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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Great story fogborkenvv, thanks for sharing it with us here. It does take a lot of guts to tell your S/O of anything like the heel wearing we all enjoy here. Most of us have been there and know that feeling, and you have a supportive partner now, which should give anyone who hasnt told their partner the impetus to do so. Your post wasn't too long as you feared, but a great read, hope you continue posting and stay with us all here.

  2. If thats prudish DawnHH then count me in your prude club. I also don't touch alcohol, or cigarettes and never have. Bad language though is, I'm sorry to say, one of my vices. But I try to refrain when in front of people I don't know, and as far as possible refrain in all messages on this board as a sign of respect to others.

  3. Yeah your Francos would have made the look stylish. Much nicer overall. And as many have said those blue shoes would be hard to match with anything. However black would have been very smart and as Daz states made a better impression for all me who want to/ do wear heels out.

  4. Personally I have cut out most of my sweets which is difficult for a chocoholic such as myself. I have also cut down on what I eat overall. Trying to start bike riding with my wife and kids (baby seat on my bike too for added effort) but weather has been against us, or people visiting. I also walk more often and drink water instead of fizzy drinks. Hope it works now and I start losing weight visibly.

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