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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. Going to the Job Centre and signing on for my jobseakers allowance wearing 4 in heel ankle boots and womens jeans.

    On no, not a fantasy ---- done that.

    Ian G

    Defeating a band of tracksuit-wearing delinquents in a fight, and watching them beg for mercy and run away.

    There are some wonderful fantasies here - the two above are the best in my book - with the 'delinquent' one just pipping it. Although I never condone violence - it would be poetic justice for a large percentage of the community!

    My own fantasies? Well, getting my car stuck in the mud in white thighboots - done it. Riding on the back of a 'chopper' Harley Davidson, with a Hell's Angel - and scraping the tips of my boots along the road to create a shower of sparks behind us - done that too.

    So what's left? I think water-skiing in NOTHING BUT my pink and white 6" thighboots would be fun!.

  2. Hello

    I'm semi-desperately looking for a large painting or print of a tasteful shot of a lady with nice legs "shoe dangling" - as a present for my husband. (Ideally in red shoes, but that's a detail).

    I'd've thought you could find one anywhere but no joy so far! I would be grateful if anybody could point me at such a thing

    Thank you

    Over time, I have amassed a vast number (approaching 2,000) of 'webfind' photographs that you may be interested in seeing. ALL are women in high heels and many are 'shoeplay' photographs including dangling. I can assure you that they all have nice legs - that's one of my personal search criteria!

    Unfortunately they vary in size and quality - and they are all photographs of real people - however I would be happy to give you a link to view them in a gallery. You may find something that could then be turned into a print by an art company or photographic studio.

    Please, just send me a PM if you would like the link. If you can't send PM's, then we can sort something else out.

  3. onyourtoes...just read the thread...that's an incredible story...good find for Pointegirl

    I read that story the first time around - and since then, I have asked my own Orthopeadic Consultant about it - and asked him 2 questions. They were 1) Is this procedure credible? and 2) How complicated is it?

    His answer was fascinating. He said that a procedure like that would only EVER be performed as a part of Prosthetic surgery to REPLACE the lower limb from the calf to the foot - in the event of an amputation having taken place first.

    With regard to the rod actually being an implant to an existing healthy limb - his answer was simply that it would not be possible to perform this surgery WITHOUT causing major and permanent damage to muscles, nerves and tendons in the leg, calf, ankle and foot. In addition, the recipient of the rod would NEVER walk again.

    In short - if this stry is true - that girl would be in a wheelchair - permanently crippled from the surgery. Not permanently 'en pointe'.

  4. Maybe I can add something to this topic.

    You can also try these two:



    I guess you should contact all of them what they will do for you (they can do everything) and judge for yourself.

    I don't recommend 'NatachaMorro'. You have to register as a Member first, then fill out an online form. I did.....and enquired about Custom heels.

    That was 4 months ago - and despite 4 follow-up EMails.....I'm still waiting for a response.

  5. Hate to be a stickler here, but the questioneer stated that they do not like the stockings where the toe is not covered, but several people directed them to just that, the toeless pantyhose. That's not what they're looking for!

    OK. I hate to be a stickler too - however just TWO people did this. Everyone else offered links to Stores. What would your suggestions be? Links??

  6. Of course not! I'd not pay him anymore heed as I would a female in heels as that's how I'd like to be treated. Probably less as there are other reasons to notice females.. chuckle..


    That's not so much of a joke. There are plenty of towns here in the UK where PRECISLY that situation would arise....and it would most likely be teenagers - or even some adults.

    Disgraceful....and pathetic.

  7. Do women worry about these problems, I know mine does not, they go and buy new heels, I have known mine for thirty years, and she has not had a pair of shoes repaired yet.

    In a word...No. Women in the main do not worry about this - well, at least, not to the extent being discussed here.

    The only heels I really worry about are those I wear for modelling. They stay in their boxes and are only ever worn indoors. My everyday heels are well cared for, but scuffs and scratches are normal wear and tear.........and there's the answer......normal wear.

  8. Pussyinboots,

    Thank's! Glad you liked them.

    All my pics, including my avatar, are from my feet.

    So, since you liked it so much, here are this pic in bigger size:

    Posted Image

    By the way, the heels measure 13 cm.

    And an old red sandal, just for fun:

    Posted Image

    I believe the black suede sandals are no more available...

    They were bought in a sale, from a small shoe shop in an small city in Europe, many months ago. I was just walking down the street when I saw them! Off course they had to be mine !

    Really cheap - no more than 20 USD.

    The brand is VICES - I searched for it in the net but never found nothing.

    Thank you so much for replying, I completely understand.

    Yes, I have done the same, seen a fabulous pair of heels and just HAD to have them. It's always a little difficult to know what to say, when other folks also fall in love with them and ask where they can find a pair themselves isn't it?

    However thank you. I'll keep looking out for some similar. You're so lucky tho'.....they are REALLY gorgeous little heels...and only $20.00..!!!!

  9. Im wondering to see if there is in the market a corset that the same material is used for boots, so they can match perfectly if i were to wear the corset fully exposed?

    In the boots to get the same effect of fastening into the leg as a corset does but in the leg, that would be supper sexy, having the matching set, and be tigh legs and body, maybe arms too.

    Yes. I know of two or three German specialists who will Custom Make corsets for you - in the same materials, and with the same design features as your boots and shoes - if you request it.

    I will look through my 'Bookmarks' and post the links for you. Be warned - they are VERY expensive!

  10. Ha! What are the odds. I woke up wearing those boots this morning. Bought them a couple of years ago from pierre silber. Hollywood heels is the name inside. Cant find the box for more info. So many boxes.

    You WOKE UP in them?? What on earth did you do last night..??!!:)

  11. For those of you here unfamiliar with www.estresmodes.com they are a small specialist Spanish shoe maker, owned by Pablo Beneit who is a 3rd generation craftsman and he undertakes all the company's production except where specialist outside service providers such as stylists; pattern makers; sole, heel and platform makers are used.

    He has in his collection the most comprehensive range of high heel styles; from basic court shoes in 4, 5 1/2, and 7 inch heels through ballet boots, drag queen boots to some of the most extreme fetish styles available. He is also able to make bespoke footwear; including the production of individual customer "lasts" and personalised styles.

    When time permits Pablo is in demand for his technical and practical shoe making skills assisting other enterprises within the Alicante footwear industry. I have enjoyed working with him developing my own small range over the past 2 years and look forward to closer cooperation with a view to giving his expertise a wider audience beyond his native Spain.

    Aha! So are you the guy selling all those fab heels on EBay UK then....am I right? I came across them this morning.

  12. Oops...hehe...shedevil is not my girlfriend...I was just trying to help her out because she asked me about the boots in my avatar...but I would bet that she would look amazing in them. They are pricey, but I bet well worth it. It would've been nice to see that little woop and dance you did :lmao: hehe

    Oh Dear, I do beg your pardon. TBH - I don't know where that came from....it's all the excitement of finding those boots!:)

  13. Thanks PIB, you are awesome for finding those! I must have missed them at la-piazza before unless they are so new that they weren't there when I looked before. Those will do the trick I believe. I will have to PM shedevil and let her know what you found. I also like the ones from there that Jens purchased. Many thanks PIB!

    Aww babe....you're most welcome. I'm so glad I could help you out. I must admit I gave a little woop and had a dance when I found them!:lmao:

    Good Luck - I'm sure your girlfriend will LOOK awseome in them too!:)

    (In fact....they are SO hot, I'm gonna get a pair for myself....YeeHaa..!)

  14. Some other heels from this year:

    Peep toes bronze wedge sandals w/ ankle strap:

    Posted Image

    Black swede ankle strap sandals. The thiny metal chains keep dangling while walking, giving an nice feeling on the feet.

    Posted Image

    You bought those black suede sandals THIS year??!! WHERE??

    They are absolutley divine and I would SOOOO LOVE a pair! Are they still available - and is there any way I could obtain some?

    (BTW....are they YOUR feet in your avatar? If they are - you have stunning taste in strappy heels....and really girly feet!:))

  15. One of the obvious reasons that designer shoes MAY last longer than a high street shoe - is that you automatically treat them better.

    I don't know many girls who simply kick off a designer pair of heels...they slip them off with their hands. I don't know many girls who drive in designer heels - they put on a different pair. I don't know ANY friends who will wear their designer heels in really bad weather or to anywhere that has bad ground underfoot. Again, all my friends keep their designer heels in the box - high street heels just get thrown into the closet....it goes on. Mind you - I don't have many friends who wear designer heels much. They spend their money on important things - like their family, home and children.

    Personally - I treat all my heels as if they WERE my children. That is.....very well. They all cost money and they all keep my feet comfortable, clean and dry. Therefore they all deserve good treatment.

    As for comfort - that is entirely in the designer's hands. The basics of a comfortable shoe are not rocket science - they are simple principles of physics and function - nothing more. The placement of the centreline of the heel, the rake of the arch, the width of the ball of the foot and the instep are all easy things to get right - and wrong.

    Deviate from these and you mess with nature i.e people's feet. It's the same with plenty of other things too - scrimp on the simple proven principles of functionality and you get something that may look fabulous and cost a bomb - but is in fact, good for nothing. Just look at cars...fridges...houses even. It's been the same throughout history......and we never learn.

  16. At a time when people here, and others all over the World are fighting unparallelled debts - and hard working people are expected to tighten their belts to help reduce the spending - I find it offensive and disgraceful that a woman like this is given so much publicity for her ability to waste huge amounts of money on shoes.

    That goes for all so called 'celebrities' too.

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