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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. JimnJ3 I know how you feel, I'm stil going through it all with my wife. Although I told her before we were married, and have had many discussions together, she still finds it hard to accept me in heels. Same as most guys here, she has asked if I wanted a sex change, to dress fully as a woman etc. but again for me its just shoes and heels in particular. We still discuss it, but it just goes forward and backwards in terms of her acceptance. All I can do is reiterate the comments already made, give her some time, and gauge reactions, then decide which you want/need more, her or high heels. I know I want my wife more so the heels are a no go until she gives her consent (see more on my story in the thread titled "a short wearing story") Hope it all works out ok for you.

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