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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. Hi, I am only a closet heel wearer, so I tend to buy the cheaper Pleaser type heels for indoor wear when I can get the house to myself. So I don't have any real problems with damage from wear, but from cracking with age as the plasticisers disappear. Is there any maintenance that can be done to prevent the drying out and cracking? Maybe Amour All used for car dashboards? Or silicone? Thanks.

    I would suggest first, keep them in their boxes. Second, use a clear shoe cream to simply shine them up. Thirdly, keep them in a cool place. That should do the trick.

  2. My earlier posting was meant to receive a clarification from LailaLily as to what she is saying. I understand that men in heels are viewed as an intrusion into the realm of women's attire when we want to appear publicly in stilettos, but to say it goes against human nature is denying that men can have such desires and this forum is one of the testiments that some men have the desire to wear high heels, even stilettos. Then to label male heeling as immoral behavior is really off the reality mark. It is immoral to force another person to adhere to one person's opinions and belief structures when the other person has their own perspectives and ideas, regardless of which one is perceived better to accomplish the end result. For those of us that believe there will be a day of reconciliation with God, it is coming. However, I tend to lean toward the idea that it will be more of an accounting of what we did in using the talents and skills we have to help those we have the opportunity to associate with during our time here in this mortal existence. Those who live the best they know how and seek to know their maker better, are probably the ones who will welcome this time.

    Life is not suppose to be an easy road. It is for us to grow and enjoy the fruits we bear. Some are leaders who know when they should follow and serve. It's individuality that makes the world interesting and chalenging. Let's tolerate and support our differences while seeking understanding. Let's rejoice and share in our similarities to promote happiness and tranquility. After all, we have the senses that give us a plethora of abilities which include: smiling, laughing, singing, caring, loving, and etc.

    Very well said.

    I sincerely hope that 'LailaLily's' comments were directed towards those who complain about men wearing high heels - rather than applying those comments to the guys who do actually wear them.

    Personally I have never had a problem with free expression - unless it inflicts harm or pain on anyone else - or indeed the person who is expressing themselves.

    Men have worn high heels right throughout history - go back to the late 1400's and 1500's and you find high heels on men's shoes with ease. This fashion lasted right through to Victorian times when tastes changed......and it was ONLY tastes.

    There are no Laws anywhere in the FREE World that forbids the wearing of high heels by men - except in some fanatically religious communities. Indeed as I posted elsewhere only recently, the Bible makes just ONE reference to 'cross dressing' - in Levitcus, where it is said that the wearing of women's garb by men is a sin - however - ONLY if it is when soldiers wear women's clothes in times of War, to disguise themselves from their enemies and thus avoid being attacked.

    In truth, there has only ever been one set of Laws laid down for all Mankind - they being the 10 Commandments, which say nothing about what clothes people should wear.

    Outside the religious community, there are no Laws that state that men wearing women's clothing or shoes is either illegal, immoral, sinful - or an abomination, and therefore against human nature. Those are very big words to use when expressing a personal opinion.

    So I would hope that the 'LialaLily's' point was, that people who are against the nature of fee expression, are lacking in tolerance and acceptance - which is indeed against human nature, and can be seen as an abomination. With regard to her final comments about 'answering to God in the afterlife' - I would hope again, that the inference was that those who show no open-ness towards others expressing themselves freely, will indeed have to answer to God - who is the One who set down the moral and spiritual guidelines for us to follow in the first place. Those guidelines conveyed the principles of tolerance, love and compassion for your fellow man.

    I for one, find it hard to understand why such strong words against male heel wearing, would be posted by someone who contributes regularly to a Forum, where the wearing of high heels by both genders is applauded and supported openly. Equally, I respect the rights of any individual to express their own opinion.

    However......after all that, it is JUST shoes we're talking about here............

  3. probably heels made from rubber.:unsure:

    I dont care becuz I dont follow trends, what comes out the runways doesnt mean I will wear it. :-? most of them to me look tacky.

    I stick to classic looks that I like, my personal style..not trends.

    if pink hair is the new trend, does it mean I will dye my hair?:silly:

    Agreed 100%.

  4. No, It is sick and it goes against human nature.

    Im most likely going to get comments from left and right but I could careless, when society accepts immoral behavior and defends it, everything goes down from there.

    How wonderful to see this here....I couldn't have put it better myself..!!

  5. Graciously said, Pussy. As an informed female, do you have a view on the sandal-shoe distinction?

    In my book...a sandal must be open and strappy. In other words, the straps provide the same support as the upper of a shoe would do, whilst providing the open-ness for warm weather, which is of course, what a sandal is designed for.

    I adore strappy sandals. They are my second favourite stiletto style after......mules!:)

  6. Pussy: your definitions actually support what Dr Shoe says, and most of us believed to be the case anyway!

    A mule is simply a backless shoe, i.e. it has no solid back piece (counter) or sling-back. A sling-back shoe worn with the strap down becomes a mule. A mule may still have a number of straps over the top of the foot; only if anything goes back round the heel (or ankle) does it cease to be a mule.

    My understanding is that an open-toed mule may also be called a 'slide', although that term is not traditional in the UK. Someone will no doubt tell me if I am wrong on that.

    I would however be glad to know when a shoe becomes a sandal. Some manufacturers, sellers or wearers call any shoe with an open toe and/or open heel a 'sandal' - but to my mind a true sandal has to have open sides (or no sides), regardless of the toe and heel - although an open-toed mule is always a sandal too! It probably doesn't matter: the lighter and more open (more 'strappy') a shoe is, the more we tend to regard it and wear it as a sandal. Anyone have a view on this?

    OK. I conceed that I may have gotten my wires crossed. On further viewing, the second pair are actually backless, with a strap across the instep........and yes - a mule is any backless shoe.

  7. i think about 1/2 of the women out there are against it totally. the other 1/2 might think its cute,novel etc. and only 1/2 of the them(or less) would want THEIR man to wear heels. just the way its looks to me so far.


    Seriously...I'd say yes, around 50%, maybe 60% of women do not like men in high heels. Whether that is because it calls into question their conditioned stereotype of what a man should be (and be wearing) - or whether they are just threatened by the idea that the man has a free enough spirit to shun conformity. He might also look better in heels than her of course!

    The next group I would say are nearer 30%. Those who are non-commital...they neither like nor dislike, they simply take the 'live and let live' point of view......but for sure, most of this 30% would rather it was someone else's husband or SO wearing the high heels....not theirs.

    Then - as with most things unconventional - there are the enlightened and spiritually healthy 10% who really 'get it' about life on this Planet - and who whole heartedly support guys wearing high heels and doing anything else they wish, as long as it harms no-one else nor breaks the Law.

    So sad. Possibly, only 10% of women are open-minded enough to totally accept something completely harmless.

  8. Hi All

    I've bought a pair of black patent heels (from New Look with white edge & bow at back @5"), which have a white streak mark down the side which needs removing. I've tried spit & polish, gentle scratching but don't want to try anything more abrasive as it may scratch the patent, also thought of nail varnish remover or white spirits but thought that would remove the patent. Any suggestions?


    They will most certainly NOT be Patent leather in New Look! It will be PU Leather (plastic basically), so any harsh solvent will take the shine and the colour out too. You could try a mild nail varnish remover - for one it is less agressive than white spirit - and secondly it won't stink for months afterwards like white spirit will. Alternatively you can try using black gloss nail varnish to cover it.

    Personally......I would simply take them back and exchange them for an undamaged pair.

  9. Personaly I think peep or open toes are more for the ladies. FYI so do all the women I know that support me wearing heels.Leave the bows, and peeps for the ladies. But if u like em and think they look good. Go for it!


  10. There is no 'rule book' or Law anywhere in the FREE World (apart from some fanatically religious countries that is) - that tells people what clothes they should or should not wear.

    Even the Bible restricts itself to saying that 'cross-dressing' is a sin - only when done by soldiers going to war, who try to disguise themselves as women to avoid being attacked by their enemies - but that's the ONLY time it mentions it.

  11. Hello

    I have never bought shoes online, since i don't live in the US, and while i have a service that carries packages to my country cheaply, returning shoes (if size is wrong) would be more expensive than buying another pair.

    I have however bought some shoes of brands that are sold online, so if i know my size on a certain brand, can i order that same size in another style of the same brand?

    I'm sure there would be some variation (for extremely pointed shoes for example), but as a general rule, are sizes of the same brand standard?

    Hello 'jdmonto'.

    All shoes are SUPPOSED to conform to 2 sizing systems. In Asia it is China Standard Size system - and in The West, it is the International Mondopoint system of sizing and manufacture. However in reality, they do not adhere accurately and so sizes vary.

    Shoe sizes differ between the UK, the US & Canada, Europe and China - so I am sure that it would be useful for you to have an accurate international Size Conversion Chart to refer to.

    Look here, and click on 'Adults':


    This is by far the most reliable conversion chart I have found and I use it all the time.

    Shoe sizes DO vary from brand to brand - however in general - different brands in one Country should only differ by about 1/8th inch in either width or length.

  12. Interests past and current

    Learnt to fly but had to give up.

    Season of clubman bike racing.

    Rebuilt a Norfolk Broads boat (circa 1955)

    Played the English Civil War games.

    Got Married = 4 kids

    Got divorced and paired again

    Caravanned around the UK and Europe,

    Stopped towing due to a major accident = broken neck.

    Power boating last year.

    Photography has been on and off depending on my moods but never done glamour or modelling.


    A round of applause is deserved for these! Some of the best bands to come out of the Prog-rock era....and all favourites of mine (and hubby's) too.....especially Yes, Caravan - and the ever wonderful Wishbone Ash.

  13. I'm a dreamlover

    I would love to have millions of dollars--Like everyone else.

    I am a pilot<----

    I would load up my high heels and fly to the Caribian and all the south seas. Play around for a while and then go some where else. Maybe fly on to Never-Never land. Who knows, I might find someone like Pata and load her and her high heels in the plane too. I told you I was a dreamer.


    My father served in the RAF before going into farming - and had the pleasure (his words) of flying a Catalena when he was stationed in the US for 6 months. He says it is one of the most beautiful aeroplanes ever made.

  14. I am currently shopping around for a decent 6 inch pair of heels if any one can point me the right direction that would be great.

    If this is your very first pair of 6" heels, then I would suggest that you go for one of the better known brands like 'Pleaser', 'The Highest Heel' or 'Ellie' to start with. That way you can find out if 6" heels are for you without wasting huge amounts of money if they are not.

    'Pleaser': www.pleaserusa.com

    'Ellie': http://www.ellieshoes.com/showcase/default.asp

    'The Highest Heel': http://www.thehighestheel.com/showcase/default.asp

    They offer 6" heels in a variety of styles - pumps, sandals, mules, peep-toes and of course, stripper platforms.

    If you find that you're comfortable with them - then take a look at the 'luxury' end of the fetish heels market - like these places:

    'Leatherworks': http://www.leatherworks-footwear.co.uk/

    'Estresmodes': http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://www.estresmodes.com/&ei=PFwoTcb9OYKyhAfcyqHHAg&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCUQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Destresmodes.com%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1916%26bih%3D1023%26prmd%3Divns

    '6 Inch Heels Forever': http://www.orientvisual.com/6inchforever/

    'Burlesque-Blue': http://www.burlesqueblue.com/

    'La-Piazza-High Heels': http://www.la-piazza-highheels.com/

    There are plenty of others that will no doubt get posted, but these should do you to start off with.

  15. I'm a farmer's daughter so I love Nature, Wildlife and Countryside Conservation, I also live by the sea so I swim regularly too.

    Also -

    Art (Classical, Cubist, Modern - and Surrealist - Dali and Roger Dean are favourites)

    Movies (Wildlife documentaries, Horror, Thrillers, Romance, Westerns, Musicals and Sci-Fi)

    Music (Classical, Prog-Rock, Hard Rock, West Coast, Electric Folk, Funk, Soul and R & B - fav bands include Yes, Pink Floyd, Def Leppard, Aerosmith, Nickelback, Tom Petty, Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, Earth, Wind and Fire, Strawbs, Parliament, Prince, Kool & The Gang)

    Literature (Classic and Romantic novels, Gothic and Horror, Thrillers, Sci-Fi, Romance)


    Fashion Design


    - and Motor Racing. I'm a big F1 Grand Prix fan, and follow Indy-Car and NASCAR too.

  16. Hey

    I was wondering how you get the website or vendors responsive to you?

    I tried so many times stating I'm buying but there was no reply.

    They give an EMail address and a Telephone Number on the 'Contact Us' page - try calling them:


    Also, if you look closely at the Homepage - here:


    ...in the bottom right hand corner - they post the progress of Customer Orders for folks to see. So they are obviously there, and contactable.

  17. Pussyinboots

    I don't get it. ( Scown ). Guess I'll just have to be happy wearing my corsets and high heels.


    Well.....when you're hypnotised, you do anything you are told to do without question......or repeat instructions you are given..........or repeat instructions you are given.....or repeat instructions you are given.....or repeat instructions you are given.....or repeat instructions you are given.....or repeat instructions you are given.....or repeat instructions you are given.....or repeat instructions you are given.....

    (*snap of fingers*)

    Get it now?:)

    We have got to book you at a comedy club. That is all there is to it.:lmao:

    You obviously share my sense of humour...thanks for 'getting it' Sweetie!:lmao:

  18. Thanks, altho it wasn't any of them. Its not a well known brand as I have most of the makes already. I found it out about 6 years ago and now I have forgotten what it was. may have even been a foreign brand. I want them more for the memory, I wish i could remember now what the name was. Altho I doubt I'll find them.

    Keep looking....you'll find them eventually.

    The thing is, in the 70's and 80's, most High Street chains stocked shoes of far higher quality than nowadays. It wasn't unusual to find all leather heels - from Spain, Brazil, Yugoslavia and of course, Italy - on the shelves. These days it's mainly Chinese made shoes...and of course the introduction of PU leather (plastic, basically) - killed off a lot of quality shoe manufacturers.

    I remember going on holiday to Portugal in 1988...and both me and my husband came home with a suitcase full of beautiful hand-made leather shoes......which were incredibly cheap too.

    I go to a local Retro shop for a lot of my Vintage heels....and his stock of '80's boots is always sheer delight to browse through - the styles were so much more classy then....and more sexy too.

    In general, shoe designs these days are just so ugly.

  19. Hi there

    are these the ones you ordered from the chinese website. I worked out they are around £25. does this sound right and also postage seems cheap. How long did they take.

    I may order a few pairs. The site is a bit hard to understand though

    That's about right. 'XE.com' converts as follows:

    Sandals @ 298 Chinese Yuan = £28.90p

    So basically, divide the Chinese figures by 10 for UK prices.

    As for delivery, my last pair from them took 2 months to arrive.

    'Google' translates the site for you - here's the link for English:


    Just click anywhere on the photo to enter. Prices are still quoted in Yuan however - so to convert the prices - use 'XE.com' - here:


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