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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. I was walking around in a cheap shoe store the other day, and I know from experience that cheap shoes have the bad habit of falling apart as soon as you start wearing them and that they are not particularly comfortable to wear for a long time (there are exeptions of course, I don't want to generalise)


    I'm pretty sure that designer shoes are a lot stronger but I was wondering if they are more comfortable as well?

    I've never worn a really expensive shoe in my life before (yet!), so I was wondering: are they? Or do you just pay for the incredible looks?

    I've been wondering about this for a while now. I'm sure you guys/girls will be able to answer my question :).


    I have had high street heels that have lasted for years and years of regular wearing - and some designer heels that were so 'fussy' and fragile that they fell apart within 6 months.

    It really depends on two things. 1) The quality of the materials used - and 2) The quality of the workmanship.

    So therefore, the country in which they are made is important.

    If they are made with real leather then you are onto a good start. If they are made in Brazil, Spain, Italy, France, the UK and Yugoslavia - then you are almost certain to get VERY high standards of workmanship.

    If they are made in China, Taiwan...and sadly, the United States now - then the quality of the workmanship will be nowhere near as good.

    Personally, I think that most 'designer' brands are vastly over-rated and massively over-priced.

  2. Alexis has been looking for a pair. Do you have a link to where she can buy those? Thanks!

    I really must apologise, I have only just seen this response to my post. Are you still looking? The 'Smarties' were only available in Autumn 2005 - however I think that I can find a link or two to some almost identical boots.

  3. I REALLY wish I could wear 6" strappy sandals or mules for longer than an hour without my feet, ankles and legs aching like mad. I'm in my mid-'40's now, so my muscles and joints just aren't as supple and strong as they were. I CAN wear them, but only for a short while now.
  4. I see so many young girls wearing very high heels these days. With so many young celebrity women wearing high heels, younger women seem to have adopted this as part of their "trademark," if you will, concerning their fashion statements. At least in my case, it seems to be the younger women who disapprove when they notice me wearing high heels.

    My Mother is 80 this year, so she was in her early twenties during the 1950's. I have seen photographs of her with her friends then...and later in the 1960's when they were all into their thirties.

    ALL the girls were wearing spiky stiletto heels. It's nothing new.

  5. It is so sexy seeing young girls wearing tall heels, it's awesome to see them wearing tall heels so young. Me wishing though that that was me wearing the tall heels she's wearing.

    Youth is one of THE tricks to wearing high heels naturally. Unfortunately, it's a trick that you LOSE over time, rather than gain.!

  6. I saw that...thanks for the info from both you and Trolldeg...I really hope they get made again again by somebody someday.

    '6InchHeelsForever', 'Burlesque-Blue' and 'LaPiazzaHighHeels' would all make those boots for you - if you supply them with photographs of the boots, and your own foot and leg measurements. The first two companies have measurement charts on their websites which you could use.

  7. 'roniheels' - I really do feel for you here. I fully understand your comments regarding your relationship with both these people and I can understand how upset you must feel that an unpleasant and awkward situation has arisen.

    However - you are all adults. The lady in question has made her feelings absolutely clear to you - she likes you, she has an open mind towards your lifestyle choice and it bothers her not one bit - and she enjoys your company as a friend (at least for now).

    He on the other hand is probably still 'smarting' over the divorce - and over personal things that you probably know nothing of. Ignore it.

    I will say at this point, that in general, women recover from this kind of break-up better and quicker than men. They move on quicker too.

    The problem is really his to get over, and he must come to terms with the fact that his EX-wife will be seen with other men. If he doesn't like it, I'm afraid that he has to get over it....like a man.

    It's always really awkward when things like this happen between friends - however his comment to you - that you are "putting moves on his EX-wife" and "if you value our friendship then you won't see her again" shows quite plainly that he still has feelings for her and is NOT over the divorce by a long way. To be honest, he would most likely become annoyed with ANY other man she sees. If he continues like he is, then she will have to make it very plain to him that he no longer has any say in her life whatsoever. It's emotional blackmail (and a little testosterone 'puffing') - plain and simple.

    Until he realises that his marriage is OVER - he won't move on. In addition, if he is a true friend, then he will not allow this to come between you. The problem, is that he is not over their marriage yet. Period.

    Time is a great healer. The trouble is, as human beings we are naturally impatient, and wish for things to be better and 'normal' instantly.

    In the meantime, you have done nothing wrong and you and your lady friend are quite within your rights to see each other whenever you both wish to. It would be considerate however, to avoid places where he might go as well.....for a short time at least.

    I wish the very best to all three of you, and hope that things settle themselves down amicably.

  8. My girlfriend likes to wear nylons, but doesn't wear them with open-toed shoes due to the seams at the toes. And we both hate those nylons where the toe isn't covered.

    Where can I purchase nylons that are very thin where it's almost unnoticeable that she's wearing them? She also loves those sheer nylons, but I can't seem to find ones that are elegant and nice.


    Try 'Frederick's of Hollywood' - they have an online store as well as High Street outlets, and the lingerie and hosiery section is excellent.

    Main Page: http://www.fredericks.com/

    Stockings etc here: http://www.fredericks.com/shoes-and-accessories/stockings-and-thigh-highs/sh16,default,sc.html?defaultOpt=true&all1=all

    You can also take a look at these online stores:



  9. I wear 6 inch heels when i am out with my boy firend.Wore them this past monday to help him with his work.There a 6 inch metal thigh high boots.Spent all day in them.Just takes alot of practice.Here is a pic of the outfit i wore this past monday Posted Image

    They are just fabulous - such a shame they are hidden underneath the skirt (although the skirt is lovely too). Do you mind me asking where you got those boots - and which Brand are they?

  10. Small steps in heels - thus, quicker than normal paces.

    There's really only one way to walk in high heels, and that's the way it is taught in 'Finishing School'. Head up, back straight, tummy in. Small steps with your toes straight. Heels first - then toes.

    It works too.

  11. I agree with you, Benno, that Countdown is a shadow of its former self. Rachel is a lightweight and Jeff Stelling is often cringe-making - he should stick to sports reporting (where I would be sure to avoid seeing him). Richard Whitely was excellent but I thought that both Des O'Connor and Des Lynam were noble successors.

    Still, Countdown keeps my mum (91 and a regular viewer) mentally active, so I should be grateful for that.

    It's always good to see Carol V; she has looks and brains and a personality too (albeit sometimes a little conceited).

    I agree entirely - although I do think that Rachel looks wonderful.

  12. Clear high heels aren't new - they have been made since the 1940's, usually as ballroom heels or 'Prom' heels.

    However, the 'original' so-called 'stripper' heels are the clear PVC mules or sandals that strippers and pole-dancers (or 'exotic dancers' as they prefer to be called) wear when performing. They first appeared in the late 1970's. The idea behind them was that the dancer could wear high heels, which still exposed the extremity of her body - which is far more sexy and erotic.

    Of course they soon caught on with ordinary girls for 'clubbing' and parties, so the manufacturers then began to design them in many different styles, colours and heights.

    I love them to be honest and I must have something like 30 pairs now. Yes they are 'slutty' - but then, it's fun to be naughty once in a while.

    One of the most beautiful pairs of 'stripper heels' I have, are a pair of gold/bronze heels with cowhide uppers. The base unit is actually carbon fibre - light and immensely strong. They were a designed by 'Ernest of Paris', and were unique to 'Russel and Bromley' here in the UK.

    They are fantastically comfortable, and so well balanced that it's like wearing slippers. They were £135.00 though!!

  13. I wanted to make this thread specially for the pointy toe lover like myself. Be it pumps or boots I just love pointy toe heels. I recently just bought my first pair of high heels (black, knee high, pointy toe, with an ankle strap and about 3" high) and I wanna thank everyone for the stories they haveposted in here and my girlfriend that was very supportive in every high heel step fo the way :wave:

    Now that I got that out of the way.

    This is a thread for the pointy toe lovers out there.

    yes, we all know they are no longer the trend and platform came with a vengance and before that the peep-toe but ever since I discovered i love high heels, pointy heels just captivated me.

    but here is the problem, Im having a super difficult time finding the perfect pointy heel boot, be it at height or pointyness, RoSas are exctly what i want but i dont like the boots (Im only in it for the boots :() adn they dont have my size. the other option is Di Marni im willing to pay the 700dlls for the boots but they dont have my size (10-11 US).

    The only way ive found these heels are those chinese knock offs and those are unbearable and hurt on my feet.


    Do you have dificult finding your shoe of preference? if you do help us out if you found them!:(

    Funnily enough, I am very much NOT a fan of ultra-pointy toes on shoes, like pumps or slingbacks - however - I have some gorgeous pointy toed boots, which I wear with jeans a lot. They are white, and came from a girl's clothes shop called 'West One' near where I live. I think they were made by 'Cassandra', who make lovely mid-range heels.

    They are not particularly long points - but they are very sharp points and look amazing in white.

  14. I guess the only thing that bothers me about this article and event is that they emphasize that it was a young "man" that walked out of the store wearing high heels. How many women have tried to walk out of a store in high heels, got caught, and nothing was printed about it?

    Good point. In fact, more women than men commit shoplifting offences.

  15. I think this is because of your server in the UK? I sometimes run into this in the reverse so I bought some IP address changing software and when I route through a UK server, I'll get a page I couldn't get otherwise.


    It's actually showing up OK today. I like those boots.

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