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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Radio DJ's obviously play to "the majority" as their purpose is to gain as many listeners as possible, although being different could be a gimmick surely. But most of them have to keep the station owner happy so cant be seen to alienate the masses who would have found Bowies shoes to be "wierd".

  2. Yeah don't fret Emma J we included the baby for reasons other than ballast :) Unfortunately she fell asleep shortly after the start of the journey and missed the sights, you know daddy sweating, mummy panting and her 2 older sisters riding off into the distance with us both gasping as loud as we could for them to wait for us :D But she does make exceedingly good ballast too 8)

  3. I remember the awards ceremony you mentioned Jay1 I think it was the Brits too, but not sure. I also remember one comment I heard the following day on the radio that he must have dressed in the dark and put his wife's shoes on by mistake. And yes the whole thing did look sharp and cool to me too.

  4. I would love to post pics DawnHH but mrs shyguy is still coming to terms with it all. More discussions took place, and she even ordered some boots for me, but the order didn't get through to completion due to an error, and she lost the impetus. She is trying real hard but is not ready yet.

  5. Swimming works wonders Gene, A couple of years ago I shed over 30 lbs swimming 3 times a week. I also felt so much better for the exercise, unfortunately I had to give it up as we couldn't afford the expense at the time and I soon piled the weight back on. Thats why diet is the thing for me to change for the moment, but yes Scotty I did follow your example and bought a pedometer each formy wife and I last week so I will start watching the steps. It's quite hard for me to walk lots though as I am in a workshop looking after forklift trucks all day with a 1 and a half hour each way travel giving me 12 hour days at the moment (if anyone wants a good mechanic I'm open to job offers :D ). But I will be trying to make some headway in the amount of steps I do, watch this space.

  6. I think I have maybe tried to push too fast, Mrs shyguy has given way a lot in this. We are still discussing this, and she says maybe in time she will allow me to get a pair of boots for outside wear, but not just yet, as she is worried this may lead to full on crossdressing, which I assure her it won't. Its not all negative, just a bit more of a waiting game but I can still wear the shoes outside, and slides indoors so I am happy with that for now. And I can try her boots on with long jeans indoors so we can both see how it looks (ok with one pair so far but 2 others to try).

  7. The latest is that Mrs shyguy is not prepared to let me go further. Despite some positive discussions she snapped back, and although I can still wear these

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    Outside etc., and one pair of slides inside when possible, like these but in a sort of beige suede effect and withoutraised stitching

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    No way am I getting any boots or shoes that I choose myself (both pairs I can wear were hers originally). So a bit of a downer after the positives but I have to respect her views too.

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