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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. I agree with Daz, the overall look just isn't right. It could have been done so much better and then would have looked good instead of just attention grabbing. And surely his wardrobe people should have advised him better.

  2. An interesting discussion, especially as one discussed his sandals from the womens section, and I borrowed my wifes yesterday for driving to and from work in. So comfortable and my feet were cool, and I haven't been able to find any mens sandals that comfy, just like they said in that discussion. One to watch I think.

  3. I am a man and dress as a man but like to wear high heels. I also like to see women in high heels, as they look very sexy. I also like to discuss heel wearing with other people so thats the real reason I'm here. I also like to see the pics some of the guys send in and see how good high heels can be on men. But you didn't have that whole paragraph as an option :rofl:

  4. I am interested sscotty, and I too have no started in earnest to lose some weight. I agree with you about weighing too often being counterproductive (no loss one week and the whole thing ends in disappointment). I have cut down on my food intake (especially in the chocolate food group :roll: which is my downfall) and in just a week can feel a difference in my tummy size, and even mrs shyguy has commented, and joined me in the weight loss. Keep us posted, and I'll do the same when I can

  5. My desire for heels ebbs and flows too. Sometimes I have no heel desires for months, then other times it is almost overwhelming. As my wife dislikes it too, I have to keep her opinions in mind too, and we have compromised (see my other posts) so that I can wear heels when I feel the need. I have tried to forget it and move on, but the desire to wear heels (or for me just womens shoes in general) returns, so I stopped fighting and witht the help of this forum and its members learnt to accept its part of who I am. I agree with HF it will be interesting to see if your heel desires disappear totally, But whatever is best for you, go with it and accept it is who you are.

  6. I agree with you scotty, I also rarely post in the for the gals section, as I have always assumed the gals section was self explanatory, kinda like lavatories clearly marked and gender specific. We have a mens, we have a gals, and we have a for everybody, thats how its supposed to stay. There is inevitably some crossover especially in a forum in which gender specific apparel (ie shoes) are being discussed for both genders, but lets all try to stay in the right places, and especially not let the testosterone fuel more competition. We all enjoy the same thing here, high heels, so lets just be thankful this place exists in cyberspace for us all to gather and discuss our passion.

  7. Yeah follow suite here too, not too interested in the fetish stuff. I do find the tv/ts stuff interesting, and I guess its another facet of liking womens shoes but going further. I agree though, the women here should not be made to feel like sex objects because of their liking for heels or any other item they care to wear. Because someone wears a sexy outfit doesn't make them available, nor should we assume they will enjoy discussing their sexual orientation or preferences with us. The whole sluts thing is sailing close to the edges of acceptability, but that is up to the mods to decide how to treat it, I do not like censorship, but it has its place . I hope I have behaved with integrity and not upset anyone here, and if I do, I apologise. Its a great forum with fantastic members, and its sad to lose any of them. I have found through these forums that I am not alone / a freak or anything else, just a man who enjoys what most refer to as ladies shoes. Thank you all for showing me that.

  8. Amazingly, I was also engaged and had a similar experience to Dawn HH where the girl got more and more demanding. She even asked me to buy her family a full set of furniture and called me selfish when I said I was saving the money for our wedding/ house purchase. She stopped me seeing friends, and even talking to any females I knew. Then dumped me, kept the engagement ring, and I found out she had been keeping in touch with her ex the whole time. He moved in with her and her family a week after we split. I also turned to cars, couldn't afford a Corvette (not so common in the UK) so settled for its sister the Firebird which received a lot of attention, and took a lot of the pain I had to dish out while I hurt inside.

  9. I started late too DawnHH I was 28 when I settled down, and had been through the "why haven't I got a girlfriend " Thing. When the right lady happens to come by you will know Asdf, till then enjoy life, and don't waste time worrying about it. When you stop looking love will find you.

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