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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Big buzzer, I am afraid. On one point. Fear does not come from aggression. Aggression is a response based on two basic emotions. Fear being the major, and then supplemented by anger. So agggression comes from fear. All feelings can be reduced to seven basic emotions. It is a theory I really like. Happiness Love Lust Sadness Lonlieness Fear Anger Hatred? Fear and anger. Depression? Ah heck, any of the bottom six can combine to cause that! Strange how happiness is the only one that is always pleasant, and the other six can be other than that. As for computers doing things for us... well, maybe if the entire population becomes lazy. I once heard about a short story, where the most dangerous man in a computer run society was the janitor who watched the screens one day and learned about math. Simply put, many people will always crave knowledge, and computers cannot be everything for us. Yes, we adapt environments to suit ourselves, because we don't have the time it takes to adapt the environments. But I am not talking on such a grand scale. I am talking about subtle changes, and how any species can react to something subtle and learn to adapt. Why do reptiles survive? Because every species strives to survive, and some adapt to the environment, just as much as one will change that environment. Experiment - walk to work every day. In the winter, at first you will really feel the cold. Over some time, you adapt, you become acclimated to the lower temperature, and thus, it does not feel as cold. I lived that experiment this winter, and the one before it. It works. So I say we, as humans, can adapt, and if we can manage subtle environment changes, why can we not adapt as society speeds up? It's not about hjow fast we can cook, but about how fast things are presented to us. Movies, television, music, images are flashing by at incredible rates, and we can keep up with them, yet someone born eighty or ninty years ago may not. I think we do adapt as a species, if we grow up in a changed environment. As for creationism, we could have fun on that topic if we started another thread. :wink:

  2. Big feet, small feet, I just like a man who treats me well. Found one, too. Foot size wouldn't even be close to being on my list of what I would look for. No wonder good looking scandinavian models are always so lonely, it's the big feet. Hey, when you're tall, you need big feet to stand properly. Of course, by average I am tall in North America, but I am sure I am a bit short back in the home country.

  3. I do feel the same about the Reeboks I wear when walking to work, yes. I can let other people drive my car, cook in my kitchen, use my computer, my favourite pen, heck, if my mother borrowed something of mine to wear, fine, and I do the same and borrow from her. I think I will overcome this personal aura thing. After all, many of my wonderful pairs of shoes are fast becoming unwearable, and with the need to replace them as often as I will, becoming attached to them is not as good an idea as I once thought it was. I may need to find a second job, just to pay for new shoes.

  4. Well Francis, he won't be upset, but he does get the right to control the pictures. See, I like that he finds me special, and that it makes him feel special in return when he can keep something to himself. So I should expect you around 2008, right? Har har.

  5. Strange how the shoes are the focus. Longer toes don't do a thing, small feet turn you on... Interesting, as usually a woman thinks a man's eyes look at her chest, here, she may just think he's shy and avoiding eye contact, when really he is juding her shoes and the size of her feet! And strange how women should have small feet, and men should have large feet, per the joke. Just bizzare... :wink:

  6. I've seen a few shoes and boots here with the pencil style, but they must have been doing a lot of writing, as they were kind of low... I have seen a few nice things out and about. A woman in jeans and, yes, ankle boots. With a rapier heel, about four inches. No, it was not me! Wow. I have seen a few blade heeled boots as well, three and four inches, but strange, how in my five and a half inch heels, I still tower over these other women... There is a girl at work who wears boots like that, and her feet are small, so I can't tell if they are four inches, they may be less. Scale is not easy. Still, I feel two feet taller than her in my 5.5s.... Oh well, being the goddess is supposed to be about surpassing everyone else.

  7. Gee, Dr. Shoe, I think that your optimism is just wonderful! A ture inspiration! Have you thought about speaking to the youth of the world and spreading your unique brand of hope? :wink: People are motivated by fear, money is security to make fear go away, and well, and who has any free time to waste these days? Come on, there are some wonderful aspects of humanity, and I don't think we will wipe out our species so quick. And who says that we can't have a sudden evolution on a small scale over a few hundred years? Just because other species gave some guy a model and he wrote a book, does not mean we should confine ourselves to his theory. Okay, now, I have seen two different english dubs of the movie Akria. It is the only piece of japanimation I own, and likely to stay that way. But I like my version, as the one I saw on one of the movie channels was very, well, silly, and it undermined the depth that the plot actually holds. But in it, there was an interesting theory. Because humans have the ability to build rockets and all of these things. And imagine if somehow, an amoeba had that kind of ability? But all an amoeba does is consume everything it comes in contact with. I always liked that speech, when Kaneda and Kay were locked up and discussing that. Anyway, what is to say that with all of these abilities we have, we could not use them to greatly enhance some basic function, like neural function? Just as a means to keep up with the world we build around us? After all, the theory of evolution is supposed to be about adaptation for survival, and if we create a condition where severe adaptation is required to survive, why could we not achieve this, even if fpor a small percentage of the population? If we create a world that moves faster than we can comprehend, why can we not learn to think faster to keep up and survive?

  8. Okay, I do not own any ordinance, other than kitchen utensils. :wink: I can see myself owning a sword one day, as a wall decoration, but it has to be a real one. Perfectly balanced, too. Okay, I do know a good deal about swords and medieval weaponry, since I did graduate with honours for Social History. As for the idea of seven inch heels and some serious fire power, sure, just don't call be Babe, a la Barb Wire. I never liked Pamela, never will. Now I am sure people are getting all sorts of ideas for pictures. Okay, this is getting carried away, and is certainly a different kind of fetish. Women in heels with, um, big guns. Literally. Hey, Chris is going to want a real working phaser, or some other deadly implement of mass destruction that is hand held. I can have some fun, too!

  9. Oh, I do not own a gun. I don't think I ever will, simply because I wouldn't have a use for it. But if I were to conquer the world, then sure! Besides, this is Canada, things like owning a gun are not as easy to do as other places.

  10. Pretty god stuff, Arno, and I even got a mention. Wow. Thanks! However, one word of critical advice for your writing style... Paragraphs! :wink: It would be easier to read the text if you broke up the different ideas into different paragprahs, instead of one large mass of text. Creating flow when writing is very important, and not only does it keep the reader's attention, it helps the reader better absorb the idea. But the information was very good. Hey, it wouldn't be me if I couldn't find some fault, right? Heehee And I am glad to see you have signed up, way to go! 1 post! woohoo!

  11. Is a "congratulations" appropriate here or am I seeing something between the lines that is not there?

    You're missing something. Anyone who has ever read everything I have posted will know that Chris has a daughter who is nine. Nine plus seven equals sixteen. :wink:

    Things must be very different since I was in high school, where they would not have allowed anyone to wear heels so high, and no one really wanted to, anyway, except for a few of the teachers here and there.

    Chunky loafers are one thing, very different than stilettos pumps. Put them beside one another, and you'll have two very different images.

    Okay, given the predisposition of most teens for baggy pants, many pairs of Nike runners, and bell bottom jeans that drag on the ground (and thus fray), I suppose the boys are not going to see a pair of stiletto heels as attractive. Shows the folly of our youth, and why they all need a swift kick in the asterix!

    Okay, maybe I don't have as great a say in the matter, but I know that the subject will come up one day, given what I wear and given how a young girl can be full of questions.

    We shall have to see!

  12. I wrote it for a reason. Not that I think I could ever do any harm to anyone, but I am a writer, and a writer writes, about anything, and makes it convincing. Besides, I know a little but about a lot of things, and I used to love watching Stargate, when it was shown on TV here. Looking for season six, and nowhere to be found. Darn Global TV! But knowing all of this is just to show one thing. But I won't mention what, or why.

  13. Well, I think this is all fine for the ruling council, but the henchmen need to wear functional footwear, like army boots. Something de signed for wearing to get the job done. Shock troops of the Goddess will be dressed for war, not fashion. The Goddess herself would be happy wearing knee high lace up stiletto boots. Armoured knee pads, PVC pants and jacket, armoured elbow padding, a bracer on the left forearm, and armed with, hrm... Well, a P90, maybe, excellent for laying down a lot of rounds in a short amount of time, and maybe a matched pair of Glocks or Berettas, shoulder holstered, with a Smith and Wesson short barrled .38 hidden in the small of her back, and maybe strapped to her right leg, something devestating like a .357 Desert Eagle. Why only .357? 9 in the mag, and easier to control for the slender hands of the goddess. Oh, and a short sword on her back, and several concealed knives, a thin length of chain, and a roll of quarters. And a pen, and a marker for writing pro-goddess graffiti on walls everywhere. Now I'm ready to lead my forces into battle. I'm sure my general would park his mustang and ride around in a tank.

  14. I could post for days on this, because the question really depends on the situation. I would love to just create the rule of "once you're 18, it's fair game" but even that isn't the best idea in every situation. Maybe around 15 or 16, but it all depends on the school, they type of students, the neighbourhood... many variables for something like this. The reason being - what image will the shoes bring? Kids are judgemental, and okay, I am not sure how north american boys are going to respect a girl they see as sexy. There are many ways to educate a girl in avoiding teen pregnancy, and one of them is "take care with what you wear." Lower heels on boots might be good, or sandals, sure, but five inch stiletto pumps? I think the rule of 18 would apply there. I am sure Chris and I will be able to give you better details in 6 or 7 years. It's not about limiting a teenager's freedom, so much as it is protecting a child in those years when things, if they go wrong, can really go wrong and mess up a life. Of course, it all depends on the situation, and the social factors surrounding it.

  15. That hair style was popular in North America in the late 80s early 90s, when the hip hop craze was all fired up. I never wore it, but I did make fun of a few girls who did. Pulled back hair is an indication of being a tart, huh? Well. I'm safe then!

  16. As I remember more about last week, the reason we triewd to get the guy to wear heels is because he's short. His sense of humour has developed to make him more confident, I suppose, but it led him somewhere he didn't really want to go. If they ever have one of those events where I can bid to make someone do something, maybe I will try to torture someone by having that person in shoes like mine for a change. As for sharing, the foot bacteria issue was not really what I was thinking about. It was more of "my shoes, don't mess up my personal aura by forcing your own over it." It's strange, and I don't understand it. But maybe I'll figure it out one day, it will click, and the concern will vanish.

  17. wearing hose is, well, tricky. Never mind the 'action', what about simple and common things like visits to the restroom? I am thrilled by wearing a garter belt and stockings, it makes life so much easier for these things. One pair of hose is awful for me. Two pairs? I wouldn't think I'd have enough time in the day to fuss with that.

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