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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. I personally find Little Britain very funny, now into its second series I never miss it. The crossdresser in the show is "Emily, the not very good transvestite" who is so over the top trying to be "a Lady" that it has the opposite effect . The characters are caricatures of the people of Britain completely o.t.t. to make it funny. Just my opinion yada yada yada

  2. I agree with what is being said here too, pron is just boring, who needs it?? Profanity is something I also use everyday in the working environment, and unfortunately bring home with me. It's not every other word, but still too much, and I'm trying to curb it. However when writing we all have enough time to avoid using swear words at all. There are always other words to use in place of profanity, but in conversation,on the spur of the moment swearwords just jump to the fore. I concur with FF too, especially having daughters who speak like that "well like it was like so like well you know" and that bugs me. BTW I knew I swore too often when my 20 month old recently repeated my "F**k it" back to me when I was having trouble on a diy job. Time to try harder.

  3. Evans doesn't have a large range of boots and shoes though, at least around here they don't. I often look though, as my wife spends lots of money and time in Evans. Heres a tip for anyone using Evans for shoes regularly, if you get an account there, after a while they give you a gold card which gives 10% off all footwear. Just got mine this morning, but won't be able to use the discount for myself as my wife is against me buying shoes for myself. Any pics of your purchases Chris??

  4. Chavs http://www.chavscum.co.uk

    Back on topic, I understand Allyx wanting longer trousers to cover the heels, and luckily Mrs shyguy has just bought me 2 pairs of jeans with an excellent length and style for covering heels from Matalan at £12 each. But I am short and its easy to get jeans which are too long :-?

    Allyx, I hope you get to wear your preferred styles outside one day and thanks for posting about it here too.

  5. Had a day off work today to go christmas shopping with Mrs shyguy. Spent the morning in the shoes shown at the beginning of this thread (gone now so reposted here)And no thats not me, thats a pic from the Next.co.uk site http://www.next.co.uk

    Posted Image

    As expected with such nondescript shoes no one noticed at all, even mrs shyguy agreed they are more manly than feminine. Still enjoyed a 3 hour walk around Northampton town centre in them. We have agreed I can wear them more often if I feel like it. :D

    Mrs shyguy still needs convincing that I should go higher though, and that she should lend me her boots, or let me buy some similar :-?

  6. Hey Daz, sorry to hear of your relationship breakdown. Been there done that as most have. As everyone says here, it's better now than later. All I can say is I looked upon my first engagement breaking down as the best thing that ever happened, the relationship taught me a lot, and the breakup even more, and now I'm with the woman I need to make me complete. It's hard Daz, but you'll get over it, then move on and up, in the meantime you have friends here on the HHplace forum, and many more offline (I'm sure) who will help you through.

  7. since I work in an auto dealerships' service dept I may have abit of a problem with the techs in the shop!!

    Hey us techs in workshops are humans too you know :D

    And most of them won't take much notice if it ain't greasy or doesn't have an engine :-?

  8. WickedHeelz makes a good point, the companies involved won't hit the consumer with TC all at once, but by gradual introduction will just slip it in there. There will always be others who will sell you a pc with the TC circumvented, but you will then be locked out of the software you might want. I know Linux is improving quickly in ease of use/install and office software (open office does all MS office can do just as well and for free)etc. but playing the latest games isn't easy on it. And the games producers wil want to stay where piracy is going to be defeated ie with the TC camp. IMHO TC will come, very watered down at first but slowly increased and most users won't even know it's there. Lets be honest M$ started installing TC with XP when you can only change a few parts without it being flagged by the OS. With XP SP2 you now get asked if you really want to run each piece of software you try to run, these are all precursors to TC which we slowly get used to before the next is added. TC will not be good for computer innovation as it won't be a free and easy thing to get TC certified or it would be useless, therefore the small innovative programmers will be unable to release code for others to use. Then all we're left with is rehashes churned out yearly by the big boys. Word 2098 anyone??

  9. Sorry Gene, but the range is too wide to give one answer, some would appear gender neutral, some feminine, some masculine and some crossdresser. I had to go with FF and vote "stylish but crossing gender lanes" as in each one falls one side or the other or on the line. Some I think are quite masculine, others woud scream crossdresser through a very large megaphone into a pa system if I wore them.

  10. That was an interesting series calv (boy meets girl) and brought up some interesting points. The Gender Swap programs have also been interesting (2 so far) but the choice of celebrities to do the swapping has been kind of strange, obviously done just to increase the difficulty factor. Also did anyone see the "Transgender Teenagers" program in the UK ?

  11. There's a whole lot worse going on than some guy pretending to be a gal, and we all enjoyed the stories and posts. Would Lucy had seemed so real had she not also posted a few things other than stories? It was a well written story, and a believable character too, and HF isn't the first author to use a pen name, and won't be the last. And didn't help to liven up this already lively and fun forum? How many of us are using their real names here anyway? I wasn't christened Shyguy lol. Personally I say well done Heelfan, had me fooled.

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