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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. It's interesting just how different a pair of shoes can make a girl feel. Image is important, yet it is so easy to change the image with something we think is so small. But maybe it is not as small as we think! When I was out on this sunny yet wind stricken Sunday, I had this in mind. I was thinking about how I looked while wearing my boots, and about how much less of an impact I would have had if I had worn my Reeboks. The situation: My sister and I were going with some friends to "paint". It's a wonderful idea, there is a store in a mall where you can purchase ceramic items, and then paint them for free, returning as many times as you need to finish painting. I chose a wonderful incense holder. It looks like a long brick trough, and I made it appear as an old, murky aqueduct, with a trace of water in it. Perched atop the end where the water flows is a dragon, and he looks a bit like something has stirred him from his quiet afternoon nap by the bubbling outpour. Now, as for the outfit: a black top with half sleeves, and a bit of a plunging neckline. Jeans, a black hair band, and my black stiletto ankle boots. And it is no big deal to walk around and do things, or sit and paint, or anything, really, dressed like this. it is still casual and comfortable. But somehow, the boots change everything. We may have discussed this many times in many message threads and topics. Heels making a difference, change appearance. However, I was quite aware of this today. The heels change my whole body. My posture is different, my walk is different. I have a different attitude, more confidence. I feel like I am a bit classier, and thus, more important. Not self important, mind you, as I am not out there thinking I am better than anyone else. And of course, since we were painting things, there is the asthetic aspect of sleek looking black boots with a stiletto heel, versus a beat up pair of runners. It is not just the fact that they were stiletto boots, but the colour, the toe shape, the fact that they have laces, all of these tiny details totally changed how I perceived myself. Such can be the power of shoes. I have had many compliments on my boots of late, and sometimes they go along with the comments about how one of the girls at work feels she'd hurt herself wearing them. Usually I give the jump test demonstration as a follow up, to hit home how well I wear my heels. Of course, I have been told now that I walk so normally and naturally in these heels, which is why this wonder at my ability can exist. It is actually people being impressed, not jealous. And this makes me happy. Not that people are impressed, but because as they are, they are still secure in their own styles and not unhappy with my own. Of course, myself and another girl did try to coax one of the guys who is always joking to try on my black patent five inch stilettos during the week. I even stepped out of them. He did not give them a try. He had made a joke about it, but of course, when it came to it, he was very much unwilling. Which is fine with me, I'd prefer not to have others in my shoes. Was it a good week for heels? Yes. I wore heels of four inches or higher all seven days this week. Okay, on some of the days where I pushed past twelve hours I was a bit more burdened with tired feet than I was before my time off, but that is to be expected. An athlete can be out of shape and need time to train and return to peak ability. There's not much difference between my ability right now and my highest point from last summer and fall, so I don't see much time being required to find top from once more. Not long at all, as I continue to feel good about wearing heels, and feel good in them. I explained it to someone during the week as a lifestyle choice. I think it is one that suits me. :wink:

  2. News Papers are written at a third grade level? And yet there are mistakes in there that I would have picked up on when I was in the third grade, certainly. Have the standards of third grade reading declined since my vague memories of childhood were so poorly imprinted on my brain? Honestly, I am not sure what is considered editing in newspapers and magazines, but I generally find a few things that are just wrong when I bother to look at any such thing. Of course, a Simpsons comic, being very simplified in dialogue, has yet to show me a spelling mistake. Go figure.

  3. Boots are very fashionable, and now it's too late to get them from local stores as they are all changing to spring fashions. Hrm. Maybe it is time to hunt for clearance items, though I doubt I'd find anything as nice as what is posted here. :wink:

  4. I hit upon this theme in my diary, and I thought that it would be a good idea to bring it out of the ultra heels section and into a general discussion. The idea behind this is as follows. Days seem to move by with great speed and I wonder if it is part of our evolution. Technology connects us, makes time more important, and now, we seem to be losing sense of it. People live longer, yet days seem shorter. Is this longevity simply a response, then, to the perceived speed of our world? We live the same number of years through our perception, but our standard of measuring has not changed to match it. Thus, we only create an illusion of living longer. Our experience suggests we don't have more time than our great garndparents did. How soon until a week is a mere blink of an eye in our memories? Studying history has always shown me that people used to die at younger ages than they do now. The reasons are usually due to injury and disease, and war, of course. People worked their bodies all day long, and the flesh will wear out over time. Now, we have medicine curing many diseases that kill on a large scale. We are safer, we have machines to do work for us, and we can live longer in years. But does it really feel that way? I keep noticing that people are older, but don't look as old. We are doing more to take care of our bodies, and keep them younger and healthier despite some number ascribed to a person that we call age. So when someone is 75, maybe they only look 65. Or younger. Looking younger, and having time seem to move by faster, so that in seventy five years, maybe we only feel that we experienced the time that someone sixty or sixty five did. So what do people think? Despite this so called trend to live longer and healthier lives, are we actually experiencing that longevity? Or are our brains adapting to the pace of our technological society, so that everything seems to move faster than it did before? Basically, are our brains evolving? And if we can keep up with that faster pace, why aren't we thinking faster, and thus having a perception of more time? Discuss!

  5. As much as we like our members here, and as much as we miss Julietta or anyone else who has to take time away from things, we have to remember that life is about change, and it is quite unpredictable. I hope that whatever is going on, she gets through it, and while she is gone, let us all keep on doing what we like to do, and keep the discussions going. After all, when she gets back, she'll have a lot more to read and entertain her! Azraelle, my sympathy for your loss goes out to you. Highluc, I am glad you're recovering well and that the site can help with that. :wink:

  6. How high's the water, mamma! 1m and 82cm and rising!

    2.54cm Worm

    two metricated songs that somehow lose their integrity when converted.

    Kudos to those who work out what 1.82m depthwise is. :wink:

    Six feet under :D See? Not too difficult.

    Of course, if we change to a new system, within a generation or two, we'll just adapt to the metric meterstones, so two meters will be the magic number, and people will do th exact opposite if they hear about 6.something feet from an archaic form of measurement.

    Perceptions can be changed, people can adapt, and in time, what we see as difficult now will become the easy standard.

    Even the Simpsons made fun of that, as Grandpa Simpson was heard to counter an idea for metric by saying "my car gets 40 rods to the hog's head and that's the way I likes it" .

  7. That's how I feel. Keeping up with a nine year old is difficult enough as it is with flat shoes! Now, imagine if she wanted me to take her to the playground and I couldn't wear anything buy five inch spikes. It wouldn't be as easy to push her on her favourite thing - the tire swing. Heels were not meant to be digging around in a sand pit under a tire that spinning around with a giggling child on it. But then, I suppose it all depends on one's lifestyle, and children do change a great many things. For some, this permanent heel thing may be wonderful, but for others, it could be a disaster. It all comes down to perspective again, I suppose.

  8. Days seem to move by with great speed and I wonder if it is part of our evolution. Technology connects us, makes time more important, and now, we seem to be losing sense of it. People live longer, yet days seem shorter. Is this longevity simply a response, then, to the perceived speed of our world? We live the same number of years through our perception, but our standard of measuring has not changed to match it. Thus, we only create an illusion of living longer. Our experience suggests we don't have more time than our great garndparents did. How soon until a week is a mere blink of an eye in our memories? This is how my week felt. It just went. And now it is Sunday again, and work looms. Back to my actual job tomorrow. No sitting and transferring calls, no! Tomorrow, I am back to solving the world's problems. Well, I did enough of that during the past two weeks, even when it was not my job. I suppose I cannot be taken away from that. And with the speed of these weeks leaving them more of a flash of memory than a solid seven days, I am trying to look back and see how well I did with heels. Am I back into them as I was before? Are there any difficulties? I am, and there are none. I might as well not have had my time off. I can do anything I like in my ankle boots, and I did wear my five inch black velvet stiletto pumps on Thursday, with a short skirt and stockings. The weather was warm, and I needed to celebrate it through fashion. (these velvet pumps are now being worn to the point of being unwearable) And that leads me to something else, a different thought about fashion. It's obvious that mood and weather effect what we choose to wear on a certain day. But do we dress ourselves in the morning to celebrate the day? It is not just about saying "the weather is nice, I can wear these things as I do not need to keep warm or dry". It is more about "it's finally warm again, so I am going to wear something that takes full advantage of it and expresses my excitement at the change of the seasons." Do we as human beings still find time for such expression? Or are we so caught up in trends and keeping a schedule that we forget to just enjoy what is in front of us and celebrate it? Or are we doomed to be swept away in an ever increasing sense of urgency to watch our clocks and check our day planners? ... Friday is always considered a casual day. And I like wearing my jeans to work, but I admit, runners are not a fun compliment to them when I am in the office environment. Thus, a new favourite style of mine, and one that I hope to exploit. And I know a lot of you already like this style. Jeans and spike heeled boots. And we all know that my boots have a four inch heel, making it much higher than anyone else wears at work. What I am hoping to do is put my own unique twist on it with the stilettos. Of course, as much as I really like the look, it is much like that of other women. No one is going to set me apart because I wear spikes and the others wear blades, for example. So do I fall victim to the trend, or do I work on finding something that is all my own? I suppose that the question for me, as a very individualistic person, is this. Am I allowed to take up a fashion trend which can interfere with my self expression? Or is wearing that trend its own for of expression, saying that I support a larger ideal? Either way, I do have my own unique, High Heeled Goddess aspect to it. And I think I will continue to be a Friday jeans and boots girl well through the spring. At least until stiletto heeled sandal weather is here again... Of course, that should be a mere seven or eight blinks away, with the speed at which we seem to move through life in the 21st century. (Of course, if you'd like to know how good I look in jeans and heels, you can always hope that Chris gives his own report...)

  9. Bubba, you are allowed to endorse me. But as a moderator and resident goddess, I cannot officially endorse anyone else. Typically. :wink: It's a political game on this level... But I do endorse Coca-Cola, and would gladly have them as my sponsor for some free product every week...

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