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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. I have been wearing 5in heels in most places for a while now. I always in fancy stockings and lot of the time leather or rubber short skirts.

    I think it's time I take a another step to my goal of being a total high heel wearing and exotic clothing goddess.

    Ahem. You can be the goddess of exotic clothing sure. But someone else might hold the other title already. :grin:

    And that someone will be moving up quite readily.

    Jealous? No, and really, there is enough room for many goddess types in the category. But still! :smile:

    Oh I am just being silly....

  2. 21. Interesting. Monday was a day off for me, and much deserved in my opinion, but I am sure my employers do not see it the same way. I wore my 4 1/4 inch stiletto sandals for the majority of the day. Even at home for a bit as well as going out. On Tuesday I walked to work in Reeboks and I wore my 5 1/4 inch patent pumps all day, bare legs of course which means bare feet. Easy stuff, and not even much of an overheating issue. Now, Wednesday presents a change, since our part of the office building was closed. G8 summit, everyone worries about violent protests and damage and people sneaking into the building. Since we deal with the public in our office, we were closed and shipped to another office. There was one protest march and it was small. Talk about overreacting! Yes, it was nice that they took the precautions and sent a clear message about staying peaceful, but I like my desk! So Wednesday had me sitting next to some person taking customer service phone calls. All of us forced to do that were bored. I left early for not feeling well. I did wear my 4 1/4 inch sandals, of course, with a denim skirt. Thursday, we were still closed, so again it was sit there and listen to people take phone calls. I made sure to wear a short black skirt and my 5 1/4 inch stiletto heels. I did have the chance to sit with a tall and quite handsome guy for a few hours. The day was not a total loss. Now, since I had to drive to this office, as it is a bit far for walking, I had been wearing the stilettos at 7:30am and that day I believe I went all the wat until 8pm in them. Pretty good! But the best part was going to lunch. We good employees never get to go to lunch together, so today was a nice change. I walked the block to the restaurant in stilettos, and that includes up a small hill, about five feet in height, and then I was required to sneak under a wood rail to get into the parking lot. After lunch, back under the same rail and then down the hill. Yes, in 5 1/4 inch stiletto heels. Impressed yet? Friday was back to work where I belong. I missed my desk very much. My chair, my computer, my place to be. I wore my 4 1/4 inch sandals, and since I drove to work that day, I had them on all day, for about fourteen hours in total. I went for Sushi that night as well. It always feels good to wear heels when going out to dinner. Saturday. I had to work for a few hours in the afternoon. I again wore the sandals but I walked to work in them and home again. It was a short day, including dinner after work with my sister and some shopping. I did break the Walmart rule again, and I wore the stiletto sandals there. So... goodbye, Walmart rule! Whatever happens to be on my feet and match my outfit is what I wear. Sunday. Today. Painting day! My sister and I joined our mother and step father to help paint for his father. Okay people, I wore Reeboks, because I am not getting paint on my nice shoes. I did notice that my arches were not very happy. After painting was all done, I put on my stiletto sandals and my feet were good again. Am I adjusting? I do not know. But I am still wearing the sandals even though I am at home now, and typing up this article. I really like them. And now, I will share with you all... The 5 1/2 inch Extreme stiletto heels have arrived. My feet have been a bit swollen lately, so I haven't worn them for more than a few minutes at any given time. It's also been hot. Over the next week or so I hope to start wearing them at home and get them worn in. I measured the heel, and they are 5 1/2 inches. Now, the issue is this. They look SO different from my Jante pumps that are 5 1/4 inch. So a different brand makes this much difference? The brand is the Highest Heel, by the way. They just look so different. Who knew a quarter inch changed so much. More realistically, I think the design is just different. Provided I wear stockings, I'll be able to start wearing the shoes this week, and once they are softened up, I'll figure out when I can bring them to work, and I will web cam a few pictures. Exciting, isn't it?

  3. Black slinky skirt, a white knit camisole with thin straps, a matching short sleeved sweater, and black patent 5 1/4 inch stiletto pumps. Great for looking good at work and staying a bit cool.

  4. I could focus on the fact that this is a milestone, the completion of twenty weeks of this diary. But I won't. I am not even sure what to write about this week. Sure, I can talk about the shoes I wore, but don't I always? Maybe I have to, it is what people want to know about. But with a lack of variety in my shoes for work, there isn't much excitement going on with what I am wearing. Let's review anyway. Monday was a bit cold, and certainly a day for stockings. Black stockings. And that means black stiletto pumps with the 5 1/4 inch heel. Tuesday was similar, and I drove to work, so I kept up with the stilettos again. They're a great pair, and holding out a bit better than the pair before that had a five inch heel. Maybe I am just learning to be more careful when I am sitting in a metal chair. Wednesday saw me in these shoes once again. I wore Reeboks to get to work, then switched, then reeboks to go home. That night my sister and I were supposed to go pick up our mother and go for dinner. Well... the car was broken. We took a cab, and I did walk home from the restaurant, in five and a quarter inch stiletto heels. Three and a half blocks. Not bad. :smile: Thursday was supposed to be a driving day, but a broken car killed that idea. I walked to work very early, and I did wear my 5 1/4 stilettos during the day. I keep thinking about trying to walk home in them, but I know I am not ready for it. More than four or five blocks at this height and I would start to have tired feet. Four or so inches is my limit for this right now. And to that end, Friday was my sandal day, and my black patent 4 1/4 inch stilettos were the usual choice. I walked to work in them, so I could cut down on the baggage. Why carry the shoes if you can wear them without problem? That day went well enough, and that night the car was repaired, finally. More expenses in life for parts, but having a step father than can tinker with an automobile is a bonus. Still, money ended up quite tight. Saturday came, and the car worked, and I didn't have to work. This meant fun in the sun. Frisbee fun! Yes I am quick becoming a fan of the game. Now, this does mean going to a park. I wore my black patent stiletto sandals. with green capris, a white tank top and a tan blouse overtop, for wind protection. It was too warm for the blouse. The first park we went to was open, quiet, no dogs allowed... I did wear my stilettos onto the grass, but I am not dumb, I took them off and went barefoot for playing. But we left this park early, because some creepy guys in a truck who had driven by twice decided to park in the alley way on the other side of the park and watch us. My sister was not pleased, and neither was I. So we found a school with a large park next to it much closer to home. In a rich neighbourhood, so it feels a bit safer. There is a downside to looking good. Bad attention can come of it. Sunday is a boring day. I may not even go out and just be barefoot all day. If anything interesting happens, I'll let you know. Now, there have been some comments about me being a permantent high heeled girl and throwing out shoes below four inches in height. To address that in an official diary, I have to say, I cannot do that. There is a proper time and place for everything, and as much as I love to wear heels, and as much as I do wear them, sometimes they are not appropriate. Being a high heeled goddess is not about how often you wear heels, but how well you wear them. I think I can walk in a pair of stilettos quite well now. Life is what it is. And since it is my life, I can control it a bit. I do appreciate that you are out there and reading my diaries and my messages, and I thank you for it. I value everything said to me about the subject. But in the end, I need to make the practical decisions for my life. I hope you are enjoying these diaries, and keep reading them! One day soon those 5.5s might arrive, and I can begin a new adventure in heel height. Won't that be exciting!

  5. olive green capri pants, a white tank top, very thing straps, a tan blouse worn over top and left open, and black 4 1/4 inch stiletto sandals. Great for going to a park for frisbee, provided I take off the shoes and the blouse. :smile: That's just what I did!

  6. People conform because of fear. I won't go on a rant about the historical aspects of it. To be brief, if we look at religion and government, we find that a culture likes people to align towards a common theme. People who are different might go against the goal of that governing group, which then disrupts society. The fear is that non conformity will break down society and cause the laws society has in place for the good of the people to be ignored. It's about order vs chaos, really. And yes, a man wearing very feminine shoes is often associated with being gay. Why? Well, the shoes display feminine qualities, and gay people are viewed as effeminate. Thus, feminine shoes, feminine traits, and most likely, gay. It sucks and such attitudes must be destroyed. But they exist, so right now, while we fight them, we can either learn to live with them for the moment and change them as we go along, or worry and fret about it all day and night and let fear keep us from living our lives.

  7. On 2002-06-22 13:03, JeffB wrote:

    ....when your idea of casual Friday footwear at the office are three inch heeled pumps!

    But then, I wear them at the office EVERY day! :smile:

    Three inches? Why so low? :grin:

    I won't pick on you, but I do tend to wear four and five inch heels on Fridays. But then, that's how I like it.

  8. I was so tempted to jump into this, but I think I won't. Wars are started over religion, and collections of books like the bible. Bible is derrived from Byblos, the place where the reeds grew to make the papyrus scrolls the first copies were written on. It was a means of education and control, which is why copies were made. Religion can be a great thing, but sometimes it goes too far. And that's all I will say, lest a war break out here.

  9. I'm quite anti television most of the time, so my heart is broken by the cancellation of any series. But I enjoy a good story, and a few shows have that. Television exists to sell us things. Commercials are big business! Do you really think all of these people all over the world watch the Superbowl because they like American Football? I mean come on, if they did, most games would be made into international broadcasts. Television exists to tell us what we should buy, what we should do, and who we should be. So when a series with an actual story and some intelligence comes along, it's a wonderful thing. But then, it goes against the ideal of the marketing world, because programs that make us think then make us more difficult to sway with flashy advertising. Television. It could have been a great thing.

  10. gee, star trek fans get defensive! I prefer shows where the hero buys it in the end, myself. That's rare, because it is difficult to merchandise such programs. I think that every week, a new adventure, is too much. Each week shuld somehow build on the last week. Continuity. Earlier Star Trek series didn't do this all too well. And the idea is not to revisit a theme the next season. There needs to be continuity. We should not be able to take episodes from a given season, mix them up, watch them in whatever order, and be okay with it. Plot development over time far outweighs fantastical ideals and sci fi eye candy.

  11. I saw something interesting last weekend. A woman was wearing what looked to be three inch blade heels. When she was walking closer to the car as we waited for the light to change, I noticed that they were actually wedge sandals! The very back parts was black and indeed a blade heel, but it was then filled in with a wedge. Sneaky! Of course I saw some wonderful four inch stiletto slingbacks on a woman walking into the building today. Yes, I was wearing 5 1/4 inch heels, but hers looked like some fancy designer brand. I wish I was paid like she was, whoever she was.

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