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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. Do girls become masculine when they wears combat fatigues, helmets, boots, back packs, and/or M-16's?

    Then why are guys considered feminine by donning skirts, blouses, berets, stilettos, nylons, painted nails, and/or make-up.

    It's how we have been raised to think in the box. I'm not immuned to this up-bringing, but I'm trying to see the box for what it is - unaccurate and misleading descriptions of who people are and what they are able to desire and need to fill their lacking.

    "skirts, blouses, stilettos, nylons, painted nails, and/or make-up" are historically very carefully cultivated badges of femininity. That's why they are considered to be feminine in our society. Just as a car is considered to be a form of transport and a church a place of worship....I could go on but I'm sure it would become boring fairly swiftly.

    It's interesting that you have chosen equate war with masculinity.

    I agree it exudes neither sanity nor femininity. If I had my way, any man who raised his fist to another human, or indeed a weapon or a threat of violence would be arrested have his masculinity taken away (in a non violent fashion of course)

    Gosh what a mess man has made, no wonder the animals are all scared of us...it's an embarrassment.

  2. Of course a guy is going to look feminine if he wears stilettos. Stilettos are the preserve of females. If on the other hand the heels are low, chunky and practical then they will look more masculine. Gosh chaps it's not rocket science is it?.

  3. Hello Amanda. I am a male who reads the posts in the girl's forums regularly. I ran across this post from you tonight... "I often wish that men had the courage to compliment me on choice of shoes. I find it to be a rare occurrence which is odd considering the amount of men that appear to notice them. Is it just me?. Do you get many compliments or even comments from men regarding your shoes?." I would LOVE to compliment more women on their shoes but maybe there's a mis-perception among men about how to give complements about something which can be so personal to someone. I feel almost embarrassed to let a woman know how attractive she is and VERY RARELY comment about her shoes. It's a fear I have of being labeled a pervert since 'guys aren't supposed to notice a woman's shoes.' Also, courtesy of the wonderful news media, any guy who's found to have a shoe fetish is immediately tagged in stories where they may be involved. There have been several posts at hhplace about this - You'll have this completely demented male do something really bad and the first line of the story reads 'Man with high heels did ....." Even if the man is a full CD, the first thing mentioned is the shoes. Well, sorry to rant on but if you haven't posted this question in the men's forum would you please? I am curious how the men will respond to a female asking.

  4. I often wish that men had the courage to compliment me on choice of shoes. I find it to be a rare occurrence which is odd considering the amount of men that appear to notice them. Is it just me?. Do you get many compliments or even comments from men regarding your shoes?.

  5. Do forgive me.

    I actually was meaning "post apocalyptic" referring to the jeans.

    Thank you for steering me toward the shoes. I should have guessed they were by faith.


    Could you elaborate on what you mean by "abit too apocolyptic for your taste" please? i'll feely admit, i looked up the meaning as i wasnt too sure in the context you used it, and from all i can gather, your saying i look disastrous?

    but thankyou for the kind words :cry1: they are faith heels

  6. Regarding you picture,

    I can't say I really approve of your outfit. I find it to be a be a bit too apocalyptic for my taste.

    I do approve of your stature though, you look in good shape.

    I also approve of the shoes you mentioned below could you please tell me who the manufacturer is?.

    Thank you,


    Thanks RonC!

    chizboco - they're alot more comfortable now i've worn them a fair bit, i really like them too :cry1: i really want a pair of these.. such a shame they're in the UK :wave:...

  7. They're not for me. I have tried a pair that a friend of mine bought. We did have a few giggles trying to master them but I really don't know why anyone would seriously want to wear them. Firstly they hurt, second they look ugly (especially the snubby, stubby toes and third they're horribly impractical. I don't think they'll ever catch on. I think they will stay firmly behind the fetish line.

  8. Babushka.

    Ron, excuse me but I'm fairly sure that your babushka following directly after my Tanguska posting is in breach of the terms and conditions of this game.

    Not only is it Russian in origin, it also has the same amount of syllables.

    I do declare sir that you are fairly and squarely out of the game.

    (having looked a second time due to my disbelief)

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