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Status Updates posted by pebblesf

  1. Thanks for the nice compliment, do you like to wear hiheel boots too? Don

  2. Thanks so much for the great pictures...You really look great in boots and levis....What a great boot collection you have? I wear women's 11-12, what size are you? Don

  3. Those boots are beautiful....Don

  4. Those boots look and must feel great buddy! I'm sure that woman probably wanted to compliment you! Love women's cowboy boots with big heels! Don

  5. Those boots look great on you buddy....Don

  6. Those boots look GREAT with your jeans buddy....Don

  7. Those boots look hot buddy, hope we can chat sometime...don

  8. Those boots look so fine with your jeans, great combination!

  9. those hi heel omano cowboy boots are sooo hot...

  10. Those new boots are amazing, I could never take them off either!! Don

  11. Those new boots are hot, look so great over the jeans... Wish we could go heeling sometime in DC...

  12. Welcome here buddy....You are among friends who understand how great guys can look in sexy shoes...Lot's of good advice and encouragement to be found here...Don

  13. Where are you in New England?? Rhode Island here...Would be cool to meet up sometime....Don

  14. Where are you located in Texas? I am in DFW quite often...Don

  15. Where are you located in Tx? I spend alot of time in DFW...Don

  16. Will let you know the next time I have a DFW layover, none this month though...Don

  17. Women would kill to have your great legs buddy...

  18. Would be very cool to meet in Toronto sometime! Don

  19. Would love to chat sometime... dkellogg56 on yahoo messenger...Don

  20. Yeah buddy, nothing hotter on a guy than great levis and HOT boots....Don

  21. yeah, I do need to update the avatar....Wish I could finally meet up with a heel buddy to take more pics of me...Don

  22. you are amazing! I dream of having such nice legs and being able to command powerful boots like yours

  23. You have a GREAT boot collection. You know how to wear them well and have great legs! Don

  24. You have a great wife! Guys look HOT in panties and tights....

  25. You have got the perfect combination of masculine and heels! The women must love being with you! Don

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