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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. There are times in life when people feel a bit burned out, they find that their normal interests become complacenet, and thus it feels more like a struggle to take part in what they enjoyed at one time. Now, heels are an addiction for me, I'll never stop, but the internet has lost some of the appeal for me of late. So you may have noticed a little bit less interaction on my part. Even as a moderator, I have not spent much time posting, even though I do check every day to make sure the postings are in order. I am not apologizing for it, hell no, it is my life and I live it my way. But I just wished to explain why I had not been posting as much. Now, this does not mean I am not going to write the diary, just be patient, you can read about things in a few minutes. But honestly, I was wondering why I write this every week. Eventually it will become boring, and quite complacent. However, that day is not here yet, so let's look at the week. Monday was a great start to the week. You see, I did wear my five inch patent stilettos to work (they are five inch officially, the heel tip has worn down enough) and that was a hilight in itself. It was still a bit warm, but that was okay. I looked good, that mattered the most. However, I had the great fortune of receiving a package in the mail! Shoes! I was expecting this package, and I do admit it took some time to arrive. But inside, two pairs of shoes, and how wonderful... Tan stiletto sandals from the Highest Heel. Yes, a nice five inch stiletto heel, Hush is the model, and the fit is quite nice. And the second pair, everyone will love this, five and a half inch white stiletto pumps, made by Jante. Okay, so on the Jante sight the model is listed as six inch heels, but these are just right at the moment. I wore both pairs for a few minutes at work, just to make sure the fit was okay, and it was! The other girls who work downtown with me really liked the shoes, so I had to feel good about it. I do admit, my black five and a half inch stilettos do not fit quite as well as the white pair, but then, different sizes for different companies. Both are still nice. Tuesday was another stiletto day at work. My older five inch stilettos were the victims, and of course, the worn down heel tips on this pair meant a bit of difficulty walking across the foyer at work. it took great control to stay on my feet and looking good. Not that I would have fallen, but looking wobbly on stilettos is not the image I would like to project. On Wednesday I worked out of a different office, and I wore my four inch stiletto sandals, the black patent ones I love so much. I had tried to fix the heel tips by turning them around, since they wear thge most on the back end of the tip. Well, this worked for a few hours, but at noon, I noticed that one had fallen off! Horror of horrors! Thankfully, I was done early, so after going to lunch with a few CSRs, one of whom is like, well he's cute, let's just say that, I was off to the mall (a mall, we have many). I needed to find a shoe repair shop. Oh, cobbler... I stood barefoot while my new heels tips were put on. I did not get to see it, the repair was in the back of a shoe store and that meant the back room. But from the sounds I could deduce what was being done. The wonderful news is that replacement heel tips for a pair of stiletto sandals is only $5.35 canadian, that includes the tax. I found the perfect place to maintain my shoes. Thursday, what the heck did I do Thursday, oh yes, back to my own office, and my repaired sandals were happy to be there. I wore them Friday as well. Twelve hours at least on each day. I find myself puting in at least twelve hours at any given time in heels. I can get up to sixteen hours out of four inch heels before my feet decide they are tired. I am thinking I could do anything in a four inch heel, and almost anything in a five inch heel. Saturday and Sunday were days off, and it is nice to have a proper weekend like most of the world. Saturday there was running around to be done, so it was a consistant third day for the four inch sandals. I did notice a few woman looking at them. Yes, I am a high heeled goddess, you cannot compete. :smile: No matter how much you spend on those low heeled sandals, I will look better. Saturday night I switched into the new five inch tan sandals, just to give them a go. They are wonderful. But this afternoon, after coming home from more errands, I decided to push the height up, and I am now wearing my five and a half inch white stilettos. They have an ankle strap which I have buckled, but really, I may not use it often. I should get in a few hours with these shoes today. That means a few more in the black 5.5s, a few more in these, and maybe I can bring a pair to work for an hour or two of field testing. I walk in them quite well, and I am not surprised. I know if I wore them for eight hours I would be sore, so I do need to build up to it. But they are easy to walk in, and the black pair are that way now as well, even if they are a tiny bit smaller. I am lucky, though, the weather is much cooler today, and my feet are happier about being in the shoes. Now, it has been six months since I started diaries. Six months of heel progression. I am now at five and a half inches. I figure that if I really wanted to just test my limits, I should be walking okay in seven inchers in six more months. I mean, in six months I went from a once a week wearer of four inches to being able to walk in five inch heels for twelve hours at a go, and I can handle five and a half inches at home with ease, and I would imagine out of doors wouldn't be too bad. It's progress... which is exciting. But I still feel a bit of burn out about the whole internet thing. I suppose we will have to see... Thanks to D and RC

  2. I can access Jenny's from the same link I use all of the time. I haven't seen any problems, and I don't think any of my boardhost commands allow me to check on linking problems. What are you using as a link?

  3. Velcro. So useful yet so annoying... A buckle is the only way to go, it is the buckle that adds that interesting little focus point that takes the shoe from having a strap to being a design of interest.

  4. Laurieheels, any particular mythology you wish to model yourself after? Phoenix764

    Norse! I owe it to my hertiage, my upbringing. It would reflect a number of aspects of my personality. Stiletto heeled goddess, with a spear and sword and my blonde hair with braids...

    I am thinking of getting a good pair of stiletto boots and making a Valkyrie costume to go with them for next Hallowe'en!

    teleport, not really, but flying would be nice.

    HOWEVER, the idea here is for others to tell me about my super heroic powers, so I'll let people get back to the idea behind Super Laurie.

  5. Oh, don't get me wrong, I like the heat, I am not complaining about it being hot in that sense. Any day without snow here is a good one, but a Day without Rain is like a Lord of the Rings movie without an Enya song. (yes, there is a reference there, catch it, feel clever, whatever). It is just that my feet swell in the heat, so wearing sandals is a lot easier that something with a closed toe. Over the weekend it will be cooler, and I'll wear the shoes at home a bit more.

  6. Mary Janes have always been about the strap, in my opinion. I guess the models they usewd to make with pointier toes were not officially Mary Janes, but I always liked them that much better, even when flat. *shrug*

  7. if the mary jane had a stiletto heel and a pointed toe, I would wear it. But it reminds me of something my mother always told me when I was being fussy, that she would dress me up with mismatched marry janes and make me wear pig tails. Growing up, I learned that this was bad, so I think my image of the shoes can be a bit clouded.

  8. I quite like to wear pants with five inch stiletto heels hiding underneath the pant legs. It is a great look, provided the pants are relaively straight legged. Tight or loose, just don't flare out like some bell bottom nightmare. I think the style suits me in the winter, and it means less need to be perfect when shaving my legs. So there!

  9. Back on Monday, the weather was not as hot, and I was happy to be at work in my 5 1/4 inch stilettos, nice black patent always makes things better. Monday and Tuesday were pump days, with short skirts, because the weather is warmer. Monday was cool enough to allow for stockings, that I really liked. I thought I looked quite nice. Then the weather started getting warmer. Wednesday I had the day off (no one in our department works a regular Monday to Friday week anymore, it seems, idiot supervisor they gave us). It was a sandal day, because the weather was getting so much warmer. Four inch stiletto sandals and a nice day. Thursday was another sandal day, and quite for necessity, because it was now hitting 30 C and above during the day. Friday was the same thing, sandals. And Saturday. I am glad I have skirts, they are a blessing in such hot weather. Long days in stiletto sandals. After all of this time there isn't much to say about these days. Nothing eventful happened on any of them. Well I can wear five inch stiletto heels to go grocery shopping now. I am sure I look out of place at Safeway, but hey, a lot of people on their way home from work stop in there to pick up a few things. Being in stiletto heels just means higher heels than most business women. Heck, all business women. I see some clunkier high heels, but it is rare to have both a stiletto heel and the height in this city. It was just a typical week in heels, nothing too exciting. Today, well it was still sweltering outside, so it was a time for stiletto sandals. My feet need air! Now, I know everyone is wondering when I'll be wearing the new 5 1/2 inch stilettos to work. The answer - when it is cool enough to wear stockings again. I wore the shoes today, I was even in the kitchen helping my sister make chili, while wearing these new ultra high stilettos. Yes, there is a nice image for all of you. WIth the heat being as it is, I have not been able to wear the new stilettos very much. They fit, but my feet can swell up quite quick when I am wearing them. So I am limited to a half hour at most in them at any given time. And I am wearing them barefoot, because I find that a pair of shoes are worked in that much quicker with direct skin contact. I do have swollen ankles right now, so I cannot buckle the ankle straps. That will not change until the weather calms down a LOT more. I can walk in them, yes, it is easy to keep my balance. Let's all remember, I am this high heeled goddess. The difficulty comes in having to re-learn how to walk for the height. I can move pretty fast in a pair of five inch stilettos. Not run, mind you, but my tendons and muscles are used to the height now. I can make them work harder. With the new height, I need to have the tendons stretch a little bit more. Thus, I try to walk like I would in my other heels, but my body is not ready yet. It is tricky, but I must force myself to take smaller steps and walk slower for this height. Once I do this, I can walk quite well. I glide, but it is a small glide. In time, with more wear at work, I will be able to take normal steps again and move about as quick as I need. Work can be demanding, and a long walk down the foyer to the elevators cannot be done at a slow pace. Why? I'll be run over by the hoards of other employees of the various companies who wear boring shoes and move faster! So for now, the five and a half inch stilettos will wait for the right day. Maybe they will have their day at work in a few weeks. And then... well, then I will be wondering when I will pick up a pair of six inch heels.

  10. I just noticed this topic. I don't tread into the men's club very much. This is totally true. The more I wear heels, the higher I like my heels. And the better I am in such heels. It is quite incredible and it really does make life more interesting. It is an addiction. Just one woman's perspective as she tries to share with the boys...

  11. Welcome, Paul, and hey, to get involved and cirrespond, just post! It's easy, it's fun, and you can get in on some great conversations. or better still, post some topics of your own and really get thingsa going! :smile: Enjoy your visits, and it is nice to see another new members!

  12. The majority of North American men are looking for breasts. I appreciate that there are people here who can appreciate a woman who has nice legs and wears heels, but really, it must be the minority. And guest, log in or give a name or something, okay? :smile:

  13. If I were to wear a toe ring, I would lose it. Heck, on my last date a few months ago, I lost my impossible to get on braclet from my wrist, and the thought was if it is so difficult to get it to hook on, it must be the same way when getting it off. Newp. So a toe ring would vanish in a day. I have had my favourite ring slip from my finger as well. They are great for some girls, but not for me, I fear.

  14. A tri coloured blouse. Short sleeved with colar, the top is a creamy white, the middle section is a light sand, the bottom section is a mocha tan. It buttons up the front. Black slinky skirt with high leg slits (one on either side) and black strappy sandals with the clear stiletto heel. Hair is blond as usual, just pushed back, and make up is subtle. Well the make up is all washed off now, so WAS subtle. It was Saturday! I was working with a girl, wearing a nice fsubtle flowered sun dress, and she commented on how some people dress so poorly on the weekends. Strange how sometimes you can bond with people you don't know over something as simple as how you dress on a Saturday.

  15. Some stores here use more of a clear sticker instead of a paper label, when the price goes onto the shoes. They usually stick the price on the sole when something is clearance or display. WHat stays in the back doesn't have anything on the sole. The worst is a sticker that is also stapled into the sole. THAT is frustrating to remove.

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