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Posts posted by JeffB

  1. On 12/6/2018 at 3:48 PM, kneehighs said:

    @Bubba136 That's funny.  I'm fortunate, but also careful.  

    Going to treat myself to a Chanel brooch pin. Versatility is key.  I will get a pale gold color that goes with gold or silver accessories. 

    Will wear it like the girls in the attached photos.   Almost copying everything about their style.

    For use with sweaters, blazers, and coats.

    Absolutely can not wait!!

    chanel brooch blazer.jpg


    I'm liking those leather looking leggings! I must try that myself!

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/14/2018 at 7:47 PM, blueparrot said:

    I returned to Galleria today on my motorcycle, wearing over the knee Frye "Kelly" boots with 3.5" heels, skinny blue jeans, and my motorcycle jacket.  I got a lot of smiles from people like I'm used to.  I even went into that store.  I didn't buy anything there but it sure feels better now that I did.

    Good for you! I'm glad that one incident didn't deter you from going where you like.

    • Like 1
  3. On 11/15/2018 at 3:23 AM, HeeledSteve said:

    Still need a lot more practice, I noticed I had to really think about where I was going to 

    Well, I wanted to give these boots a go, didn’t want to make excuses to myself. So I figured that although I’m not fully practiced in this heel I would need to get out in them if I want to achieve that. I also knew that if anyone did see the heel it’s obviously a stiletto and it’s this that’s was also important to me as I want to do what I want and am comfortable doing not feeling that I’m being constrained by the options of others. Or being limited in my fashion choices by others rather than myself

    Must admit though I felt they were pretty obvious to anyone around ,if they were no one seemed to bother or care. Other people’s opinions whilst they are quite welcome and have a right to them don’t really matter to me. I want to be free to do what me and my Wife are comfortable with not be forced by my fears or concerns to do what someone else would do.

    Practice is indeed important. The more you wear heels, regardless of height, the easier it becomes to wear them. Good luck!

    • Like 2
  4. On 11/1/2018 at 9:12 AM, kneehighs said:

    In NYC, wore black stiletto pumps with track pants, a blazer, a white button down shirt out the other night.  A guy came from nowhere and excitedly asked me "are you wearing heels?" The voice tone was friendly.  My answer was "yes".  His response was "you're more of a man than me!" Then he went back to sit with a girl he was talking to.  

    I would say you might well have given that fellow something to think about. I’ve always said that’s it’s rare when men compliment us on our fashion, so when that does happen, it means a man has broadened his mind to consider other types of fashion.

    • Like 3
  5. Wow! That's quite the unpleasant experience you had, blueparrot. I'm glad you stood tall despite what happened.

    It's amazing that despite openly wearing skirts, dresses, high heels and jewelry in public, I can count on one hand the number of times I've faced incidents similar to yours, and still have fingers left over. I guess I've been lucky.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Mr. X said:

    Here are my latest.  I paid less than $20 for these secondhand.  They are a burgundy/wine color with gold accents.  The brand is Attitude Jay Manuel.  They are perfect for fall.  Now I just have to figure out what I will wear them with?

    20181010_141015 (480x429).jpg

    Black leggings perhaps?

  7. In my neck of the woods, it gets too damn hot in the summer to even entertain the notion of wearing knee boots, unless it's the rubber variety for rainy days, but then, I never go on outings when it rains, so that's a non-starter. However, I've seen short shaft combat boots worn in warm weather (I've done that myself) and they're mostly comfortable for the conditions. Otherwise, I wait for cooler temps starting in late September/early October to break out the knee boots.

  8. 3 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:

    Yep. JeffB has higher relevant viewership than some networks masquerading as news outlets. An audience many an aspiring stand-up comedian would envy. And his Eagles won last night so he's a happy  example/model 8-)  HappyinHeels

    Damn straight! I am a happy camper after a big win by my Birds!  :happy:

    maninboots: As the others here have already stated, WEAR what you want in the WAY you want and GO where you want. The important thing is to be confident in how you present yourself when out in public, behave like you belong in whatever environment you happen to be in, because you DO belong! Never, and I repeat, NEVER think any other way!

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