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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. I kinda figured that.

    The second link could be an option I'd go for. I did pick up a pair of high heeled platform clogs from Kohl's recently that would probably be OK.

    As I live in a rural woodier area, I could always get a pair of Camo mules. Maybe nobody would see them??

    Camo mules are really cool shoes - they would go with almost anything - and they'd be far better for walking in the woods than those (admittedly lovely) 5" Honey mules..!:wave:

  2. I have done this on several occasions, and I usually buy more than one new pair at the same time.

    About 5 years ago, 'Office Shoes' brought out a range of very pretty boots called 'Smartie' boots. They were a cowgirl boot, coming to just above the calf - and they were really cute and girly. They were also beautifully made by 'Seychelles' of Spain, and all real leather - rare in High Street shops these days.

    The boots came in black, red, lime green with white trim, light tan....and white. I bought one pair of all the colours - but the white boots and green boots were just so gorgeous, that I bought 4 pairs of each - thus ensuring that I have them for just about as long as I'll be wearing high heels. They are very versatile and can be worn with jeans, shorts, dresses and mini skirts.

    I have bought duplicate pairs of other heels as well but usually only one or two extra pairs. However, as these boots were unlikely to be sold anywhere else, or indeed duplicated by anyone else - I bought up the shops entire stocks of Size 6 boots. At £85.00 a pair it was an expensive self-indulgence!!

    Nearly 6 years on, and I'm still only on the first pairs - and I reckon I should get a good 10 or 15 years wear out of each pair. I always get compliments from my girlfriends (and male friends too) whenever I wear them, they're just so cute.

  3. The ONLY way of repairing a torn zip properly, is to stitch it. Sorry - the man from 'Timpsons'...what he say is a 'yes'!

    So - if you want to repair it yourself...start looking for a long zipper with tiny teeth.....then you'll need to buy a sewing machine. Total cost - around £600.00.

    Conclusion - go to 'Timpson's'!

    (PS...I live in Dorset...on the Hampshire border).

  4. Sorry if you misunderstood but my son doesn't know, the village we live in is very conservative and he would undoubtedly get a lot of teasing from his friends and I don't want to subject hin to that. I don't care what people say or think but for now he needs protecting from any unecessary comments. He will find out when he is a bit older and I am confident he can argue his own corner against the bigots we have in our community. I hope you don't think this is me bailing out from being who I am but his welfare is paramount to me.

    Good attitude. Children, growing up these days, have a lot of "stuffs" to deal with. We have three children. My agreement with my wife was that I would never wear my heels only in private and around our children. It worked and now that they're grown and gone, I get to wear my heels anywhere I want to, anytime I want to but always keeping in mind that I won't ever do anything that will embarrass my wife..

    It is exceedingly refreshing to read such broadminded and mature words from you both. I'm sure that your children will grow into intelligent, well-rounded and open minded adults. It's such a shame that large numbers of the rest of the community can't view life the same way.

  5. So would those Ellie 'Tux' mules be too much??

    In Summer? In daytime? Not if you want to be offered a few hundred pounds for a couple of hours....'work'....!!!:wave::(

    Seriously....they're night club shoes. Something like these would be far better:




    Colours are your own choice of course.........

  6. """There is a 'trick' to walking in mules......it's all in the toes."""

    I knew there had to be a trick to it. I'll give it a trial run sometime this week and see how it goes. I'll let you know how if I get the hang of it.

    Just an FYI - -

    That's how ALL shoes should be....sadly not in the present day of plastic and ever-changing fashions driven by profit, not style.

    Good Luck! I'll be interested to hear how you get on....just don't try too hard that's all. It should just come to you naturally.

  7. With spring and summer coming, I'm eager to get into my denim mini skirt, hose and t-shirts. What shoe goes best? I would like a closed toe pump, but is that too dressy? And don't say flip-flops --yuck.

    For me a mini skirt has to be worn with a heel of at least 5'' to make it suitably 'tarty' making the overall outfit super sexy.


    Coming back to the OP, there is an art to dressing for Summer, and it's worth remembering the 'do's' and 'dont's' that apply to heels/clothes.

    If you want to be looked at - but not stared at - then with a mini-skirt in Summer, it is definitely Summer heels too.

    So, mules or strappy sandals, flip-flops or flatties. Dark boots, pumps and Mary-Jane's are definite 'no no's' and will gurantee that you're looked at for all the wrong reasons - especially if you're a guy in high heels. If you want to look 'tarty', then higher heels and/or bright colours are the way - but be prepared to be stared at.....guy...or gal.

  8. I do it just about every other weekend.

    always wears at least 4" heels, even at times when it isn't really appropriate to do so. Last weekend I was the only person at our local firework display in heels at all let alone the 5" heels I was wearing.

    Lovely name.....and looking at the photo in your avatar....it definitely suits you.

  9. Gotta agree with pussyinboots on this one. I tried thigh highs with my first pair of mules once while surpising the little lady of the house one night. I had a hell of a time keeping my heel centered of the shoe. Seemed like my heel was always sliding off center. Even with bare feet, I have to really watch what I'm doing in these shoes. Haven't determined if it's the position of my foot, or how I'm walking in them yet, but I sure as hell don't want to fall of these mules. It's a good ways to the hardwood if I do.


    Oh - and I paired them off with a set of vertical stripped black thigh highs and a pin strip mini, and a bow tie - - - Hmmmmm

    I wasn't on my feet very long.

    They are really naughty, and I'm sure that they looked fabulous with the outfit that you described!

    There is a 'trick' to walking in mules......it's all in the toes.

    If you try to walk in mules as naturally as you would a pair of pumps - i.e. heel first, then toes - you WILL end up with the back of your foot wobbling about and the shoes leaning at all kinds of crazy angles, the end result being they will come off and you trip over.

    However, if you lightly 'squeeze' your toes against the inner sole of the mule, then you can control the shoe much better - and it helps keep them on. Then - just walk in the usual way. It becomes natural after a while, but you must still walk in them as you would any other high heel - heel down first, toes second. The 'squeeze' simply holds the shoes on your foot.

    You will get toe cramps though......even I still do if I walk any distance in mules. However, the looks you get in them, especially in Summer with a nice tight mini-skirt - far outweigh the discomfort. Guys seem to be transfixed by a girl strutting her stuff in mules!

  10. I'm try to convince my girlfriend to wear mules (about 2" heel) with nylons more frequently, but she says they're very uncomfortable to walk in because her feet are constantly sliding. It's like there's no grip between the foot and the shoe.

    What can she do so walking with mules and nylons is more comfortable? She usually wears this type of mule, and I love how they look with nylons: http://www.shoes.com/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?p=EC1043455


    My husband is the same as you. He loves me wearing mules with hosiery too.

    I don't mind, although mules are probably the most difficult of high heels to walk in (ballet heels excepted....) - so adding something that takes away any kind of adhesion for my feet is really tricky.......

    ....So, we compromised. I wear them in bed.....with stockings.

  11. Actually - a neck tie says a lot about a man, as do his shoes. A cheap tie, or a badly tied example are very definitely 'turn-off's' for girls. Subtle design will set you apart from the 50 other sweaty bodies in the office.

    A decent silk tie, well dressed and with a tasteful colour and smart design, is very attractive and rather distinguished.

    Of course - the suit and shoes have to be up to the job too. A decent tie and a shoddy suit and footwear really don't work either!

  12. I have a pair from 'Leatherworks' which are similar - although mine cross-lace all the way up the front to the knee. Despite this air-way, yes - after about 30 minutes - they start to steam up.

    ....However, most boots 'steam up'....it's just that you don't see it happening!!

  13. The leather re-inforcement sounds like the best way. I have several pairs of Ballet boots - ankle to thigh high, and they all have a strip of leather reinforcement sewn into the insides, through which the eyelets are punched.

    A few pairs also have zippers - but they weren't cheap!:wave:

  14. Im in need of some help from you wonderful people in getting the message across subtly to a few people in my life of my passion for shoes and im sure you have all had your own ways. I know the easy answer is straight away turn up in 5" stiletto pumps but i am convinced that would definately just scare them away (and im not THAT amazing at that height too).

    Please be aware im not trying to brainwash someone into liking heels or wearing them more often, i just want them to understand me a little bit more.

    First one is a younger cousin i dont get to see often, she has amazing fashion sense and im sure one shoe shopping trip with her that we'd both have a great time. Unfortunately proximity is one problem, but even when we do get to spend time together that any hints i drop fall on deaf ears or she comments "thats weird".

    Second person is a girlfriend of a friend, ive known her for over 5years and any hints i drop are met with a laugh or a change of conversation, ive gone as far as using dutch courage (got drunk) and went out in my 3" heel black cowboy boots which were met with "Acesecret you look gay in those". Why do i bother with her you ask? because not everyones perfect and we all have a great time all the time.

    Just wanted to hear what advice you guys have, i have read the other threads about how they talked to their friends and family about it, some were dramatic, others really positive, whereas i seem to be stuck in the middle.

    It's not really down to you to educate your friends - that is down to them. Just wear what you're comfortable with - and get on with life.

    There's an old saying (my Aunt again) that goes -

    "Those who matter, don't mind - and those who do mind, don't matter"

    In other words - your TRUE friends won't be bothered by what you put on your feet.

  15. The world is so ingrained with the thinking that men don't want or need to wear high heels. Some areas are not so stern in this thought and are willing to concede that men should have this choice, but the attitude is still there. Hopefully, a way will open up and people will see that men, as well as women, want to have high heels as part of their wardrobe selections.

    It wasn't so long ago that most women were usually known as the wife or daughter of a man. Now, since they have asserted their right to be treated equal to men, they have opened their possibilities to choose. As men, we have to follow their example and be just as assertive for our right to choose. It isn't going to be given to us on a silver platter. Some feathers are going to get ruffled. Changing social attitudes is probably the hardest undertaking known. However, if the truth about how men really feel about having the freedom to choose like women have achieved is ever fully understood, this monumental stump could be eliminated in a relatively short period of time.

    Unforunately, as long as the media and the advertising industry keep promoting male and female stereotypes - public understanding will remain poor.

    You see this 'stereotyping' in almost anything these days - car adverts, perfumes and fragrances, sportswear, clothing, drinks, furniture, just about any advert subliminally promotes male and female stereotyping nowadays.You also see it in TV programmes, movies, comedy shows etc - when a man is required to wear ladies clothing or a pair of high heels - there are always jibes and unsubtle asides about cross-dressing and transvestites.

    Here's another example of subliminal stereotyping....'Yorkie' chocolate bars. They blatantly have printed on the wrappers - 'NOT FOR GIRLS'.....implying that girls are soft and fluffy...and not tough enough for a 'man's' confectionery.

    How sexist and small minded is that....??!!

  16. Greetings PIB and thank you for your input :-)

    I never had the courage to wear my stiletto boots fully exposed in

    public yet even if I like them a lot and are very comfortable to walk in.

    Maybe I should try and see what happens next ?

    I admit it is easier said than done: It won't be an easy task...

    (Picture of my stiletto boots below)

    Gorgeous boots Daniel!

    I totally understand how hard it must be for you guys to 'pluck up' the courage to wear high heels in public - there are too many people about who think that they can voice their opinions out loud these days....resulting in an uncomfortable environment for the male high heel wearer.

    Frankly - it's none of anyone else's business if you're a guy and you wear high heels. So what? There's far worse things going on in this World - and it's about time folks woke up to it.

    My suggestion would be to ask a close lady friend if she would be prepared to go out with you to begin with - it's far more difficult for others to criticise if there are two of you - especially if you're both high heels!!:wave:

  17. Trolldeg, I think Crotch boots was referring to the trouble lots of women have in finding boots that fit their calves. It's quite a common complaint.

    Fuller figured girls DO have troubles with modern boots....and yes, it is a common problem for ladies with broader calves.

  18. Stick some superglue underneath as the studs may be holding the boots together. I would take one out, shove the glue underneath then take the next one out etc.

    You will still have marks and holes....those studs have been inserted in using powered stud-guns or presses. They will be horrendously difficult to prise out believe you me....I've tried changing the uppers on a pair of clog mules, and even those small staples/studs are hell-ish to remove.

  19. Greetings Tex77 :-)

    Next time you meet this girl, please ask her in what way a pair

    of stiletto boots could be used to enhance a guy's masculinity.

    I am very curious to know what it is from a female point of view.

    Courage in wearing them publicly.......and strength of character, in making his own decisons without worrying about other's opinions.

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