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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Thanks for all your comments, all I can say is Mrs shyguy has said these go back, and no more stilettos as she hates them in general, and detests them on me. FYI we have had long discussions on my wearing, and she will tolerate me wearing her shoes of any height she has but does not want me having my own. I have to respect her wishes, this was a big deal for her to let me try stilettos in front of her, and I love her too much to go behind her back or push too hard for the sake of heel wearing. We have a compromise in her (albeit not very high) shoes being available to me whenever I feel the need, and I am not going to keep pushing the issue at the risk of losing what we have.

    We have been married 4 years and been together nearly 8 years and been friends for much longer. We have a mutual respect, and understanding and I understand her reasons for not liking me in feminine shoes, reasons personal to her I need not go into here.

    Again thanks everyone for your support and encouragement.

    P.S. Mickey68 says

    If your wife is not too old, why does she wear such frumpy style shoes?

    I have to agree that is a pet peeve of mine but I love my wife for herself not her clothes :roll:
  2. Well they finally arrived, ordered size 8 (my normal size, and largest available) but they had a very slim pointed toe and were too tight to enjoy (well not too tight to enjoy but enjoyment was tempered with pain to little toes.) I did walk for a few minutes in them, and even mrs shyguy had a go in them though she detests stilettoes with a passion.

    So they're going back anyway and no point in arguing as the experience wasn't the desired one.

    Some (very bad) pics of them

    Posted Image

    And another

    Posted Image

  3. It's allbeen agreed, it was her idea to open an account in my name as she uses her mums account. A bit embarassing when she got the call from her mum that "the order for size 8 stilettos didn't go through and aren't you a size 7?" :roll:

  4. You said it all Dawn HH. Another setback now in that a payment made online to the catalog has gone astray so the account is on hold till it is sorted, no stilettos this weekend :roll: Oh well just have to be patient I guess

  5. Hi Sscotty and all,

    When you get them, just ask her if you can keep them instead of sending them back and that you will ONLY wear them now and then.

    That was all part of the long term plan anyway :roll:

    But she is often in the room as I visit these forums so I didn't dare say it at the time.

    Added info

    Order was placed today by my wife for 3 3/4" stilettos :)

  6. Hi Zepan and welcome to this forum. Take a look around and you will find loads of stories and questions re: telling your SO about your heeling needs/wants. Most of us here have been through or are going thru that stage in the relationship, and most have posted here. So take a look and join in the discussions.

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