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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. You're doing very competently Johnie.

    Gracefully.....lol, you need to work on that.

    I always turn my feet more sideways on the stairs when descending.

    But then you're all man and I'm sure have no need to exhibit grace.

    However, maximum points for competency there without a doubt.

  2. I was discussing this place with a friend of mine yesterday and she said she found the idea of men wearing heels disgusting. I found myself defending male heel wearing, explaining how it did no harm to anyone but themselves. I said that I admired the courage it took and the individuality. She had to agree on those points, however disgusting. :):)

  3. How long do I wear heels each day? I put them on in the morning when I get up and take them off when I go to bed. I leave them next to the bed in case I have to get up in the night for anything. I keep flats in the car for driving but I can't actually walk in them. So I guess it depends how long I'm up for and how far I'm driving, what time I get up, oh and whether or not I've been lounging on the sofa or in the bath. :)

  4. I don't follow what Celebrities wear at all. I couldn't care less to be honest. I expect what Pata says about them is true. I wouldn't be surprised if they were sponsored to wear clothing. As for the shoes, those heels are so incredibly thin, they make my teeth itch. :)

  5. How can you possibly walk in those?. I think it depends very much on what your wearing. If you're looking tastefully turned out, expensive and smart then people will be less likely to make negative comments about your footwear. Smartly turned out academics and professionals are rarely seen as sluts. Women who wear hot pants and platforms, tattoos and smoke cigarettes are.

  6. Mike,

    What you've written makes perfect sense. It's true.

    However I'm not willing to waste my time trying to convert sheep into something else. Besides I enjoy fleecing them even if I do have to dress like one when I'm hunting.

    If you fly with the crows then you have to be prepared to be shot with them and I can't afford that.

    Gosh this is all beginning to sound very agricultural!


    Dear Amanda,

    I have read your comments, in this thread, and I am sure you have described accurately the ordinary objection that an average woman might have regarding an high heeled man. In your economic way with words, you have explained the common sense of the matter.

    This view is entrenched and directly linked to the desire to be accepted, loved and secure within a language of visual expectation that has tradition and structure.

    It has little to do with freedom or expression, it is more akin to the lives of sheep in a field.

    Thankfully there is enough apathy in the world for me to wear what I like most of the time, without consequences. As a child I most assuredly 'read a book by it's cover' but life has taught me that this is a feeble perspective.

    I embrace free thinking and try hard to judge people by their words and actions, if there appearance is unconventional or ordinary it matters little to me.

    Do you think that fashions in clothing will stagnate in a world where we are encouraged to follow like sheep?



  7. That's the spirit, you have to rise above them, they're only jealous anyway.

    You have to adopt the attitude that their jealousy is flattering.


    Till I found this site and now I am just being myself and do not really give a toss what anyone says behind my back anymore. Nor do I care when women come over to me and tut tut or give me disapproving glances

  8. Hi Raymond,

    I was actually referring to the effect it might have on me if a male partner of mine entered my social/business sphere wearing heels.

    Not how it might effect him.

    That's not my concern here.


    Originally Posted by Amanda Snake Posted Image

    I would say that acceptability depends entirely on the status of the social or professional spheres you're moving in.

    Also the extent to which a lack of acceptability may effect your life.

    As senior partner in an IT-company with large corporate clients ($100M+ revenue) acceptability could be a serious issue. But as it turns out it isn't.

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