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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Thanks to all on this board again, for helping me to stick at it, and to take it slow. As for the fit DawnHH, they fit real nice, and having worn them yesterday for an hour really enjoy the feeling. The heel is listed in the catalogue as 3" but measured 4" at the back. Mrs shyguy tried them, and found them difficult to walk in, but she doesn't do heels anyway, and particularly hates stilettos. Mrs S has even said she may help me do some pics standing in them sometime, but not pushing things too far yet, she has come a long long way in her acceptance.

  2. Ballet boots and shoes and extreme heels were not something I'd even think of buying myself, although I would like to just have the experience once in ballets. And if you can walk in them you earn my respect :) They are all great boots though, and please post more, maybe some of you wearing them too?

  3. If/when I go out in public in HH's it will be in something much less conspicuous, I have been out in some moderate heeled shoes see here http://www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?t=2452&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=

    and will be again in those. But I am not ready myself to go out pushing the envelope as far as you and the other guys who regularly wear heels of all kinds outside (although I admire you all for it) although if my wife agreed, some block heeled boots out on the town would be kind of exciting.

    Now you all know why I chose the shyguy handle here :)

  4. No need for fist slamming, a gentle chat, and we have reached an agreement whereby I keep the shoes hidden from her, and wear discretely when I am on my own. And as for my male hardness (that is a phrase to conjour with) it's not in question anyway :oops: The shoes are mine all mine now. Now I can also explain how she saved me being slaughtered by Micha too, making the keeping of these shoes look even more like a good idea :) . As for how to persuade her, ask for more (ie some block heel boots to wear outside as well as these heels) and settle for less (Ok then, I forego the boots and settle for "just" the shoes) everyones happy :o

  5. If only more women had those curves, instead of going for the stick insect look so desired now. Lady sultry looks stunning in those pictures, long may she continue posing for her and everyone elses enjoyment. Thanks for sharing the pics Nick, and special thanks to Lady Sultry.

  6. The shoes arrived today, mrs shyguy didn't tell me till I got home. So having washed off the days grime, I opened the plain white box, and removed 2 familiar shapes wrapped in thin paper. I carefully unwrapped them and placed them on the bed to admire them, they were finally a reality, here with me. I placed my foot in the fairly narrow band at the toe and slid in my ankle, and then stood and slipped my right foot into the other shoe. As someone whose wife doesn't go along with my high heel desires especially wearing them, I rarely get to try anything remotely like this, so even this 3" heel felt high, but the shoes fitted the best of any heels I have ever tried (which is not that many overall). Walking on an unfamiliar heel height like this (some of you may laugh openly at 3"ers, but this is unfamiliar for me) was strange, but very exciting, after a few paces around the bedroom I could feel the pull on my tendons etc, but still enjoyed it. Probably because I am not well versed in wearing hh's I found my foot slipped out the back of the shoe until I changed my gait to keep them on. I'm hoping to get some time for more practise at the weekend but mrs shyguy insists these are returned along with the rest of the unwanted items in this order, as this is an agreement we have that she can tolerate me trying heels, or else it can't happen at all. Don't want to keep my end of the bargain though :) but will see if pics are possible/acceptable. At the price, £19, as you would expect they are manmade materials, no leather smell to enjoy at the same time you wear them, but they feel good to my untrained feet and the lift was enough for now,

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