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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Thanks for that story, made me smile Emery. Although I have found myself carrying a purse (i take it you mean what we in the UK call a handbag?) for my wife and forgetting about it while walking around, but not whilst in womens shoes too.

  2. Gene is right about pushing slowly. That's how it worked with my wife, from no way not ever to her saying "how would you like to wear these womens shoes out today?" and now I even got her saying she'd like me to be able to try some shoes on in the shop (she liked some boots we saw and I often break the shoes in for her as they are tight across her feet) and she wanted me to try them first before buying.

  3. to coin a much used phrase eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww grooossssss The first ones seem to be the unpleasant offspring created when some doctor martins were left in the closet with some jesus creeper sandals. Second ones are nearly as awful too. HF how do you find these "shoes" (for want of a better description of these abominations) do you type ugly shoes in a google search box?

  4. I have tried Linux a few times and only once got it working. I am going to be trying it again soon though as things are getting better with it and with winex even games for directx are playable on Linux, as well as many games having a linux port available (Unreal Tournament 2004 for one). Richie, you're right about home build pcs, a little research can save a lot of trouble in the long run. i have built my last 4 pc's and found out that lesson the hardest way. Nigel, remember different OS's will work better for different things. Think carefully what you are going to be doing, look it up and then make a decision.

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