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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. ^ 'Evebanus' - I'm a HUGE fan of Vintage heels too, and collect them from the 80's as well as 60's and 70's. It sounds like they could either be 'Pierre Cardin' heels, which were sold through the Saxone chain (whatever happened to them?).....or 'Russell & Bromley'....or even 'Gina' of London. I have a gorgeous pair of 'Gina' heels in black and white patent leather and they sound very similar.

    Apart from that...I can't think of any other 2 word label that would have been around then. All the other good fashion brands - like Bally, Shelly's - had single word names......excepting 'Freeman Hardy Willis' of course!

    Thing is...if they were a European brand they would only have been sold in selected shops to begin with.

    I have some photos of my 'Gina' heels, if that might help....

  2. :lmao:...Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told......Hypnosis is safe I am told.....:lmao:.........:)
  3. Whatever it is, it will most likely be tacky and ugly.....and it will undoubtedly be rammed down our throats by supposed 'celebrities' endorsing the products.

    The age of class and elegance seems to have gone, so I'll be sticking to my favourite online shops that still sell stylish designs.

  4. Female commentary seems solidly against, and most males....pretty iffy.

    IMO....shoes: delicate, sophisticated & V. expensive looking; jeans not, don't care how much they cost.

    Agreed. You absolutely DO NOT wear dress shoes with jeans. No matter how expensive both items may have been to buy......together, they simply look tasteless....and thus, cheap.

  5. Thank you, that was really thorough and helpful! I just found your post on another threat about yours-

    Yes. They are very much....'just step out of the taxi and into the restaurant'...shoes!

    In other words, treat them gently......

  6. Has anyone used Sharpheel.com? The prices are really reasonable, but I have no idea of the quality and comfort of the shoes or the efficiency and reliability of the company. Any information, even secondary would be helpful. Cheers!

    There have been several Threads that have covered 'Sharp-Heel' shoes. I have three pairs and love them all.

    They tend to run small in size - however be warned, they are very narrow width to begin with, so if you go up a size, the main difference will be in the length. The width will only increase by the standard 1/8" increment (3.25mm), whilst the length increases by almost 1/4" (6.5mm).

    Their high heels are beautifully styled, and beautifully made - but they are also very delicate, and not recommended for daily wear - just fetish use and photogrpahy to be honest.

    The other point is that the Company is Chinese...based in China, so the language barrier may cause problems if it comes to things like returns etc.

    The website is available in 'translated' form on Google - take a look:


    Click anywhere on the photograph to enter the site.

    Good Luck!

  7. Thank you for the beautiful sentiments and especially thank you so much for your contributions to this site. I always enjoy reading your point-of-view, and especially from a female's point-of-view. As many men at this site have stated, it would be nice for more women to contribute as you do, and especially in this particular section. I guess that is my Christmas wish for next year. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

    Thank You honey.....this is a really sweet compliment and I very much appreciate it. I have sent you a PM.

  8. Don't get me wrong, for this forum has been most helpful to us as members, but on the same token I wish the choice for males to wear heels was perceived as natural as society considers women have the desire to wear them. I want a forum like this to be unnecessary and applied to other areas of heeling, some of which are already part of this forum. To be able to share our experiences with our family, friends, and colleagues that we post here in the forum is the right relationship everyone should have for the natural process of enriching everyone's life. The macho image has its place in society, but so does effeminacy for those who consider heeling a feminine act, they are both properties of the human condition. Showing off ones strengths or powers is why comic books and hero worship are with us. However, showing others as weak and disabled to defend themselves is not an accurate display of humanity. Yes we all have visions of heros swooping down, genies waving their wand, or winning some lottery so that our lives would be changed for the better. Believing in those kind of things may give us something to hope for, but the real problems that caused our situation are still there and we have learned nothing, therefore our situation will return probably worse than before.

    This forum could be a great hub for both men and women to discuss and use as a source for finding the heels they desire, once the phobias of men in heels are dealt with properly. How is this attitude going to change if we continue to hide or consider our desire to wear heels as a plague on or deteriment to our social circles. Heels should be a choice for boys and girls as they mature to adulthood. This choice will not change their orientation as to who they want to be with. It will open a better understanding to life. I see men wearing heels as a lead in to confront the social misunderstandings and improve the stereotyping that reflect what and who people really are. Many of the labels people use to inflict hurt and ridicule are unwarranted and shows a lack of empathy and concern for those we may associate. They are living their life by what they perceive as true for them, when they see the standards don't address their situation properly. The world needs better understanding and compassion for each other. We are the world!


    I really couldn't agree more. One of the biggest problems that exists in today's world (more than ever before) is.....peer pressure. Modern day fixation with greed and material success had lead to massive over-hyping of gender stereotype, and male success in macho roles. The philosophies of a 'free world', 'freedom of choice' and open-minded acceptance of others, has fallen back into to the deepest depths of people's minds...if not disappeared altogether.

    The other big problem is the replacement of spiritual devotions with materialistic aspirations........always a very bad idea.

  9. Heh, thought the question at first was aimed at males. If so, then my obvious answer would be easy: NO.

    As to what I've read, yeah, it definitely shouldn't influence the decision-making. BUT...it does depend on what the job is. You know, job at

    (no offense to those out there, but do correct me if I'm wrong).

    You should visit the Stripper Community websites.....you'll find that an awful lot of the girls do both to get through College!

  10. While money is certainly a factor, I still think appearance is the major driving force. During the Victoria Secret show, I'm sure there's at least one manufacturer making designer flip-flops (during swimsuit modelling) or slippers (sleepwear).

    I think I'd be shocked if I saw any model walking in anything close to flats.

    Yes...my point precisely. They "walked the runway" in high heels...so they were working and being paid. If flat shoes had suited the designs...then they would wear flat shoes...and if a brick tied on with rope suited the design...then they would wear a brick!

    Surely the more relevant point is how many do you see afterwards wearing high heels in their own free time? Then...they would be wearing them as a style choice.

  11. This is one reason you see so many fashion models and runway models wearing high, stiletto heels. They know how it makes them look and this is their profession, looking beautiful and sexy, especially their legs.

    Fashion models and runway models wear high stiletto heels - because they are paid outrageous sums of money to publicise the designer's work.......plain and simple.

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