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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. Hello Simon,

    Heels that would be deemed unacceptable attire for a man in my circle would be of a feminine style. With a tall and slender heel. Delicate and elegant.

    If I had a partner whom I loved, who was passionate about wearing heels then I may not encourage him to wear them in public but I would never shun him for it nor try to prevent him from indulging in any way.

    I have a very good idea how a high heel wearing man would be accepted by my friends, family and colleagues, therefore I would not knowingly choose to become involved with a guy who had a passion for wearing feminine footwear.

    Does that answer your question?.


    Can you help define the term "heels" in terms of acceptability to you as our representative female (yup, I'm asking you to speak for all womankind here). I ask becuase you are open minded and present reasonable arguements as to why you wouldn't encourage a partner to wear "heels".

    Indeed are there "heels" that are acceptable?


  2. I would say that acceptability depends entirely on the status of the social or professional spheres you're moving in.

    Also the extent to which a lack of acceptability may effect your life.

    Amanda! I had not expected this from you. Truth is that most men (and women) think men in heels will be ridiculed. When asking someone about men in heels they think it is silly. But when faced with a man in heels it's hardly ever a big deal.

    I have been wearing heels for a few months now and have only had positive comments (some very positive) and neutral remarks (two, I think). I'd say the likelyhood of "ridiculisation" is extremely low.

  3. Of course I'm not prejudiced against guys who wear heels. I would be long gone from here if that was the case. I don't have a guy who is a permanent fixture in my life but if I did I would not be encouraging him to wear heels for the following reasons: 1. I would not wish to be accompanied in public by someone who was likely to be ridiculed. 2. The idea/image of a guy wearing heels is not something I'm drawn to. 3. I imagine life would generally become a bit more complicated without any benefit to myself.

  4. Demonia lives in a coconut shell on the beach in Sydney. He wears the most exquisite platform shoes and spends most of his time clicking up and down the shopping streets and malls in town bathed in admiring glances by passing women. On Sundays he mostly eats raw fish, tearing it up with his bare hands and spitting the bones into the sea.

  5. For me it would depend very much on why that person had sent them and what their agenda was. It would be a strange way to act for sure. I think it would also depend on whether the sender was male or female and whether I liked the shoes or not. Maybe it would be a bit exciting or even scary, I don't know. Ps, if any of you are thinking of sending any I could do with a new pair of Pigalle 120 patent pumps in black, size 7. Thanks

  6. Not so many women wear them these days because the adverse effects of wearing them since the rise of the stiletto has been well documented scientifically. People have suffered badly from wearing them. Sort of the same as the decline of the cigarette

  7. Independent of the "slutty" factor, the issues with metal heels are twofold:

    1) they make a lot of noise when walking on hard surfaces which brings a lot of attention that you may not want, and if you have hardwood floors in your home, they WILL damage the floors!

    2) they are much harder on your feet than regular heels because there is no "give" in the heel when you walk. I can only last a fraction as long in 5" metal heels than I can in "regular" 5" heels

    Aha, Now you're talking about metal heel tips. I was thinking shiny metallic heels. Of course all you mention above is true. But here's another way of looking at them:

    I like the noise they make when I walk on hard surfaces. My floors are ruined anyway. I prefer the ground or floor to take the beating rather than my shoes.

    It's the heel and insole, the very structure of the shoe that needs to have "give".

    You should avoid walking too far in 5" heels anyway. There are taxi's.

  8. When I see other women wearing heels it always catches my eye. Heels are beautiful and elegant (on the whole) that's why I wear them. I have no problem with admiring others heels just as long as mine are the most beautiful and elegant in the room. You shouldn't have problems admiring them either. I like it when people notice my shoes. They are intended to look sexy and that's the norm so you've no need to worry I'm sure. ;)

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