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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. Any other girls out there wear pantyhose or tights with their mules? I know it makes it a little harder to walk, but my man sure likes it! I like nude tights the best with black mules, but he's trying to convince me to try white tights and brown Ninewest mules next.:winkiss: What do you think?

    I think I'm not into making it any harder for myself to walk in heels.

    I prefer to wear T bars, mary janes, ankle straps and oxfords. Anything that will give me some practical support.

    I don't have a man so I can wear what I please.....maybe that's why I feel the need for practical support?............lol

  2. I have to say I have always had a problem with that concept of a man posessing a girl or woman. Female humans are human beings as much as we guys are (sometimes ever so much more so?) so posessing them is as incongruous as somebody posessing one of us guys. In Western societies the days of slavery are long (and thankfully) gone so nobody can posess anybody.

    In my view, if a woman chooses to spend her time with me, she compliments me greatly. Should I desire to keep her around, I must give her a good reason to stay. This reason may be simple, as in "we like each other" and preferably it will be backed up with a deep reciprocal affection, maybe even love. But it cannot be based on threats or coercion because such relationships are not positive.

    Hollywood creates such a warped image, we would do well to ignore it.

    (Okay, I've got a little wine under my belt tonight.)


    I often wonder who is actually possessing who.


  3. the heel tips of my otk boots coming loose and worn. The shoe repairer told me the new heel tips might not help, since they won't hold steady.

    Is there anyway I can do it myself? They are like a year old and I only wear them to the club dancing. I need detail instruction pls..


    Alicia, you need to see a different cobbler (shoe maker). It sounds like the one your using is just not good enough.

    A good cobbler shouldn't have any trouble repairing any problem with heel tips.

  4. It's amazing the number of people reading this forum but not posting anything. Often I'll see 5-7 people "browsing" the forums. I'll come back later to see nothing has been added.

    OK, we can't force you to post, and I do know some people do prefer to read, but please don't be shy if that's what's bothering you.

    Delurk now, and share your opinions. Everyone's (friendly) opinions are most welcome here. And when you do finally "come out," you'll often enourage others to do so too.

    I agree, I think the posting of new and intriguing threads is most important.


  5. "Samoa Kid sandals" are they the choo shoes you refer to?. I would really like a pair of his "Seattle" sandals. However I'm all behind with summer styles this year for having spent half the winter here in Scotland if I stay here any longer I may end up not having to worry about summer styles this year at all!.

  6. We did dance a couple of numbers and then, like always she left with a significant other! Well, not always, but it seems that way. Its not like I am cruising to hook up, never been my style, but a phone number and a later dinner date would have been nice.

    If you're not cruising to hook up then your chances of finding the right person are doubled in my opinion.

    You're a special person she will find you. And you expressing yourself through your appearance the way you do will help to ensure that she is right.

    I think all you guys who like to "Interdress" should make sure that you are aptly dressed in order to express yourself when "cruising to hook up" otherwise you'll find yourselves in a tight spot later on.

    Women are attracted to men who have courage and can express themselves.

  7. Cool, then tell us what needs to be done to improve things?

    As much as we try, we will never truly be able to see things froma womans point of view, so your insight and feedback can really help.

    In fact, if I'm not mistaken, you might be the first woman to actually step forward and say something about this.

    Hi Richie,

    I'm not sure that there is any way to "improve" the site in this respect.

    It is predominantly a Guys site and there's no reason why it shouldn't be that way.

    I'm sure It's not often a guy can really express his passion for womens footwear so in my opinion what you have provided here is of great value.

    Women will come and go.


  8. Hi Bubba, I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression with my last post. I believe that people here should be able to express themselves freely. I have no objection to that. I don't object to all the fetish type threads, they're simply not my cup of tea that's all. And no, I don't have to read them, you're right. However if I simply don't want to to partake in those subjects then that leaves me what seems to be increasingly little opportunity to post. I appreciate the anonymity and I also appreciate and support the moderators. I don't think females are being driven away. I simply think there's limited opportunity to express ourselves in the topics here. I hope that helps to clarify. :winkiss:

  9. Amanda Snake:-)

    I , for one, cherish all of the girls posting here and hope they continue to have input for many years to come.


    Dawn HH

    I don't know who "all the girls" are. Roz has just left,mainly because of all the pervy stuff, the shoe sniffing and heel crushing and guywomen postings.

    there's a handful of actual women that drop by once in a blue moon and then there's dozen or so guys who pose as girls.

    I really don't think it's a site for females. Maybe it was once but it certainly isn't any longer. It seems to me to be be getting worse but I'm not sure whether it's just my exposure to it.

  10. I'm sad to hear you're going Roz. I know we never really shared the same taste except in Loubies (maybe I'm mistaken but) I like to think I had a hand in introducing you to them. I haven't yet read Tech's posts in the nationalhighheelsweek topic. Maybe I should go and read them now. I understand your feelings, I'm really not sure what more to write about anymore either. But I'm determined to become a gold member anyway. I'm sure you'll be back for a look in before too long. After all, You're reading this now...lol. You really did try to revive the womens forum here an effort which I admired I'll miss your posts Roz. Amanda xxx

  11. I don't like pantyhose or 'Tights' as they're called here. They make me feel too confined, almost claustrophobic and definitely unhygienic. I prefer hold ups. I'll even use pop socks with trousers but that's top secret. I have some fashioned 100% nylons too for special occasions. :winkiss:

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