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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. good point. a woman i know who is big on heeling...... will go for flats for longer drives. i don't know about less sweaty though... heels cover less skin than tennis shoes.. therefore cooler to wear.


    I always wear flats for driving, I find the heel tends to get stuck under pedals.

    Maybe it's easier driving an automatic, I don't know I never tried.

    My driving shoes don't cover any more area of my feet than heels do.

    They fit very easily into the door pocket or under the seat so they're always ready to go and unless you're wearing boots, it doesn't take a second to change them.

    I'd hate to think I'd caused an accident by driving in heels.

    In fact, I'm really not sure how it would look on a road traffic accident police report even.

  2. I'm not sure whether or not I'm entitled to post in here or not. Here's goes anyway. Depending on the situation/environmet, I would wear high heeled sandals to a resort or outdoor holiday pool. When I swim at my local pool here (an indoor olympic style pool) I'm allowed to wear heels from the changing room to the pool. I was asked to remove them at first but after speaking to the management about my discomfort and becoming a regular customer they now turn a blind eye.

  3. I had an accident at a restaurant last year. It wasn't the heels to blame, well partly was I suppose. I was looking and feeling very elegant and was enjoying admiring glances, right up until I was heading upstairs to the ladies room. I had on a knee length skirt, somewhat tighter than I'm used to wearing. So tight that it didn't alow my foot to ascend the first step, causing me to stub my pointy toe on the way up and fall onto the stairs. Thankfully I wasn't hurt but I it certainly made my ears burn.

  4. I agree.

    However regarding 2" or more platform, I might consider wearing one If I were disabled.


    There are platforms and then there are PLATFORMS. The current crop of 1/2" or so thckness are just the current trend. However, those with a 2" platform and a 6" stiletto heel send a completely different message IMHO.


  5. I'll confess to, I"m "stuck" in high heels. I don't hurt. And yes it is romantic and yes it is a trill. I have got al lot of attention from everyone.


    Esther do you not find it hurts when you jump out of bed suddenly to answer the phone or wait at the Airport security counter for your shoes to come through the x-ray machine or remove them in a friends house to save a softwood floor??.

    Myself, I don't find it romantic, it's something that happened unawares to me while I was busy over the years enjoying wearing heels.

    sure I still enjoy the public attention I get but close friends think I'm a little strange.

  6. I do apoligize as I feel partly responsible for the creation of this disgruntled thread. Personally I think Platforms make me look a little tarty, though I do have a couple of pairs with half inch platforms which are quite comfy to wear. It's my problem not yours and I'm sorry for upsetting anyone. Amanda. x

  7. About 5 months ago, I purchased a pair of high spike heeled Mary Jane pumps with hidden .5" platform almond shaped toe boxes. The effectively 4.25" high heels are very comfortable and easy to walk in, but the actual height of 4.75" heels gives the illusion of being much taller. The almond shaped toe boxes gives ample room for my toes. Most platforms look clumpy, but because these are hidden, the pumps pull off a look of elegence, comparable to many of the dress heels. They are called Rio'-8 and they are marketed by Dolce Vita.


    Have a look under platforms and let me know what you think of these.

    I think Theyre all quite beautiful

  8. Hi Amanda ,

    Difficult for me to comment it in english , really hope our brain can make it better .

    Thanks for these few words .

    Do you wear high heels everyday ?

    Even if i like wearing them , i think it is more beautiful on women .

    Best regards

    Thanks for your welcome !

    Hello IBL70,

    That sounds like a secret agents name.

    I'm glad you appreciated my french welcome. It's not often I get a chance to practice.

    in answer to your question; For most of my life now.

    Welcome, I hope you find something to interest you. :santa_hat:

  9. I personally prefer a platform 2" or less for wear in public. Any more and I feel it is a bit trashy or 'tart', and it is also a bit more of a challenge to walk in. For at home when I am not walking as much a higher platform is okay. And if you are on holiday, who cares what people think? Have fun with it.

    Platforms are undeniably more tarty as are polished metal heels, clear heels and thigh boots.

    They're all justy a bit too sexy if you know what I mean.

    True enough, if you're on holiday it hardly matters. lol:winkiss:

  10. Hi girls

    Are any of you like me in that I love my stilettos to have totally smooth soles? I find them easier to walk in than grippy soles and the slippy-slidey feeling is sometimes a lot of fun, especially in the winter!!

    For me there's nothing more horrible than a really pretty pair of heels with ugly grips all over them!

    I'd love to hear your opinions and if you've ever had any fun slipping in your heels?

    Joanna xxxx

    I like to have some grip on the sole.

    Slipping and sliding around can get tiresome.

  11. no i don't wear them out but i do wear them for hours on end every evening and usually all weekend while doing whatever around the house

    Then you're really not going to have a problem with them.

    They would certainly be a sensible budget buy for a casual wearer.

    Around the house would be just fine.

  12. i own a pair of ellie shoes which i believe is the same company as pleaser and i am very happy with them no problems at all and very comfortable

    did you wear them to work everyday?.

  13. How true to size are Pleaser shoes, how good is the arch support, Width?

    Pleaser are cheap, short lived and not very comfortable at all.

    I have to admit I only tried them once.

    Not the sort of thing you would want to wear out as they would ruin fairly quickly.

    Useful for luring him to the bedroom perhaps.

  14. No they are definately more of a fetish heel. I like them but mainly because they are different. But they seem to lack any sex appeal. A ballet or 7" spike heel has that certain feel and look but this just seems to be missing the mark on the look.... to me anyways.

    I agree.

    Personally I don't like the look of shoes without a heel.

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