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Posts posted by JeffB

  1. Thanks for the compliments. Other than the two pairs of thigh boots I own which I shelled out little over $100 each on, I’ve never spent anything more than that on footwear before Shoes of Prey. And yeah, it was certainly money well spent. 

  2. From Shoes of Prey. For anyone unfamiliar with the online company, they sell customized shoes, designed to the specifics of the customer, offering scores of choices in terms of styles, sizes, heel heights, colors, accessories, the combinations are near endless, and that’s no exaggeration. I chose the model called “Savoca”, a rounded toe pump which I ordered in 13 wide and customized in black leather with a four inch stiletto heel, beige soles and a deep red lining for a cost of $149, making them the most expensive shoes I’ve ever bought, but, I have to say they were worth every penny as the craftsmanship was first class. I wore the shoes on an outing yesterday and found the shoes to have been comfortable and easy to walk in during my break in period.



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  3. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Yes, keeping off the weight is the tough part of the job, but I'm more than up for the challenge as I love looking slim and trim which makes me look great in my skirts and dresses. Even though I've dropped to a size 10 which is amazing in itself, given where I was a year ago, I won't rule out trying to go down to 8, but, I'm happy at where I'm at presently.

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  4. It was one year ago today that I undertook a serious personal project to better myself as I began a weight loss regimen, and that helped me look a whole lot better as a fashion freestyler. On May 1st of 2017, I weighed 243 pounds when I began my regimen, I had an all too considerable paunch, in fact, I joked with friends and coworkers that it looked like I was in my first trimester, I didn’t like how I looked and decided it was time for a change.

    My strategy was dirt simple: cut out junk food and sweets and ramped up the exercise, nothing fancy or complicated. I hit the gym (Planet Fitness) three times a week, twice during the week and once on the weekend and worked hard to slim down, meanwhile, I took up eating healthier, salads, no fried or greasy foods, and, being a hopeless snacker, especially potato chips and pretzels, I eliminated that stuff in favor of peanuts and almonds and the occasional mozzarella stick as I enjoy a little cheese here and there. The results from my efforts paid dividends over time as the weight came off, by mid October, six plus months into my regimen, I was under 200 pounds and I was feeling and looking better, by the end of the year, I had dropped an astonishing fifty pounds and have been around 195 ever since, in fact, as I type these words of wit, I’m now at 192, something I never imagined happening when I began my regimen. The weight loss also affected me in the freestyling department, the skirts I had swam on me because they were suddenly too large as I had dropped a full THREE dress sizes. The difference as you can see in the pictures below is remarkable.

    Last year, I was a size 16, today, I’m down to a full fledged size 10, I know this because I bought a couple of size 10 skirts at Sears this past weekend and they fit very well, in fact, I experimented with buying a couple of small, that’s SMALL size short sleeved swing dresses at Old Navy and, much to my surprise, they fit well too, weren’t at all tight or snug on me, that was astonishing. I’m loving how slim I look and how my skirts and dresses look all the better on me. Of course, as the old adage goes, taking off weight is easy, keeping it off is hard, but I’m determined to keep it off because I look smashing in my women’s wear, and it’s something I wholeheartedly recommend to everyone, not only will shedding pounds make you feel better and healthier in the long run, but you'll look better as well, especially when traipsing about in a skirt or dress.



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  5. 2 hours ago, jeremy1986 said:

    I know what you mean. I hope I'm not "getting old" - but lately I have also been interested in the more "practical" shoe as well -  flat boots etc ... 

    Speaking of practical shoes, I can't wait for the weather to finally warm up so I can break out my flat sandals which I've come to love wearing.

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  6. I just did a count of my footwear and have 40 pairs. Here’s the breakdown:

    sandals: 16 

    boots: 11 (ankle-5, knee-4, thigh-2)

    pumps: 9

    slides: 2

    loafers: 2

    Hard to believe I have so many pairs of sandals, all but four being flat heeled, especially since I had no love for them a scant few years ago, now they’re all I wear in spring and summer.

  7. 3 hours ago, bluejay said:

    Sorry JeffB, according to long range weather  predictions, this below normal cold weather we've been experiencing, will extend well into April. Keep your boots at the ready!

    Happy Heeling,


    Sound advice, my friend!

  8. 2 hours ago, Mr. X said:

    In cardboard boxes under my bed.  I suppose I could ask you the same question.  From what I have read it souns like you have alot of heels as well, no?

    Well, nowhere near as many as you, but I have my fair share.

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