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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Thanks for all the tips guys, and all the encouragement. I've tried most things already, blackmail (you want those new shoes, I want some stilettos sort of thing), safety in numbers (look how many guys on this site wear heels, and they look ok don't they?). I have tried the in your face look at what I got on now approach with her boots, shoes. And as stated even the you wear my stuff so it must be ok if I wear yours. This is the closest yet, I have been grudgingly given these shoes for my wardrobe, to wear occasionally on my own in the bedroom, and less frequently keep them on when she is there. But it's a step forward from NO WAY Still trying to get her to let me try on some stilettos from a catalog and send them back though :D

  2. DawnHH said

    For far too long in this country a majority of the bench sitting judges have been letting criminals off with a slap on the wrist sometimes for committing some very serious crimes. The criminals end up with more rights at times than the victims do

    It's the same here in the UK, we have no protection from criminals, they have the "human rights" laws with them anytime something happens. Too often the rights of the victims of crime are forgotten.

    The only people benefitting from crime now is the lawyers who turn a simple case of prosecuting the criminal into long drawn out claims and counterclaims. Here in the UK we don't even have the deterrent of cops with guns to stop the bad guys.

  3. A guy walks into a shoe store and asks for a pair of shoes, size 8. The obviously well trained salesman says, 'But sir, you take an 11. 'Just bring me a size 8.' The sales guy brings them, and it takes three salesmen to get the shoes on his feet. One to hold him in the chair, one to hold his foot, and one to work the shoe horn. Finally, with his size 8 shoes the man, stands up in obvious pain, and starts to walk towards the cashier. The salesman says, 'Sir, why are you torturing yourself? You need size 11.' He turns to the salesman and says, 'I've lost my job, I've lost my house to the IRS, I live with my mother-in-law, my daughter ran off with my best friend and got pregnant, and my son just told me he was gay. The only pleasure I have left is to come home at night and take these shoes off.'

  4. Yep into pc's (using, building and repairing)too, and retro consoles and computers like the old Spectrum, and Amigas and Atari etc. Play online a bit too, mainly unreal Tournament and UT2K3. Also an american car enthusiast but can't afford one anymore (had a Pontiac Firebird with chevy v8 and a Ford Torino) Also considering a motorbike as I have a full license, maybe an old British bike like a BSA or Ariel to restore. Thats about it.

  5. Dunno if it means anything, but after much cajoling my wife eventually gave me those shoes (in the first post) as she stopped wearing them after I said they were very masculine for womens shoes, although she still held out for a loooooong time :D They are now in my wardrobe, but she is still adamant I can't wear them often and definitely not outside. Little by little though :D Now to convince her the stilettos I want are really masculine too, think she'll go for it :D

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