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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. I often wear fairly thick wool socks to break in a new pair shoes. Of course I don't go out of the house like that. Maybe that look would suit guys who wear heels. More sort of butch. :winkiss:

  2. Wearing heels at work involves lots of standing in one place. What's your favorite way to get relief for your feet and legs?

    I find that shifting my balance to one foot and straightening the other foot, so the heel is parallel to the floor, stretches my calf and gives my toes a chance to wiggle. The pointed toe in the air is also kinda sexy.

    Sure,taking the weight off one foot at a time and stretching your calf muscles in the way you described provides some relief also rotating your ankles. I can't stress how important it is to keep your calf muscles stretched.

    I just avoid standing for long periods myself and I mean seriously avoid it.

    I make sure my shoes fit properly and I also rarely wear pointy shoes.

    Having another pair that you can change into during the day helps but best of all is to have someone to massage your feet when you get home.


  3. I mostly like to have my heels covered when wear trousers or jeans. I love to flash just a little toe or heel to give a suggestion that I have heels on. I'm sure it does frustrate guys a bit but hey that's ok. Surely the suggestion of attractive footwear is better than the whole deal in your face? I also like to wear attractive underwear too but not over my trousers. Best of all (casual) I like wearing jeans over heels when the jeans are straight legged.

  4. Amanda, perhaps for some women it is curiosity that brings them here. How did you come about the place?

    I stumbled across this place when I was online shopping for shoes.

    I often hunt for shoes I've already tried on in the high street for a better price you see.

    Anyway. Being inquisitive I had to browse a few of the threads I also had to raise an eyebrow. When I get a window into something strange, fascinating or hidden bits of human behaviour, I simply have to explore it to its conclusion or at least what satisfies me to be the conclusion.

    I signed up and posted here and there, in an effort to understand I suppose.

    I found people here to be friendly on the whole and some very interesting.

    I don't visit so very often these days. I do poke fun sometimes and can be abrasive and generally unhelpful. I am very frank and not easily offended by internet babble.

    So, now you're stuck with me, I don't know why but somehow I feel like I sort of fit here.

    I'm not a part of any other interactive internet sites.

    And God only knows what my friends, family and associates would think if they knew I was a member here!!!.

    Would be my downfall for sure.

    I wonder how many others who visit here would be in trouble if they were seen to be participating or even expressing interest?.

    More than one or two I should think.

    But then that's also part of the attraction as JMC mentioned above.

    You're all bad and i love it.

    Who knows maybe come the male heel wearing revolution I could lead you all into the fray like boadicea.

    And then after having won a bloody and historic battle, would find myself stuck with a lot of disillusioned guys who are bored of wearing heels because it's ok to do so.

    Now that would be just typical of one of my exploits.

    Also would be typical of me to leave this site once I have all the gold stars by my name.

    I'm rambling....and my trumpet is overheating.


  5. Amanda Snake, you talked about American women being kinda hefty in another post. Now then, take a look at some of the gals in these pics. It appears to me that women in the UK don't have much room to criticize. Some look to me like they took one bite too many from the kidney pie, too! :winkiss::silly:

    (they are a bit chunky, aren't the?)

    I agree, Not only pork and steak and kidney pies but fish and chips are to blame. Scottish women are generally heftiest here.

  6. For the longest time, I really thought this was a really cool and open minded forum.

    It has recently came to my attention that a lot of you from other countries think us Americans are immature and idiots, including TECH.

    Apparently some of you have trouble meeting and understanding good people and wouldn't know a good ol down to earth American if he or she was standing right in front of you.

    Well long story short, I don't need this kind of hospitality anymore. Buy.:winkiss:

    You know, one of the main things I like about being British is that we can poke fun at ourselves. This provides us with an excellent platform from which to poke fun at the rest of the world.

    Johnnie if this really is to be your final word then please do make sure it's spelled properly.

    Gosh whatever next?.

    I'll miss your posts.


  7. I don't write in here so much these days, especially not in the guys only bit. There's only so much one can say about shoes. I think they're great. better than flowers or chocolate even. But I'm not sure I'm up to going into so much detail. However when I do wander on to the site It's usually make silly comments and make fun after a glass or two of wine. Nonetheless I have to say that I think you guys are all very nice even if you do like wearing womens shoes. Perhaps that's "Par for the course" I don't know. I don't mean to be rude at all. Anyway, while I'm here, I'm interested to know what your opinions are, in general, of the women who visit this site and their motivation for doing so?. Do carry on.... A :unsure::clap::cow::prize::silly::w00t2::winkiss:

  8. I agree but I'd add that the type of heel matters, too. It's a question with many different answers.

    I'm in total agreement Eggnog. I'm also too tipsy to write several paragraphs on the subject. I wear all the clothes I have with heels.

    (not all at once though!).


  9. If a woman's foot is 9 inches long.... does that mean she wears a size 6 in US women's shoe size terms? ALSO, Would her foot likely reach this size around the age of 18?

    If more women in America acted their age and not their shoe size then she would be a size 18 I guess.

    Handy for carrying the extra weight.


  10. Wearing heels has tilted your spine into a different position when you stand and walk. All the bone, muscle and cartilage is all lined or piled up in a new position. It's very possible that your worn out/damaged painful bits are no longer a doing battle with gravity. :winkiss:

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