. To me, if anyone says anything, I may not be able to speak to them to understand. My feeling is in Europe the language differences can make up for any negative things that may come up, I also feel that in Mainland Europe, nobody will really care what you do or wear. Things like wearing hosiery is much more common than in North America, so the combinations of footwear and whatever you want wear for pants etc is wide open. I would encourage you enjoy yourself to the maximum in footwear...have fun with it and live free!


  9. Hi Dagino, nice boots I have a pair of the wedge heeled boots too! Those are awesome Boots.

    Hey UKboots, dang those are pretty damned nice crotch boots geez. I take a  size 41, may have to see about those other ones you have!  Good find!



  10. Nice job Nerol69, Yes it is so liberating to finally walk out and around in the heels of choice, good for you. Also you put them together nicely with the jeans! Now it begins, you'll want to wear them all the time! Keep going!


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  11. Well, fortunately I do not have to worry about the delivery nowadays, as my S.O. is Okay with my heels, hosiery and skirts. So I have no need hide anything nor worry about a shipments coming in. I just recently bought a new pair of boots and wore them yesterday for 7hrs, not even a notice, but she does acknowledge that I am wearing some boots. It was not always that way though, I do remember sending to different addresses or picking them up and hiding the delivery. Geez that has been 15 or more years ago now. And with that new purchase I tried them on in the store walked around in them and had several ladies look at me while wearing them, complimenting me. So, I feel so good now about my wearing and buying of shoes and boots and those days of worrying about how to get em back to a safe place is history. Good discussion though!


  12. Yes, belated New Years greetings to all of you fellow heelers! Has been a fast paced entry into the New Year and I am just getting my first break now. Great time to reflect and make a wish list of things for this new year. Good discussion Happyinheels, yes it appears many of us are getting pushed into career alternatives because economy and climate changes. But as well personal expression and gender fluidity is coming into the mainstream which is a huge plus. I certainly hope to capitalize on that trend this year, mind you I have been doing that the last few years. It was nice to meet up with Steve63130 in Vancouver in August, took in a pride event and enjoyed Las Vegas with my wife wearing heels and other styles that I have longed for. So for me the new year brings more plans of expression of self and my likes. If at any time in my life it is now to make the most of it and live life to fullest, wear anything and have fun with it, because all the changes we need to do this comes from within.


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  13. I see Geox Eleni wedge sneaker is available up to a size 42 from Nordstroms. I am sure if looking for them you can find them in other stores too.

    Also the Nike "Dunk Sky Hi" wedge is in a women's size 12/42 as well.

    Also I saw a few pairs of size 11 wedges on E-Bay, you might find them there!



  14. I agree about the lack new inspiring styles for this fall, but yet again DProud7200 you are also quite correct in that you can find some new items at Nordstroms and Saks but with a huge price tag. I have also been looking at various fashion items and I do find some nice items. However they are all at the mega price tag 4 figures..or more. So I ask is it my style to to find these high priced items.. Back to the new styles for this fall, not as good as previous years that is for sure.

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  15. Do I ever feel feminine, yes! Once I understood what I was feeling then I knew I have feminine feelings and attributes, like all the time now. It has taken me along time to sort that out but I am now happy about it and even more so now I do something with that. I have allowed myself to progress and be who I am. Do I have feminine feelings when I wear certain items like heels, yes but because I do it regularly I feel normal and feminine. I do like how I look with heels and other items.

    Good question Jamie001!


  16. Hi Freestyle75, looking good, good for you in getting yourself one. I meant by "the right guy" is basically someone as your self versus a larger fellow that say would be from a motorcycle gang..just can't see that, but like yourself who does wear them and knows how to put it together with other items such as boots and skirts and leggings. Like much of the fashion today is not for everyone, but some people will just shine it a item.

    Thanks for sharing!

  17. Hey BobHH, good article and thanks for posting it here. Certainly raises good points as many of you have done so as well.

    Very good discussion, many factors can be added to that mix such as race, religion cultural background to make it even more out of balance. But I do feel there has been improvements for "gender bending" types like ourselves and that trend will continue. Women have been leading the way for change in the last hundred years so we have much to learn from them.

    Looking forward to that change!







  18. Hey Freestyle, interesting find, that combination look is different but the concept is warming up to me. Personally I would like a lower waist band towards the hip but is does cover ones body from colder elements. Hmm, "could a guy wear this?" I think so, the right guy though.

    Wow you have the places to find good stuff in Europe, would quite sometime before it hits here in North America.


    Thanks for sharing!

  19. Hi Jeff, 

    Interesting observation and question. I certainly feel empowered by getting past the first heeling days and now have more confidence to wear what interests me, and now hosiery under shorts, skirts and unikilts are happening too. I think once someone gets by those initial fears and sees yes you can wear non traditional items and be safe there is much to explore. It does make me look at more items and think...could that work for me?   Sky is the limit..

    To answer your question directly, does wearing heels make skirt wearing a natural progression? I think it allows us to expand to whatever we feel is a traditional ladies wear item and be more accessible males to wear. I wore corsets for many years before heels, then hosiery, heels and now skirts. An individuals journey to freestyle wearing.

  20. Heels2U, sounds like a great fun, nice french nails! I like french the best on my hands too. Lots of folks chatting with and about you, good stories.

    Well nothing like going out and having fun in the summer sun.  Good comments from Steve too, hope the wife buys in and your sharing of spa days and heels will

    be good for both of you.

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