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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. New shoes are wonderful.

    Monday started off with new shoes! I was so excited that I put them on as soon as I arrived at work and found them there. I was going to wear my four inch patent sandals, but these were just too exciting to pass up.

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    They are Jante, five inch heel, black velvet, and just wonderful.

    I wore them about six hours that monday. Yes, it goes against my rule of only wearing new shoes at home to break them in, but hey, they are exactly the style I love. See, my mother has a pair of suede pumps that I have always admired, and having something that is similar to them really makes me feel like I am her daughter. And as we mention my mother, I should note, she has found the web sites and seen my messages. She was amazed that I have posted 1200 messages on hhplace.org. She understands me a little better now, I think, and she does think I have some skill at writing...

    Tuesday was my day off, and I kept to the four inch sandals. Why? Well, it was just that kind of day, out and about, and a bit warm, I needed something that went with my outfit. The velvet pumps were too classy. It was the last somewhat warm day for a while.

    Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at work, I wore the new black velvet stilettos. Why? Well I love them. They are my favourite pair of shoes, and you can see why.

    Wednesday they went with black sheer stockings and a short black skirt. Thursday, black heavy stockings, made from tights, with my grey power suit, short skirt and short jacket. Friday, black stockings again, with black pants, and because of the pants being a bit long I removed the ankle straps. Saturday required me to work for a few hours, and I had different black pants, but bare feet, and the pumps went without the ankle straps again. Two pairs in one makes this style so versatile!

    Wednesday was nine hours in these shoes, Thursday was about twelve, maybe fourteen for Friday, and another eight for Saturday. I think my new shoes are broken in quite well.

    I also think we can all see that a pair of black shoes really does have an effect on me. And Patent has become a bit boring for black.

    I am still waiting for a nice day when I can wear the white 5.5 stilettos to work. But in Calgary, things have been quite cold. So much for summer! From a heat wave one week, to cold and rain the next. I still love living here despite this strange weather. Actually, the cold weather was good, I have not been able to wear stockings for months! Yes, even when faced with adversity, I do try and find something positive in the situation.

    I only have a few weeks left before Labour Day, that wonderful day that says "no more wearing white!" and while I do not care much for the fashion rules, this is one I am aware of a little bit more. Unless we have another heat wave in September, the time for white shoes will have passed. Let's hope for a nice day where white stiletto pumps can take the stage!

    As for today, it was quite cold and rainy, maybe +8 C at most outside. I was home for the most part, barefoot and feeling a bit cold. I made a great dinner, a spicy beef, carrot and green pepper dish, stir fried then braised, and served over basmati rice. But nothing of note happened on the shoe scene today, except for the pictures.

    Since the patent stilettos need new tips, I think the new black velvet stilettos will get quite the wearing in this next week. If the weather perks up, other shoes may come into play, but at the very least, I should have a well heeled week at five inches.

    I may not like work, but at least I can look good while doing it.

    (Thanks to D-USA for hosting the pictures on such short notice, among other things...)

  2. I have shown everyone the one already on the net, I think I have one more I can post. I did not like my picture taken back then. I do not look like I do now, a very different girl, I think. But I will see about getting the picture onto the net and posting a link. Shoes will not be visible in it, but they were only three inch heels.

  3. Black lace turtleneck without sleeves, a black sweater over it, black polyelastine pants, and black velvet five inch stiletto pumps, with black stockings. And glitter in my hair and over my eyes. Yes, glitter at work. I think quirky is fun!

  4. Even for myself, being a woman and all, other woman can be jealous or curious, and it takes time to educate them. I don't have much of a reaction anymore, but sometimes someone who does not see me very often at work will make a comment. I can imagine how much more difficult it would be for a woman to see a man developing great skill with heels. As if feeling inferior to another woman were not enough... I am not saying other women feel inferior to me, but realistically, SQ, people are going to see you not only intrudting, but mastering, an aspect of women's fashion that most women cannot handle. I think that the bigotry and bias and stereotypes should be thrown out, and people should just stare at you with quiet awe. Unless someone like myself were to walk by, then it would be "what guy?" Ha ha.

  5. My heels make sounds, even with the plasticy rubber tips. Whatever they are made of. It is just not as loud a sound. No big deal for me. I'd rather me noticed for my look than my sound anyway :smile:

  6. Well, someone really does remember and has been reading everything I post. Hoverfly, I am impressed. Yes, 10 for flats and lower heels, but I go 11 for higher heels. AT first they are a bit roomy but as they are worn in they shape to my foot quite well. :smile: Is there a difference in the arches? Yes, and sometimes, even more so between different brands! I really noticed it when I went from four inches to five oh so long ago. But I am not really thinking as well as I could right now, I have a headache. So don't ask me why. :grin:

  7. Train, practice, and just keep trying. That is all I do. I have noticed that I can do some amazing things in shoes now. I know I said I would experiment and find out if it were possible, but it may take a while still before I can say how a seven inch heel might work out in the office all day. More time is needed, simply because I cannot buy new shoes as often as I would like. Oh well. I prefer a US 11 for high heels myself, and being a girl, that does give me an advantage for the height. :smile:

  8. How many pairs of heels do I have? Well, with heels four inches and higher, that I am willing to wear, 11. 12 if you count a pair of four inch heeled sandals I do not like but had thrown in for free when shopping at the Aldo clearance center a year ago. And then maybe ten pairs of other shoes from flat to three and a half inch heels that aren't really worn anymore, well, except for my Reeboks, which I wear for any serious long term speed walking. The number goes up, but never fast enough...

  9. Summer, what a wonderful time. Short skirts and capri pants, painted toe nails, and high heeled sandals. This was how my work week went, of course, dressed for summer and looking good. Monday I was out of office, which means, working in someone else's playground in another building. I wore the four inch black patent sandals I love, with a short black skirt and a black sleevless top, which has a white collar. Very professional. I even had to run for about thrity seconds at the end of the day and I managed quite well. It was inside so I didn't fear any injury. I just ran. Tuesday was back to where I belong, and of course, four inch sandals again! It is summer, and red toe nails need to be seen! I don't think I was in the sandals for more than twelve hours on either day, but twelve is like an easy day for me, sometimes that's nice. Everyone is wondering about the new shoes, I know this, and how long can I wear the five inch tan sandals? Well I wore them on Wednesday, about twelve hours, and I felt that I looked good. White capri pants, hot pink top, tan sandals with stiletto heel.... I was trying to look good for a man, this much I admit. At the same time I needed to stay cool in the heat. An assistant supervisor for the company's call center saw me and asked me about my shoes. I told her it was practice, and the secret was to buy a larger size than normal. After a few minues I had her agreeing that once a person gets used to such shoes, wearing them is not a problem. And this man I was interested in came into the lunch room and he did make a comment about women with dangerous weapons... after that we worked out when we could go for lunch, it had been discussed for some weeks prior to this day. We walked to lunch, and I was not going to go barefoot. My heels did sink into the ground a little bit. There had been some rain the night before and walking was a tiny bit tricky. But I did make it up the five foot hill and then under the railing. I had a little bit of trouble with that railing this time, but not becuase of the heels. White pants and grass do not mix, so I had to be careful when I swung under the railing. The same sinking problem occurred on the way back. I thought lunch had worked out great, but later in the day I found out that he was engaged, and he is just the world's nicest and friendliest guy. That is doubly frustrating. He is not available, AND he ended up more attractive for his personality. Just one more day of heartbreak for me in a long string of similar days. Thursday I had the day off, which meant spending time with one of my sisters and my mother. So tan capri pants were matched with the tan sandals, and a baby blue T shirt. Casual comfort on a hot summer day, ment for a little bit of shopping for essentials like a new water filter, and of course, lunch at the club. (We belong to a club, nothing fancy or high end, no golf involved, just a place to go and eat). Five inch heels are not a problem for me, and I was able to wear the sandals for quite a bit of walking. The only difficulty I noticed was that the heel tips are new, and they make strange noises on the floors inside of stores. I think I can live with that, it is like a squeaking sound that isn't too bad. Friday I was back to the four inch black sandals, because they matched the outfit. I did walk to work, being where I belong once again and having the chance to walk. I have decided that even though I can walk in my four inch heels when going to work, I will not do this. You see, the heel tips are worn down so fast by walking downtown that it is not worth it. I know I can spend all day in heels, I know I could walk to work in heels, there is no reason to push it every day... It was a day to get over heartbreak, back at work, trying to look good, and move on in life. My friend Melanie suggested that I go to fetish party nights with her, because I already have the shoes for it. Maybe one day I will, but at a fetish party, I doubt that five and a half inch heels will be the highest. Sure, platforms will abound and I can ignore them, but someone is going to try and wear something outrageously high, and I will feel bad if it isn't me! Saturday I did have to work, which was boring and useless. Money is money so I will not complain. I walked again, and switched into the black sandals at work, and once I was home I was wearing them again. I really love those shoes... Today was cooking and baking day. No heels, sorry. Bread, pretzels, a pasta dish on a budget made in half an hour. Quite an exceptional day for me, because I love to cook and bake. But no heels, my feet need a day off at least once a month. They deserve it! So, another week, more five inch days, some bad fortune, and some tasty pretzels, home made. It is a good week in the end, but I still wish I could change on thing about it...

  10. The X idea is intersting, same with the stripe. I like them. I often use the idea of a french manicure but play with it, red nails with silver tips, for example. A heavy coat for the tips can actually preserve the look of the nails for an extra day or two. So I really like tipping the ends with a different colour. I have yet to try it for my toe nails, maybe I will one day soon. I am thinking of adding Viking runes one day, just for fun, but that is a bit much for work, I think...

  11. I don't own boots, really, well I have one flat pair I never wear. But I do notice that foir many pairs of shoes with ankle straps, sandals, mainly, I need to pull the straps to the last hole in order to buckle them for good fit. They seem too big. But then, my feet and toes are longer so I need larger shoes, but the ankles are still thinner. I am sure I would find this problem with boots.

  12. I was not so sure what to wear today, but my sister helped me out. She said "wear a skirt" so I said, okay, black skirt, just above the knee. She said "you have that cute black shirt" so it was a black sleveless shirt with white collar, the fabric gives the illusion of vertical lines. Silver earrings and bracelets And four inch clear heeled black patent stiletto sandals. I ran in these shoes today, for about ten seconds. It is a classy outfit for work, and maybe getting some attention. :smile: No one saw me run, really, so that was not interesting.

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