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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. I do not wear heels alot, even if I love them to bits, but wear mostly flat shoes to work for comfort. When I do decide to wear heals, its for about 2 hours, then I have pain galore on the top side of my feet. I still battle to get rid of the pain and even walk difficult now, somebody at my work said that it could be from the sudden change to heels that I damage or tore a muscle in my foot. Because of this problem I can not wear all the lovely shoes I have and I so much want to.

    Sharp pains felt between the metatarsal bones of the feet indicate a strain of the interosseous muscles.

    The interosseous muscles lie between the toes, and help stabilize the foot in walking and running. When they are strained, they often cause sharp pains on the top of the foot or beneath it. The pain from this injury is often confused with a neuroma of the foot (inflammation of a nerve in the foot) that causes similar sharp pains.

    This injury and this type of pain may be brought on by wearing high heels.

    Interosseus muscle injuries can occur between several metatarsals at once. Although rarely identified by health professionals, strains of these muscles are common. To identify this injury, one only needs to gently squeeze the metatarsals together. This usually reproduces the pain sensation.

  2. Actually you're all wrong, it translates as:

    Every member of HHPlace has to give the tranny moderator a pair of shoes in size 9[uK} by way of subscription. She particularly likes my shoes.

    Well as I mentioned my translation was purely literal. Of course with some artistic license and a liberal amount of spin it could easily be read like that.

  3. Hi Pata,

    A literal translation would be:

    I love women in High Heels: they give them charm and moderate her tempo. Luckily, because who runs by the world, misses a lot.

    Hello, may be somebody here can help me?

    I read an interview with Mr. Louboutin in a german magazine, and it was wonderful what he says there:

    Ich liebe Frauen in High Heels: sie geben ihnen Charme, mässigen ihr Tempo. Zum Glück, denn wer durch die Welt rennt, verpasst viel.

    It is for sure a translation, does anybody of you know how the original goes, in english or in french?

    my appr. translation is: I love women in high heels. these give them charme (?) make them slower (?). what a luck (?) as those who run trough the world miss (?) a lot.

    Can you help me with the original words - or at least with a correct translation?

  4. Amanda,

    I am not sure I understand completely what you mean. Are you suggesting I should experience being vulnerable and intimidated so that I know how women feel, around men in public places? Are you suggesting this so that I (or anyone else) can be conscious of women's hardships?


  5. Of course there is also the possibility that you just use your car because you can and not because of being afraid or intimidated.

    Like I mentioned above I don't have a car and to me public transportation feels like it would be a great challenge when going out in heels.

    You should know what it's like to to feel vulnerable or intimidated by other males in a public place. I think it's a good idea.

  6. I think a lot of men are afraid that you would find them weird, perverted, or just plain intrusive. Have you noticed how they have this embarrassed look sometimes, when you catch them staring?


    Oh I certainly have noticed. Mostly I think while sitting on the metro or walking at airports. I think it's cute but at the same time rather odd that staring at shoes should seem perverted in some way. I mean wouldn't be the same if you caught them staring at a jacket or handbag you were wearing or a pair of sunglasses. Or would it?

    I think it's It's true what Barbara said earlier in the thread; In the event that the topic of the shoes was opened for discussion by a woman then a man may feel more free to comment. That being the case, perhaps next time I should be the one to pluck up the courage and ask him if he likes them...lol

  7. My floors are all wrecked at home and I don't mind, As someone mentioned above "it adds character.

    However I do take care not to damage other peoples property. I Always carry some dance shoe heel tips in my bag in case I'm faced with soft flooring when I'm out and about.

    If I know that I'm going to be faced with soft floors then I simply wear a broader heel.

    I have to agree that the women in that forum are very probably teenage "Ladettes".



    I'd want to get a hold of their hopefully pricey shoes and destroy them. Options would be to grab a hammer and smash them, try and rip off the heel, cut the shoe fabric with a box cutter or just dip them in a dirty toilet.

    Gosh that's really violent!

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