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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Thanks Dawn and Emery for your comments. It was, as stated, a bit of me wimping(although I do know they wouldn't notice a womens shoes, especially with the longer jeans I was wearing) and a little of my wifes reluctance, she says "it's up to you" when she means do what you want, but she isn't completely happy with it. We have talked some more about it, and the supermarket trip looks like it will be a go. :roll:

  2. Wow Gene, what a great insight you give into your shoes. Now my turn, I have 2 pairs of womens shoes now, 1 pair has low heels but higher than most mens shoes (see "a short wearing story" thread for pics), 1 pair slightly higher but still only 2 1/2" or so slides (no pics yet). As wife is coming around to the idea hopefully this will change in the future :roll:

  3. An admission of failure on my part today. We were going out for a meal, and I put on the shoes from the first post of this thread. Well after some discussion my wife readily agreed I could wear them. Although very stealthy womens shoes, I chickened out. Partly because mrs shyguy although agreeable had some doubts she hadn't expressed, partly my own fears. Have agreed that I will go to Tesco (supermarket) shopping with my wife and wear them there next week, so we'll see then.

  4. Sorry Morpho, only time will tell how long it will take, some people here report immediate acceptance of their heeling. Myself it's taken a while and still ongoing. Only advice I can give is be patient whatever happens and the sooner you tell your wife the sooner you will know which way it is going with regard to acceptance. Remember to keep your wifes feelings in mind at all times as she is going to get a bit of a shock. And just take it slow and easy. Good things are worth the waiting for.

  5. Hi Morpho, I saw your reply to my topic a short wearing story, which I see Emery pointed you to. The story is fact. Yes I told my wife before she was my wife, but that didn't make it easier. She refused to accept it through 2 years of being together, 2 further years of being engaged and 3 years of marriage. Now on our 4th anniversary she is slowly coming around. I can only imagine the outcome if she had found out some other way, without me telling her. We'd probably be divorced. My advice is to take it slow, firstly bring up the subject of shoes and how you like the look of whatever style. Mention how you wonder what it would feel like to wear them, and that you'd like to try it. Don't go off the deep end if it is dismissed first time with a laugh or bad comment. Take it one step at a time, slowly slowly catchee monkey. Your relationship with your wife can not last if there are secrets or lies between you, trust in the love you have for her, and make compromises to get some middle ground. My own wife appreciated my honesty, and initially let me try some of her shoes on for a few minutes. When she was ok with it she allowed a bit longer. And as you see, she now gave me a pair of shoes which even a few months ago would have been a definite no go. Hope it works out for you, but my advice is tell her, and compromise.

  6. My wife has made more of an effort than me as I see it. I was working towards what I wanted so had a vested interest in success. She had to go against what she wanted and so has moved towards a failure. She has done far more than me in overcoming her prejudice.

  7. OK progress report. After our recent shoe buying expedition, and some more time spent in the higher mules, I was quite pleased with the progress. Last night I wore those same new mules for most of the evening as Mrs shyguy had worn them out for the day and said they hurt her feet, and I should wear them in for her (which she agrees is one good thing about my shoe "thing" as I can stretch her shoes while trying them on for a while). Bedtime I took them off and left them at her side of the bed for her to put back in her wardrobe. Fast forward to tonight and I am getting dressed after my daily bath and go to my wardrobe for my clothes. Inside are those mules. So I have to ask "why are these here?" Reply " I don't really like them much, and they hurt, but you like them so I'm giving them to you, you can wear them in here but not outside OK?" ME "Yeah great :roll: thanks" :):D:o Anyone in the same situation I was, advice is take it slow.

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