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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. That's what I've tried to get across to my wife, I am the same man whatever is on my feet. One of our girls did see me in those shoes the other day and asked if they were mums, I said that they were but mum had bought them from the mens shop anyway. Mrs Shyguy said they were hers but were really mens shoes when asked later so it stopped there. As for going out in them, I would say to all who haven't tried it, get something sensible to go out in first and build your confidence. I don't know if anyone else would notice a man in stiletto heels, but no one has noticed my shoes when out in them, and that has me wanting to try something slightly higher, but still tame by some of the standards here :roll: It's a good feeling of doing something taboo even in my low heels

  2. After a quick look at the site selling kilts/skirts for men, it looked to me like most were just womens skirts rebadged to say mens kilt. I personally have no desire to wear them, even if it became fashionable to do so. So I may have missed some subtleties anyway.

  3. Bubba 136 said

    Wow! Quote:

    When I was 27 I rode a bike more than 45 minutes in less than 3 hours.

    Hmmmmmm! Unless I'm wrong, 45 minutes is less than 3 hours (180 minutes) isn't it?

    Was it microwave bicycle???
  4. Yeah, those are the shoes I'm wearing out regularly now, Bubba. Just working on Mrs shyguy to allow me some boots with a slightly higher heel, but got to slow down and let her get fully used to this first. Jeffm, that's not quite the case yet, Mrs shyguy still has doubts (and I'm still not too confident about going higher or more feminine outside yet either) but she has been putting those shoes in front of me every time we go out (without our kids around anyway as we both agree they shouldn't see me in shoes which they know were mums). Mrs S thought that I wanted to wear womens shoes at every opportunity because of my eagerness at first, so she was trying to be supportive :roll:

  5. Thanks DawnHH but this wasn't a triumph for just 2 people. All the people on this board have helped me build the confidence to do this. This applause belongs to all of you. And I'd like to thank my manager, my parents, the guys behind the scenes and....... :roll:

  6. Dress boots said

    I believe this forum does more than the active heelers know to help those of us too shy to do so

    I agree with that, without seeing the other guys here who regularly streetheel, I would still be feeling abnormal about my wearing womens shoes and certainly wouldn't now be wearing any outside as I now do. Because of the people who post here, I know it's not that unusual to like heels, and to want to wear them.

    And on topic I too am only interested in the shoes side of crossdressing and find some of the pics a bit near the mark with regards to nudity. That said though it is up to the board moderators/owners what goes and what stays. And it is up to the individual to find somewhere else they can post what the moderators don't allow here.

  7. Well I went out again in those shoes(Friday), to the supermarket on my own :roll: Mrs shyguy suggested I wear them (I think she has realised a way to get me picking up groceries for her). I'm still building my confidence so won't be wearing stiletto thigh boots with shorts to the shops yet, but it's a start. Now waiting for the Autumn /Winter catalogues to arrive to see what's available in boots if Mrs shyguy is agreeable to any. Watch this space. EDIT And again Saturday, Mrs Shyguy brought down my heels for me to wear to the shops with her. She says it doesn't notice at all they are womens shoes so she's happy with it.

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