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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. Hi all

    I wear really high heels as I love the feeling and to keep me feeling sexy, but as I get older I seem to feel less sexy a girl thing, I bet the boys know this one. what I need is a pill or two to up my hormone levels and turn me back into a , I want sex again person, until then heels seem to be my only sexy feeling I have.

    Is it the same for you out there? any good pills for females? Ha Ha?


    Sarah G

    If you do manage to find the right hormone pills and continue to wear heels then you might want to consider investing in some appropriate pain killers too.

  2. Hi.

    My wife does not like me walking in women shoes. But, she has no problem if I wear them when she is not around.

    What intrigues me is the why behind this. Basically;

    1. I'm losing my masculinity

    2. What will others think of us?

    Are these common?

    And how did you deal with 'losing masculinity'?


    I don't think you're losing your masculinity, I do think you need to talk to her though. Explain to her exactly why you need to do it.

    Ask yourself why first.

    Give her plenty of space to talk.

  3. Amanda,

    It is the Cole Hahn "Nike Air" brand you are referring to. I have three pair and I do like them for times I will be walking alot. The biggest effect is the air in the foot pad area.

    I wore them to Disney World with the family and made it most of the day in them! (several days) So, I am a believer in them!


    Yes Nike Air heels,

    Thanks. Gosh 3 pairs, if that's not a recommendation then I don't know what is. I had wondered if it was just hype.

    Thanks Jennifer.

  4. I can wear about a 4" heel but that makes my arches and ankles hurt after a while, I can't go lower than that.


    If it's only your arches and ankles that hurt then it's not too late to act.

    You need to spend some time out of your heels each day.

  5. Well we don't have much coble stone left around here, thank God, but our sidewalks in town are a night mear. I trip in tennis shoes when walking or jogging. Really gotta be careful in heels. LOL

    I'm actually furious about the shopping street which was pedestrianized in my local city. They paved it with little red bricks and didn't take care in fiishing it well at all.

    Several times now I've been forced to stop dead in my tracks to elegantly "yank-out" my heel from the clutches of a paving joint.

    Apart from the embarrasment it's getting expensive.

    Unfortunately I'm British so I don't feel comfortable enough to complain to the council....yet.

  6. It seems to me that Doctors reports of damaged caused by heels is not balanced at all. I've been wearing heels for most of my life and when I read what doctors have to say about the subject it seems to me that all their findings are based on worst case scenarios. It's my opinion that some can tollerate heels better than others and also that a lot of problems which occur are simply due to badly fitting or badly designed shoes. Personally apart from my tendons becoming shorter I've had no discernable problems. Something I wish that I'd been aware of when I was younger but I come to accept. Otherwise I have had no problems. Nonetheless my own doctor advises me to wear lower heels with an objective to eventually stop wearing heels at all. I followed his advice and walked around uncomfortably on lower heels from time to time but now I've had enough. Hmm, I'm rambling here, sorry. I just wanted to say that Doctors knowledge of wearing heels is all based on negative findings. Just be aware of the sensations and feelings in your legs and feet and don't push them too hard.

  7. Of course having the correct size of shoe helps. You don't actually want your toes to be fitting snuggly into the point. if your arch is supported by the shoe then this helps. A strap over the instep will also help to keep your toes from sliding forward. I think the best way to avoid it is simply not to wear pointed toe shoes all the time.

  8. So, Id be interested in hearing about the thoughts of the ladys who now find that they physically require their heels.

    Is this a situation you are happy about or have regrets about ?

    Are there times when you wish you could go without your heels, as in going skiing, playing sports etc?

    Whats the lwest heels that you can wear?

    Do you suffer any pain if trying to go without heels? If so, is thsi instant or is it an uncomfortable feeling that comes on slowly


    I have regrets sometimes, most of the time not.

    I chose to ignore the advice of my doctor who simply told me not to wear heels any longer.

    No chance of that.

    Luckily I'm not interested in sports except for swimming which is how I keep in shape.

    I can wear 3inch heels at home but I get uncomfortable feelings in the back of my legs if I wear low heels for an hour or two.

    I avoid the beach but I can manage it.

  9. I

    Although my high heel wearing has been intermittent, am I becoming more dependent on them (even a small way to becoming "permanently" high heeled)?

    I know there are people who deliberately set out to become permanently high heeled, but has anybody else noticed this sort of thing happen to them in an unexpected way?

    I noticed a few years ago now that I was uncomfortable in flat shoes.

    I started to get pain in my calf muscles and even right up the backs of my legs.

    My doctor gave me some exercises to do to alleviate the problem.

    I try and remember to do them but the pain I get from those exercises puts me off.

    I suppose if wearing heels caused me any sort of social or practical problems I might be more committed.

    I would suggest going to visit your doctor.

  10. Hi. My wife has decided (after some gentle encouragement over the years!) that this will be the year when she will wear high heels more frequently during the day.

    I'm looking for ways to help her achieve this aim. I can see 2 things which could work:

    1. She says some dance studios run exercise classes to help women wear high heels. Does anyone know of classes in Hampshire?

    2. She'd also do exercises at home. I've seen a "Legwork" DVD, but this isn't available in English in PAL format. Are there other DVDs which could hit the spot?

    ... or does anyone have better ideas?!



    I would say that getting used to wearing heels around the house is the best way to get used to them.

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