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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. You all suck! Lazy, lazy, lazy! Laces are great fun. As for taking too long, that's your male mentality fault of always being in a hurry. Me, I just make time to lace up and I am thrilled. I actually enjoy the sensation if they are a nice pair of boots and thin laces. Of course, I prefer not to have to lace runners and I have them worked in to the point where I just wiggle them on and go.

  2. The availability of larger sized shoes is also helped by some of us taller women with larger feet, I think. Hey, I like fancy shoes too, it's time to go beyond 10, because my feet are only size ten when flat, really, and I hate flat feet. :smile: Just another way that people like myself can help you boys out with your quest for more heels...

  3. I also like the way Lauri wrote it down. It is increadible how poetic people can word their reflections about heel addiction.

    Thank you, Highluc, I appreciate that. :smile: I am starting to refer to myself as a writer these days. I should add aspiring to that, probably. But since it is what I do best, apart from walking in heels, I am starting to like the image the title brings. :grin:

  4. I can get away with a few things at work, I smooth talk when I must. But for the boys... a VP can joke about wearing heels with ease, but a male who wore them to work would be asked to go home and change, I am sure. Things have become a little bit more anal since the cuts earlier this year. But I wore my white five and a half inch stilettos today, which many people noticed. More on that will have to wait for the diary. Hallowe'en is when I push things as far as I can, of course. But I have started wearing sparkles on my eye lids and in my hair at least once every few weeks, and no one is saying anything. Push here and there and see what happens. If someone says something, then defend the freedom of expression. I try...

  5. A few of the corporate biker types wear leather to and from work, and we're talking riding gear here. There was a woman, she may be with a different company, and she wore leather a lot. If I had a leather skirt I know I could wear it. I have worn a PVC skirt to work, snakeskin pattern, and no one has said anything. But then, people like me. Why, I have no idea, but they do.

  6. I think hiking in heels would ruin a pair of shoes. The heels may get stuck in some places which could also lead to injury. I notice that my spikes already sink into the ground when I cut across grass and hit a sandy area. It's not bad, I manage it, but with the black velvet stilettos it is not easy to keep them clean! It would be a challenge, certainly. Use a pair of shoes you don't mind losing, of course. :smile:

  7. I don't "put up" with anything, so I go with the second quote. I got to wear heels today. It's like a wonderful day for that very reason. Whatever else happens and whatever other moods I felt, I can look down at my feet and see a pair of wonderful shoes that I know how to wear. For that brief moment, before I turn back to the rest of the world, I feel happy about myself, my choice, and my life. All from a pair of shoes.

  8. If my heel height reflected what I was paid, I'd be rich. I think my heel height does reflect upon my ability, so my five inch average should say something about just how good I am at my job. :smile: I do try to strut around in my heels like I own the place. Maybe one day that will make a difference...

  9. Actually I think you should wear something like this

    Posted Image

    Wouldn’t that be cool? Only You probaly look 1000 times better in it. :smile:

    Dex, I don't think I would quite fill it out, but I guess it doesn't matter. Thank you for saying I would look better in it. I cannot afford something like that but it would be interesting. I think I might be sent home from work as well. :grin:

  10. My camping trip in runners was, well, a good trip, but it really takes the steam out of being a high heeled goddess. On Monday, when my sister and I went to do the massive amounts of laundry from camping and the week leading up to it, I had to wear my four inch stiletto sandals. Why? To make up for the weekend! I wore the shoes quite a bit that day, trying to get back into the swing of the high heeled thing. Tuesday was my mother's birthday, and of course, we three sisters had the day off to take our dear mother to lunch and make sure she was properly spoiled and pampered. I decided a long skirt would be a good choice, to hide the scrapes and bruises suffered from camping, and with that skirt, my five inch black velvet stilettos. It was another long day in those shoes, from 8:30 am until at least 8pm, I believe. We had a good deal of running around to accomplish. Wednesday was back to work, a day I had loathed in a way, working out of a different office and all. I wore a white blouse, olive green capri pants and my black four inch stiletto sandals. It was a good way to get back into work. And with my understanding that my motorcycle boy and I can only ever be friends, we went to lunch anyway, which was nice. Thursday had me back in my own office, and that called for the black velvet stilettos again. Thirteen hours in them, including my sister and I going for sushi. (okay, I live with one sister, we have an apartment, and our older sister is married). Friday I decided I should be a bit more casual and went back to the four inch sandals, and the same went for Saturday. Both days I tried to look nice but still casual, which I failed at. Oh sure I looked nice, but I never quite seem to get the casual part right. I just look good. Friday had me in black, pants and tank top, each with lace, and Saturday, a green wrap around skirt with grey and purple flowers on it, and a purple ribbed top. And I wore my four inch stiletto sandals on my walk to 7-11 for a big drink on Saturday night. It was an easy walk, really, a few blocks this way, a few blocks that way, and then the same to go home. Today being Sunday, we finally went to the Farmer's market. I wore my Reeboks, yes, because it was hot and there are a lot of people there. Having someone step on my toes is not pleasurable, so why take the chance? And it is a lot of walking. Maybe one time I will try it in heels, but I thought I would give it a pass today. I actually looked casual for once! We bought a great amount of vegetables and some fruit, and some of that is going towards a roasted chicken dinner, which I need to start very soon. I find it important to support farmers and small producers, especially when they are available in one area such as this Crossroads market. Better prices and better quality. More variety. It really does bring back some of that old world charm that we so desperately need in modern society. We lack this in North America, which is why I love going. To mingle with the people, to purchase the fresh produce, and then to go home and enjoy it... my sister and I try to buy fruit just to eat on the drive home. I really find the whole thing exciting. I find myself sticking out in this world. Do I have a place? Not really. I am a stiletto goddess, looking great, appreciating things that people pass by or take for granted, a relic maybe, or a tribute to a time now gone in our society. I cannot say what it is, but I do feel as if I stand out, but in a good way. I am an individual, and I can do amazing things in life. One of them, of course, is wearing stiletto heels as much as possible when most women feel they would not know how to wear such shoes. Here's to my personal Renaissance... may I set a new trend and have people scrambling to follow it.

  11. I just realized... Hallowe'en is only two months away! I should get busy! If I do manage a costume, you know I will post a picture of it. So do people think I should try to make a Valkyrie costume? I don't think my finers can handle making chain mail, but I could easily put together a scale shirt from pop cans. All I need is the money for a spear, really. And no, I will NOT be wearing a helmet with horns, vikings did not wear any such thing.

  12. Payless commercials are misleading. Star Jones likes to tell the viewers of whatever TV program happens to be spewing out of my television that Payless has the style to suit your lifestyle, or whatever the tag line is. When was the last time anyone saw a five inch stiletto pump at Payless? Hey, it suits my lifestyle, where are such shoes? Heehee, yes I am fickle. I call companies on their claims. I should write a letter to Payless and see what happens! Maybe some other time. We've been getting enough food item coupons of late to satisfy my sense of social justice... free bags of cookies here I come!

  13. Well, PJ, I don't know if you are too particular, but... I own the shoes you have pictures there, I believe. I am not sure what you mean by limiting mobility, I move around in them quite well! They were the pair of my sixteen hour day, five and a half inch heels. So I cannot run in them, I can only run up to four inches. I still moved around in them quite well. You may need a custom designed shoe to find your ideal. We all have our ideals in life... I can think of ideals for shoes, the ideal for my man (which I thught I found but he lacked the most important quality - he wasn't available) ideals for the food I cook, the car I would drive... Hold onto your ideal, to your dream, and I hope it comes true one day!

  14. Girl time... I wore three inch heels for years, they were quite natural. I've always been known to be a shoe girl. But now, I can go out all day on five inch stilettos and be fine for the most part. But for me, it was a work in progress, practice, and I think everyone knows this already so I'll just leave my tow ore here and run along. :smile:

  15. I only use the message board, since that is all I look after and the only place I can make trouble there. Did I say that? It works just fine, is someone having a problem with that end? I hope not......

  16. abbreviation is a long word - it's irony! Of course, I usually just write abbr. palindrome is not an actual palindrome - it's some sort of Monty Pyhton-esque joke, I am sure. Teflon sticks to the pan because of molecular bonds. Only the top side of teflon is non stick, because the sticky molecules sink to the bottom. And the snow plow driver lives at work, or takes the plow home. I mean, why would he not have a plow at home, have you not seen the Simpson's episode where Homer is Mr. Plow? Like I know what I type about...

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