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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. On the subject of guys with earrings, my wife hates the idea of me in womens shoes, but keeps asking me to get my ear pierced. I don't know if it's just me but it seems contradictary to me. IMO earrings are feminine (no disrespect to anyone it's just my opinion) just as much as shoes, but my wife argues against it. Even suggested a trade off, earring for heels no go there though :D

  2. 11 or 12 when I first tried on some stilettos, and liked the feel of them The first shoes I tried were some 1 1/2 inch heeled shoes of my cousin and then tried on her mums shoes, the stilettos, that started something as all here know only too well. Went through the whole hidden shoes thing at my parents house when I was in my late teens but didn't risk it for long.

  3. Well we can both take one on the chin then, you're not computer literate enough to resize, and I'm not able to street heel A 1 all draw I'd say :D BTW I just recently moved to Milton Keynes, so it was interesting to me that you did the rocky horror thing there.

  4. I have bad memories of model railways, my father had a spare room filled with his layout, consisting of three seperate tracks one inside the other. I found I could get all trains to one track using the electric points he had. Result was a huge model train wreck, and one walloping for me. He still has a *lot* of model raiway stuff, OO and n gauge that I know of, and he recently setup a small layout in my old bedroom but wouldn't let me near for some strange reason ???

  5. This is a very touching story, and Anita is a wonderful person to take the trouble to help someone find themself. I had an Aunt who I confided in about my liking heels, she allowed me to try on full female clothing makeup etc. in the privacy of her home, and there I discovered it was only shoes I was interested in. She like Anita did not judge, kept it secret for me, and helped me find out what my needs were, and was always a help to me. It takes a special person to help another in that way, and I'm glad Sean is coming to terms with who he/she is. The story could have been so different without a caring non judgemental person around.

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