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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Congratulations on achieving a break through in your quest to be accepted for your heeling. That is awesome that you have been able to have an understanding for your needs and your wife's needs regarding this. And finally testing that understanding in a good environment. Keep a healthy respect for her boundaries and it will work wonders for you! Good job! Mtnsofheels

  2. Yes I am, on the far end of fits. At EU 41 or 10/11 us womens, I have a good selection to choose from but miss out on some brands that only go to size 10. With a 5" heels I am well into the next floor of the Hotel, so if I were a size 8 it would look like nails on my feet proportionally speaking. Mtnsofheels

  3. Hi Booted Up, The mask and boots are 2 different items, got the mask in Venice a couple years ago, actually got 3 masks. The boots are Charles David. Interesting idea though to have a pair wide eye boots! I look forward to more of your pictures of the bigger selection. Thanks again, Mtnsofheels

  4. I don't mean to be morbid here but, as someone replied elsewhere ' "can't take them with you so may as well enjoy them now" So my question and curious point of this view is, When you are/might be planning your final days and finally checking out from the living side, will you be dressed in your favourite shoes/boots, will you have some pairs beside you, and what will those shoes/boots be? and how would you want be dressed exiting here? I plan to be in my favourite knee high boots with a pair of killer Wolford hose on and my best looking/fitting jeans on, nice white shirt and my black leather jacket. Then I will have few other pairs of boots lining the pine box to make sure they will go with meas well! So my thought is why can't you take them with you! Even though I am enjoying like mad now! Mtnsofheels

  5. Good stuff shannonma! What a great night out, plus the boots and jeans looked really good. Congrats on going for it! and to share that with your wife, that is really cool. Do compliment her as well for going out with you! That is awesome, and so now you are hooked! Mtnsofheels

  6. Greetings Slide,

    I know how feel and you can overcome this. I was wearing a pair 5" wedge boots out a a mall the other day and they have a cork heel. They are quiet, but the mall was busy with many folks nobody noticed, could have worn a heel that made more noise. However I am already 5'11" and those boots put me well into the second floor from the first floor. But I just did what I wanted to do and nobody gave a hoot. So the point is a quiet wedge heel with boot cut jeans it will go unnoticed, once you get there and have done that, move to a different heel. The next day I wore a pair of knee high 3.5" heeled boot from Gaborit which sounded more like a cowboy boot, nobody saw them. So get your comfort level up and experiment. It works, to play in the field you got to know the field. Persist! it is an awesome feeling to heel in Public.Hope it goes well,


  7. Well Pnude, It seems to be an interesting situation. I liken it too and by no means comparing it to your situation to this , but it kinda looks like a cat and dog situation. I mean a cat will do whatever, whenever it feels like it with no amount persuading can you make it do what you want. However a dog will be happy to see you always, happy to go with you , do whatever you do and will not give you attitude. You can do every thing and have a follower. So I see it as, "do you like cat or dogs"? See what I mean, still working on the heels though! Mtnsofheels


  8. Hi all, Wow Patent Heel, I know your situation. I would not say I have had that for my heels but how you replied is the way I would reply to my GF when borrowing some of cameras or tools. I think your reaction is a male trait when we lend or have had people borrow stuff. I have done this reaction many times when it something I feel is worth while and important to me. The fact that it is a pair of heels which are like a treasure to you it is more acute due to the cherished value you have of them. I would be too. I also agree totally with Olounda, that is very profound and correct too. I think women feel that way as well but rarely state their true feelings just because of the gender difference. However if you wanted see posessive woman I could only imagine diving into Spouse's kitchen tools , or lingerie drawer might bring a similar reaction by her. I have had that for sure, kitchen stuff.......:chuckle: But over all of that, it would be cool to supply the GF/Spouse with a pair of lenders for a special event! And felt special that we offered them. Mtnsofheels

  9. I voted 5", I do have a couple of pairs which I have been wearing regularly but where I live I am not about to be running from a bear in 5" heels but will make a get away in 4" heeled boots barring I find no gopher holes mid stride. LOL!

    I think it also depends where you live as the many surfaces will add or take away from what you have to do in heels. Like I can sprint to an ATM in 5" heels if a store has a flash sale on Christian Laboutins that I need.. versus the above situation. Oh what we do in heels hmm.........


  10. Greetings ptr.smt, Nice to a have another Canadian join the HH Place. Where in Canada are you? Yes agreed shoes are eye magnets, just today at a mall in Calgary, gosh I was rubbernecking so badly I thought I was going end up with a sore neck. Boot season here in Canada! Hope you enjoy the website! Mtnsoheels

  11. Greetings Mskim61, I have ordered and received boots from France to Canada, I had no problems with customs nor all that much tax. In fact they showed up with out any comments or requests. Should not be that big a deal. Let me know if you find them on sale! Mtnsofheels

  12. Greetings Dayglow, Hice to have you join and feel confident about letting feelings out. It awesome to have that out in the open, it is cool stepping on and popping balloons. I have had the experience of stepping on apples and things with heels that was fun too, oh empty beer cans too --stomp stomp..! Welcome and hope you enjoy it here at the HH place. Mtnsofheels

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