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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Silver really needs to be matched with the right clothing, and I would wear silver sandals and shoes for evening more than daytime. After all, sometimes I should be a bit more casual, and silver is flashy. But that could be a great topic for discussion - when to wear metallics.

  2. 5 3/4? Like, I start up with my 5 1/2 inchers, so you go higher. Gee, this forces me to move faster to keep up! :smile::grin::grin::grin: heehee I wish it were cooler, all I can wear right now are sandals, it's reaching 34 C every day, apparently one spot in Calgary was 40 C today. Sure, it was on the Stampede Grounds, packed with people, but still! That's damn hot. Missy, you certainly know how to raise the bar and look good while doing it.

  3. All she needed to do was stretch out her tendons and she should have been able to return to normal. I stretch a few times every day, just to make sure I never get to the point where I cannot wear anything buy five inch heels. I have never been skiing but it might be nice to try one day. And heels on the beach, well... there might be a problem there. Of course, where I live, there really aren't any beaches. So I may never find out. But camping will mean proper shoes. Yes. No heels, they'll just get stuck between some rocks somewhere. Slaves to fashion... well, I am sure others will post here about their own experiences. I can't blather on about my own forever... that would become boring, I am sure. :smile:

  4. I am confused, how can someone be into wearing heels and how they look yet not wish to wear them? Silly, just silly. I am specifically trying to avoid this problem, even if a few visitors to these wonderful sites would prefer I could never wear anyting lower than a five inch heel. I do wear runners from time to time, and I do go barefoot at home a good deal. Being limited to heels only means a loss of a few activities that one may enjoy, as your flatmate found out. Some people may not mind this, others may fear it. My only problem is a sore arch issue when wearing flat shoes for too long. I can live with this on those days where a pair of Reeboks is the only option, because there will be six other days that week where I'll be in heels and quite happy. :smile:

  5. Darkstar, it's nice to have support. However, platforms are a touchy subject, so we will just have to smile and say it is okay for other people to wear them and like them. Not us, though. :smile: Liking what you consider tame is not bad, the shoes sound very nice. I prefer nothing under 4" myself, and would love to spend every day at 5", but I need more shoes for that, I guess. Soon.... :grin: Welcome, and enjoy, and join in, and remember, personal expression is most welcome here. Stiletto heels rule, platforms are, for other people. Let's just be nice and leave it there.

  6. I am happy to report that my feet are much better, and I do not seem to have my, well, swelling problem. Yes, delicate way to put it. I have been able to step into the Extreme 5 1/2 inch stilettos, no forcing, and I can walk around in them. I'll save the details for the next diary, of course. :smile:

  7. There are times when I find I do not have enough time in the day. I wish I had more stability in my schedule, but it seems lost on me. I would have loved to have my new five and a half inch stilettos broken in by now, but I have not had more than fifteen minutes to wear them this week. They were fine, I walked around a bit, I can get them on, that's always important. The left shoe is tight, which just means that my left foot is slightly larger, I believe it is 1/8 of an inch larger. Yet I lament the lack of time and thus motivation for breaking in the new shoes. I should be giving them a try at work this week, yet they will not leave my closet. It is a shame... As for my week, it was well heeled... Monday was a holiday in Canada, for those who may not have known. But most holidays are not such for me, I did have to work, and it was a SUPREME waste of my time. Yes, my job found me sitting around for eight hours in case people had problems, and I think I had to exchange two modems for people in the end. Someone else could have done that... I ended up driving, and I wore my 4 1/4 inch stiletto sandals. They're probably closer to four inches now, I have worn them so much in these few months that the heel tips are worn down to the metal screw. They sound more interesting, sure, but I do not wish to ruin the shoes. My next day off with money needs a trip to a repair shop to get some new tips. Tuesday was a day off for me. That is when I had some time to wear the five and a half inchers for a bit, and I wore both my five and a quarter stilettos and my now four inch sandals. Just a day of many heels, I guess. Wednesday and Thursday were five and a quarter inch black patent stiletto days. I was not working in my own office, but in another location, and while I was not thrilled about it, I did get to be a stiletto goddess while the only people who could be close were wearing wedge heels, maybe four inches in height was the highest I saw. I have found a little bit of a trick to wearing pumps for long periods of time in the summer. A stick anti perspirant can help. A solid, not a gel. Gel is for other parts. I have an old one that I just rub on my feet, and I stay drier. It's not an issue about scent, but I was noticing my feet becoming increasingly hot as each day of summer progressed. The drawback - I am not sure this is good for the lining in my shoes. Oh well, just ane excuse to buy more next pay day... Friday was a four inch stiletto sandal day, but I was feeling quite ill and I went home from work early. Abdominal muscle spasms, female issues, well it is best not to get into it here. Four hours of sleep took most of the fight out of my afflictions. There were only a few aches carried over to Saturday. :smile: Saturday was a work day, of course, and some interesting comments from female co-workers. They noted that since I was wearing my four inch sandals, I was having a relaxed, casual day. The two who worked with me were amazed by how high I can go with stilettos. Especially the "black ones that are really high" which of course are the 5 1/4 inch stilettos. So four inch heels are now low for me, and casual. Well, my image is noticed amongst my co workers, for certain. :grin: Today, being Sunday, will not have any heel wearing reports, as we had a family outing to the Calgary Stampede. This is not a place for heels. Sorry. One does not walk around that much for that many hours in heels. Especially if one goes to see the horses and cattle (an urban girl like myself does tend to forget how bad that smells in the first five minutes of being in the building). Horse stalls tend to mean large piles of hay to walk on, and Reeboks were the only smart choice for this. Lots of sandals, but no one in heels above and inch and a half anywhere. There was one pair of granny style western boots, about an inch and a half to two inch heel. My arches did hurt for a bit after a few hours, but I managed to stretch them with some heel lifts and I survived the day. I need a nap.......

  8. Laurie,

    Your shoes are beautiful - even though they aren't suede - and I love the pictures! I look forward to more pictures - I love it when I can see both your shoes and your face - you are beautiful! :grin:

    When I try to take some of those shots you like, seeing both shoes and face, I end up getting comments about being flexible and twisting myself into a pretzel... there were a few where I used a chair to look at the camrea and show my shoes, but I do not remember where they are right now.

    If you find them, check them out. :smile:

  9. The brand is the Highest Heel. The toe area is a little bit smaller than Jante. They'll require a bit more working in than Jante pumps. Heelsonline didn't have a Jante that I could see in 5.5, so I went with these. I haven't had time to wear them, really, so it will be some time before I am out and about in them.

  10. Well Nata, I don't know. Sometimes I feel that having the highest heels is the only advantage I get. Large breasted, small waisted women run around, and men think sex and follow them. I need some way to set myself apart, and when the silicone brigade comes along, being the highest heeled and being the best at walking in them really makes me feel a bit superior for a change. There's an opinion for every situation, I guess.

  11. :grin: What's with your eyes so wide open? :grin: Can't beleave the hight of the heel your self? :grin: I think it's just you looking at the screen when triyng to take the picture, is it?

    It's my artistic flare, I am giving the wide eyes on purpose, as if to say that I didn't realize how high they would look.

    I did realize in a way, so this is just an attempt at humour. :grin:



  12. That's a tall order there, to be as proficient as I am. :grin: I am sure you could do it, but you have to walk across grass, climb small hills, and generally try and do as much as possible in heels without fore warning. Dare you live up to it? :smile:

  13. New topic! It is about time. It is summer here in the Northern Part of the world, and there have been some blistering days. Thus, I ask, what is your favourite pair of shoes for summer? Now this coulb be a pair that you own, or a pair that you admire others wearing. For me, I have found that I love my black patent sandals with the four and a quarter inch clear heel. I wear them everywhere. Do you have a favourite?

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