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JeffB last won the day on August 5 2020

JeffB had the most liked content!

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  • Birth Sex
  • Country
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
  • Hobbies
    Sports, movies, anime, reading

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  1. I found myself contemplating something highly interesting yesterday. As everyone here knows, I've developed quite the passion for wearing short skirts because I love showing off my long legs (especially when paired with high heels), perhaps my lone concession to vanity, but that begs the following question: how short can a hemline be for someone like myself at 54, graying hair and all wear and still look appropriate for my years? Most men who face the traditional midlife crisis buy expensive muscle cars or indulge in all sort of thrilling adventures. Me? I wear miniskirts, some as short as 15 inches, and I love how I look in them. But, am I acting my age when I wear a mini? Opinions?
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