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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Latest on my personal story..... Today we went shoe shopping for a pair of quick to slip on cheap shoes I can wear to the car to drive to work to save me wearing dirty workboots to the house. After looking at all the mens shoes, we went to the ladies section, and me and mrs shyguy were able to discuss which shoes I may get away with wearing. And here's the biggie, I was actually trying on shoes in the ladies section of Brantano with mrs shyguy giving her verdict . Unfortunately the ones I liked had a very soft back and were hard to get into as the back would squash down, as the whole idea is ease to slip on they weren't suitable. Still no heels just for me, but at least she is getting more open to me trying womens shoes (even if quite flat). Still it was fun to try some on in store, and with an assistant nearby and several customers in the same aisle. Still looking for some slip on shoes (not backless)with not too high a heel and not overtly feminine and CHEAP so any ideas please??

  2. Jim, we do have some electicity here, we keep it in jars, but if you were serious about colour TV then I'm all for it, what have you heard about its arrival? But if it means the demise of 8-track I'll stick with the current black and white model I have thank you, I mean how can they improve on 8-track?

  3. Jeffm you seem to be making some ssumptions there, raponchigo never said he had a modern computer. And he could still have an early manual wind up model or even be viewing this forum on an early abacus, not everyone can afford the latest solar powered casio machines. You also assume that if he is using the solar powered machine he may not be viewing in the dark thus running low on power and slowing down his computer. Bubba should not be attacked for putting forward a possible reason for the slow loading of pages for Raponchigo :D

  4. thats a good book Jim, I read it when I was in asdf's situation. Worth trying, and as everyone is saying, you have to unlearn those negatives ASDF and pull yourself up. EVERYBODY has good points and you need to make the most of yours. Write down 10 good things about yourself and keep reading them back to yourself, people will only see you as you see yourself, so see the good.

  5. Just installed SP2 here, no major problems with installation or running, just annoying popups telling me this that or the other isn't secure enough (ie it isn't blocking everything outside Micro$oft control). Also installed Mozilla a few days ago, due to the reports of IE's vulnerabilities and failings, and Mozilla crashed several times in the first hour or so, so is due for uninstalling.

  6. I was also about 12 when I first tried on my cousins shoes. My parents thought that flourescent coloured socks were the height of fashion then, and had packed me off to my aunts for a weekend with a pair of dayglo pink socks (they were mens/boys socks btw). My uncle saw them and was ribbing me that maybe I should be wearing my cousins heeled shoes, and she bought them in and put them on me for a joke, well I don't need to tell anyone here of the feeling you get and thats the buzz I got. Those shoes had a very low kitten heel, but my aunt had stilettos, so left alone for an hour I had to try them, didn't I? As well as wedge heeled mules, and all her other styles but the stilettos well, Aren't stilettos fun? So despite trying I have never been able to give up that feeling I get when I wear womens shoes, and I'm sure you all know that feeling too.

  7. A small update, still been trying to persuade mrs shyguy to let me wear some hh boots out but no go. She has a really nice pair of ankle boots I am stretching for her (as she has wider feet) indoors, and she has agreed I can wear those and her other boots as much as is possible without the children seeing. So I spent Saturday and Sunday evening wearing them around the house when the kids went to bed which was sheer heaven, they are soft supple leather and so light, they fit so nice even for a size smaller than I normally wear. Well at least I have some freedom to wear heels indoors now so life is good :D

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