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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. Hi leigh,

    I'm single. Mainly because nothing any of my partners ever did was acceptable. nonetheless, everyone has dreams as you point out.

    Pretty much like the tittle said. "Are you happy with your partners choice of footwear."

    My partner aint exactly waering what i want him to wear. But its acceptebel for me. Just wondering how everybody hes it. And i dont think it plays anyrole in our relationship what or what not my partner wear. But you know everyone has dreams.

    Love Leigh.

  2. HHF,

    I can understand her feelings. However this woman is rejecting something which is a pat of you. Possibly a fundamental part, definitely a passion. This would be partner is asking that you quash a part of yourself in order to please her.

    Well, if I found the perfect partner and he started to call the shots on my passions, he would find himself calling them from outside the front door.

    If she truly is perfect then be reasonable and give her a chance to get used to the idea

    Think this situation...

    You are singel, been singel for a looong time.

    Your last girlfriend kicked you out becouse of your "need" of high heels.

    And finelly you find this girl, she is perfect...well, almost..she just dont like high heels. Not for herself, and absolutly not on you.

    Would you kick her out and continue looking for another partner that understand your needs better? Even thow she may not be that perfect as this one?

  3. Thank you Scrappy for recognizing that much at least.

    Yes I agree that women do have more sexual prowless than men! :)


    Thanks a million Max for the link to that article.

    It's my belief that most men have absolutely no idea what it's like out there in what is still a male dominated world.

    However as Ive mentioned before, a lot of males in here who call them selves "streetheelers" also experience a heightened level of vulnerability when they go out in public. I think "streetheeling" it's a good way for guys to get used to feeling vulnerable in public as we gradually roll out the new female dominated world order. (Lol)

  4. Thanks,

    so, which of those dating sites do you recommend?.



    This issue has been dealt with, and thanks for letting us know.


    HHPlace is NOT a dating site, nor a "pick-up joint", and anybody found even remotely close to "coming on-to" others will be met with an instant ban.

    Yet another perfect example of why men are barred from the girls forum, because some men just dont know how to behave respectfully.

    If you want a date, join match.com or eharmony. :)

  5. Who was it that wrote to you Cinnamon?.

    Amanda, most men a positive giants in comparison to me, in in my heels :)

    Perhaps that's why this "Lil" 5'3 pervert picked on me. More fool him for underestimating the temper of a vertically challenged, red-headed Capricorn haha.

    I shall notify the relevant authorities promptly :P

  6. Kevinp69 wrote to me late last year. I was quite offended by what he had written. I understood from Tech that he had been banned and more than once ( I seem to remember)

    At first I just told him (in so many words) that I wasn't at all interested in what he had at anchor in his filthy mind. Nevertheless he persisted in writing. I reported him to Tech and that was the last of it. His profile is still registered here though. I just checked. Maybe he wrote to you using a different one?.

    Vertically challenged?....I expect so. Lol most men are when they see me.

    Nuts to him anyway cinnamon. Do come and write some more monologues.

    I ought to be back, nobody else quite understands my lengthy monologues about shoes quite as much as you guys :)

    I think I've been very fortunate then to have been immune thus far from such comments. Sure, I've had guys coming up to me in clubs asking if they could lick my shoes or chatting me up with my shoes being a springboard for conversation.

    BUT, I have never before been outright asked for sex because of my high heels by a complete stranger. That, for some reason, goes beyond an appreciation of my shoes. It seemingly reduces ME to a fleshy receptacle in high heels which I find rather offensive. I have always worn my high heels, they do not wear me.

    I am much more accustomed to the gentlemen such as Simon and their respectful attitude. Simon, you're absolutely right, there is no way that individual deserves the title of gentleman. I feel that it's people like that who give male heel fetishists a bad rep.

    Out of curiosity, Amanda, have you been approached with a similar message from a certain vertically challenged idiot? Certainly if he is being a sex pest, the Mods ought to be at least warning him that he'd be better off going into a phone booth in central London and finding a suitable calling card rather than offending the ladies on this forum.

  7. Hi Cinnamon,

    It's nice to see you back. Even under the circumstances.

    I'm sorry to say I've had similar experience here in HHP.

    Thankfully it's a rare occurrence.

    "Twerps" ( I haven't heard that term used for so long!) are here as they are everywhere else. Fortunately Online Twerps can be deleted or switched off with a single click. Unlike the flesh and blood ones one meets out there in the physical world.

    Welcome back....if indeed you are back at all.


    I've been away for a while, distracted by the hum drum of life and all the nonsense it has to throw at a person. Yesterday, I was drawn back by noticing I had a private message from a guy who seemed polite enough, so I responded.

    However, in the very next message he made it fairly clear that all he was interested was meeting up with me for sex. Despite having no idea of what I'm like, only having an idea of my shoe collection.

    Perhaps I'm overreacting, but I am completely astounded and offended by this individual's presumption that just because a woman is confident in her sexuality and is a member of a forum that focuses on a facet of that, that she is the equivalent of a cheap, digital streetwalker.

    Fortunately, this has been a one off experience whilst I've been here and I've found nearly everybody I've come across to be completely respectful.

    My reason for posting this? I was wondering if anybody else has had this assumption made of them. Perhaps even in real life.

    Is it a common misconception that women into heels are "loose women" who will open their legs for any old stranger who comes along and asks for it, and I've just been sheltered from it?

    If somehow I've put forward the idea that I'm promiscuous and not fussy about who I allow to get a piece of me in my previous posts, I'd certainly like to know because that was certainly not the intention. And if that's the case, I have some serious reassessment of my communication skills to consider.

    Oh and if anybody on the off-chance has the number of a hooker with high heels, do pass it on to me so I can give it to this little twerp so he can make his "dream come true" without offending any other random women in stilettos he meets.


  8. Hi again Nina,

    I'm just fine thanks. I hadn't been here for ages either. However, I found myself having a bit of a binge this last week. It's a nice displacement activity when there's work to be done on the PC.

    I was in town yesterday and checked the Pretty polly packaging. The "10 Denier Italia pack" was there and I'm now sure that the shoes are not in fact Michael Antonio at all. Sorry if I sent you on a wild goose chase.

    Good luck and stay well.

    A x

    I'm fine Amanda, thanks for asking. I haven't been on here for a while now - where does time go? - but rest assured my shoes are getting lots and lots of use!! And how are you?I'm going to take a look at all the shoes by Michael Antonio. The ones on the packet look amazing, with maybe five inch heels. I need to see the whole shoe of course, but I imagine they are almond or pointy toe.Thanx.N.

  9. Al that's a lot of "beyond routine" quality flattery.

    Your wife is a lucky woman.


    Don't you dare depart! gold, platinum, diamond or whatever.

    You are one of the most level headed guides we have.

    Setting forward good comments and questions that are of high standards often beyond routine thought that challenges many of us, male certainly and I'm sure female equally.

    Ultimately there may be a time that the forums become defunct. Until then stay.

    (Pretty please).


  10. I would have you stop the bus and would make it clear to the other passengers why. If the passengers were in agreement, I would call the bus company and request a replacement bus driver. If they failed to cooperate I would phone for sufficient Taxis to move the passengers. I would expect the bus company to compensate me for the expense. I would contact friends that I have in the media and explain to them what had happened and send them the pictures I had taken with my phone.

    If I was traveling with a male Associate, I might have him drive the bus and give you a chance to break your new heels in properly.

    Regardless of either scenario, I would make sure you never drove a bus again.

    Those are my immediate thoughts.

    What would your thoughts be if you new the bus driver who was driving over alpine passes on a four hour journey was wearing his new 5.5" heels which have 1.5" platform?

    and I am sure my pasengers didnt even know

    I had just bought them and couldnt wait to break them in and feel them on my feet, so i slipped them on while on the road.

  11. Well if the country runs as smoothly and contentedly as Sweden then I suppose they could. I take it you don't spend a lot of time there?

    this is the most distressing scenario. I often wonder what will happen when the government taxes everything a person earns? Do they change the name of the country to Sweden?

  12. My head is buried in reports at the moment. I drop in here for light relief now and then. I agree with Eggnog, it has it's moments which provide amusement even if it is male centric. Although I'm not sure whether my presence is more habitual. I did swear to leave as soon as I become a Gold member...typical of my mindset. To be honest I'm not altogether sure whether I should be a member of a site that would have someone like me in it anyway.

  13. I think with respect to the economy, foreign affairs and the general direction of the country, they will continue to act on the recommendations of the Bilderberg group. The same as any other western government.

    Unless of course something has suddenly changed drastically overnight.

    I suspect as the Federal state of Europe tightens it's grip, they'll have increasingly less to tinker with over the next couple of years.

    How long will they last?

    Who cares and does it matter?

    OK, you guys in the UK! Now that your election is over and there were no clear winners, resulting in a "coalition" government, I am curious to know your opinions as to:

    What direction do you think the new government will take your country and what changes to you think will take place?

    Will they reduce spending and eliminate some social programs in an attempt to cut spending or will they raise taxes to cover the increasing costs of allowing programs to continue?

    What programs will they institute to create jobs and improve the economy?

    What changes in foreign policy are liable to occur?

    How long will this government last?

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