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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. Hi,

    Im looking for a list of onlinestores that sell high heels in larger sizes in the EU. Im cursed with big feet and a love for high heels...

    So far I have found the following that look interesting:

    http://www.kassiopeya.de/ - seems cheap? Hows the quality? Read a thread here about there ballet boots, said that they didn't work for walking in

    http://www.fuss-schuhe.de/high-heels-shop.html - lots of shoes, no idea about the quality or service?

    I like there black pump with red heel... http://www.fuss-schuhe.de/high-heels-shop.html?http://www.fuss-schuhe.de/hhfc/pu-1919-2443-Bswro.htm

    Are there any other good stores out there?

    http://www.high-feelings.de/index.php/?&cl=start&tpl=〈=1 - have some nice shoes :silly:

    Hi 'jos'!

    I always recommend THIS place for folks new to shoe shopping online:


    Go to the ENGLISH version....and then click on 'Shoe Stores, Videos etc'....here:


    They have a BIG list of online Shoe Stores - many of them are in the EU.

    Good Luck!!

  2. The website domain name was registered 2009-04-27, and likely has content moved from a previous site. Many of the images are not scaled correctly. There have been changes in recent weeks, so maybe it is a 'work in progress'.

    Actually I don't accept this. The Shopping Cart and Checkout facilities work absolutely fine - and there ARE SOME heels that are available to buy.

    As for not having any Contact details - if the site was registered 2 years ago - and it is selling heels - then there is no excuse. They are, after all - taking Customer Queries via a pre-prepared Form. Besides, a well organised site would have an 'under construction' notice somewhere - provided by the Host Server free of charge....no effort involved on the owner's part.

    So, 'work in progress'....no. The site is selling heels quite happily....just not that many.

    I have nothing against the site or its owner - I simply said be wary...that's all.

  3. There's a shop in Camden Stables Market, London selling secondhand Kassiopeya ballet boots for 100 quid; pink thigh length front lace-ups with heavily worn heel tips, and red knee length front-lacing but with no laces included.

    They're having a laugh, eh?

    Are they? How many other pairs have you seen in London? It's the pink influencing the price of course........and someone will buy them, that's for sure. A true fetishist will also know where to get laces from - probably from 'Shoestring-UK' who make Custom boot-laces at really reasonable prices.

    Besides, I would expect a pair of pink 'Kassiopeya's' to fetch at least £100.00 on EBay.........

  4. The Bordello range is by 'Pleaser'...and they consistently run TIGHT. I...and many of my girlfriends, have bought them for dancing....and they are really uncomfortable shoes....unless you have particularly skinny feet.
  5. well you may be in luck, see the following post to The new Ilias Little Shoe Box.


    Ilias used to work at the original LSB and appears to have resurrected the old styles, including those shown.


    I would be VERY wary of this 'Ilias Little Shoe Box'......I have been through the website - and tried to order 6 pairs of shoes.

    ALL of my choices came up as NOT IN STOCK items. Marked with three red stars like this: ***

    I would suggest that more are also marked like this......meaning that hardly any of the advertised shoes are available to purchase.

    Besides...the website is supposed to have been online since 2000....why have we only just found out about it?

    There is also NO Contact Address, no Telephone Number, no EMail Address and no Company Regsitration Number given.

  6. I must say that I find wedges both useful and fashionable. They are a terrific asubstitute for stilettos if I want to wear high heels without the hassles of thin spikes and thin soles. I can slip on a pair of wedges with anything from a frilly Summer skirt/dress, to jeans, pants/capri's or even a mini-skirt.

    Around 4 or 5 years ago, I found some gorgeous, Italian style sculpted wedges in one of our 'budget' High Street shoe shops - Shoe-Zone in fact. They have real cork soles, 4.5" wedges...and metallic olive green straps. They also had some fabulous 'thong' wedges in Dorothy Perkins - in White, Pink, Camel and Black - and they are just fab!

    I bought a pair of each....the total cost was under £90.00 for 5 pairs of shoes - and they are ALL still in good condition and going into their 6th Summer this year.

    I will admit - I also splashed out on a pair of Pink 'thong' wedges in Russell & Bromley (top quality and snobby)....and paid TWICE the total of all the others for one pair of heels!!

    So far this year, I haven't seen anything that would come close to these favourites....yet.

  7. While on the subject, tucking the pants in the boots versus wearing them underneath feels completely different, especially if the shaft has room to move up and down your leg.

    To explain this as subtly as possibe - it is the 'art' of how a male to female cross-dresser hides away his 'personal parts', in order to achieve a female outline 'downstairs'.

    Now....back to boots and jeans.....

  8. We get SOOOO many Threads about Ballet Heels in this section, I thought it would be a refreshing idea to talk about different styles of ultra-high heels.

    I LOVE ultra-high mules and Roman/Thong strappy sandals......and I have plenty (but not enough) in my heels collection.

    So....what are your favourite styles OTHER than Ballet Heels..??

  9. Well Iam 5' 2" tall and my shoe size is 37 european and I love highheels...:silly:

    Lucky thing! You're in perfect proportion with such 'teeny weeny' feet!! I'm 5' 5" and take size 38 European...so I guess I'm in the right proportions too.

    (....and it goes without saying that I LOVE high heels).

  10. 2. That all too familiar click sound can pause any activity your doing.

    3. You walk in a man/ women shoe store, but your attention goes to the female side of the store.

    4. An average or below average looking woman becomes the mosr beautiful woman with a pair of heels

    5. Her heels capture your attention before her other features.

    7. There are no words to describe walking in your highest pair of heels.

    8. You wish that society accepted men in heels because i would only own heels.

    9. You are still reading my post.

    11. I can go on and on about this post.

    1 - Yes.

    6 - Absolutely.

    10 - Of course they do..!!!!:silly:

  11. I have two personal friends who do buy from Ladies departments, and I also see plenty of guys browsing around the Ladies sections in the larger Department Stores where I live, especially the Lingerie sections. Not so much in High Street girl's shops like Top-Shop or New Look....but in Department Stores, yes.

    Whether they then go further, and actually try the garments on and buy them, I don't know.

  12. wow, i opened this thread thinking the content would be completely different to this.. :silly: woops! haha

    Yeah I was thinking the same thing and almost just passed on this thread. lol

    What exactly were you thinking it was going to be?

    what do you think?

    I have to say guys, that the same thought crossed my mind....especially as it's on here. I don't need to explain do I?

    Back to the original the subject though - I nearly always tuck my jeans into my boots, as do most of my girlfriends. Of course, it's unavoidable if I'm wearing jeans and thigh highs.

  13. Yahoo!!!!!!!

    After endless search, I finally found them!

    I was inspired by a post by Pussyinboots in the thread "Your favorite designer". The post was basically about Louboutin sandals being overrated and Gianmarco Lorenzi being awesome.

    I'm not sure about durability and comfort, because my girlfriend (and also the previous ones) had no GL shoes, but in terms of matching my design tastes, Gianmarco Lorenzi is indeed spectacular. After looking for the pair of sandals I had in mind for literally months, googling for Gianmarco Lorenzi for 2 minutes found me not one, but two shoes that totally meet my criteria!



    I think the first are a little prettier, but they seem to be sold out in that shop.

    Can anybody help me find them? Or maybe tell me their "technical name", as "Gianmarco Lorenzi Leather Strappy Sandals" does not give anything on Google?

    Thanks so much for all your help and thanks to my countryman Gianmarco Lorenzi for making the shoes I want!

    'Gianmarco Lorenzi' do indeed make some gorgeous strappy sandals.......precisely how they should be - just strap, heel and sole.

    Take a look on EBay Germany (www.ebay.de). There are a few Suppliers there who stock GML heels regularly - and who will Ship Worldwide as well.

    I have a couple saved in my 'Favourite Sellers'. I'll take a look and get links for you.

  14. So i guess this is the part of the debate that I love to hate. In my opinion women wear what they want to wear and men wear what society wants them to wear. I have to ask this question of ANYONE, not just women, that have issues with a man wearing a pair of heels. Why does a woman wear heels? As I see it there are two possible answers to this question: 1. They want to wear them so they do. 2. They are a woman so it just is.

    If your answer is number one, then why should men not get to wear what they want without being accused of being depraved, gay, or mentally unhealthy? Do men not deserve the right to make a choice without having to go through hours, days, or even years of questing their decision to wear a pair of shoes they like?

    If your answer is number two, then as I see it you are just an assimilated member of the mass view. Sorry for your luck.

    Either way I will continue to wear my heels and be VERY grateful that I am lucky enough to have a wife that is open minded and supportive of me being able to make my own decisions.

    As a side note, women had to fight for years to be able to wear pants, vote, etc. Everyone should remember and use that as a tool to not judge someone’s desire to have and wear a pair of shoes they should have to right to wear without ridicule.

    Have a great day all!

    I think that by far men themselves pose the most opposition to men wearing high heels. Like always, a guy who wants to wear heels has to literally stand on his own two feet so to speak and just do it regardless of any backlash from either gender. The male heel wearer has many options to control the level of this backlash. For those who don't mind backlash at all, capris with spiked heels and nylons or even a skirt is fine. For those that can take some backlash, perhaps chunkier clicky heels with long pants. For those like myself that just love the feeling but want to keep that to themselves and blend in, long bootcut jeans with chunkier heels that have a softer rubber heel pad for stealth is the way to go. I can say that from personal experience 4" heel height is EASILY wearable all day long with zero backlash using the later approach so there's no excuse to stay on the sidelines. I won't underestimate the innate value of having a wife that's understanding. Who becomes our wife is also our choice though..

    Just get out there and do it if that's where your interest is taking you!


    I have to say that these two posts have 'hit the nail on the head' more succinctly than the others - including my own!

    'Maninheels' you have homed in on the true reasons why women wear high heels - I can only add that we also wear heels to make ourselves feel attractive/sexy - and because men like them too. However in saying this - there is no treason on earth why a guy shouldn't wear heels to make himself feel better/sexy/attractive either.

    The reasons can apply to everyone - but most certainly, girls wear heels because we can.....

    'Charlie' - you are so right in saying that it is other men who voice the most vociferous objections to other men wearing heels.

    The simple explanation is a lack of education/closed mind. Anything that is unusual, or that threatens conformity or ingrained sterotypes or beliefs, will cause fear in those who do not understand it, or do not wish to understand it - and thus anger and resentment are the result.

    The simple fact is, that there will always be those who object/complain - because there will always be those who's thinking conforms with the stereotype, and falls in line with masses. However there will always be those who are more widely educated, and therefore far more tolerant and accepting of people's differences.

    Some things in life will never change.

  15. I'd love to try a pair of ballet boots. Does anyone have a suggestion on a reasonably-priced pair that would make a good starter pair?

    For a 'starter' pair, I would suggest either 'Devious' by Pleaser, or 'Kassiopeya' ballet heels. You can find them at these respective sites:



    As been posted in other Threads - 'Pleaser's' stitching is hard inside the shoe - and 'Kassiopeya's' heels are not very strong - so - not too good for walking. However I don't think you'll be that advanced for a while....:silly:

  16. I had the pleasure of taking photos of a similar high heel, the same type but in white- a really beautiful and glamourous heel - hope it is ok for you @webhawk I post them here?

    I have seen these shots before....so that's YOU is it 'Pata'..?? Those D&G white heels are gooorgeous - are they still available anywhere..?

  17. Personally, I don't think that the boots are particularly outstanding style-wise. In addition, I would imagine that the outrageous price-tag reflects the fact that crocodiles are an endangered species in some parts of the World, which simply makes it even more of a disgrace.

    $8,000 for a pair of brown boots? The human race has lost all sense of values.

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