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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. Thanks pussyinboots for your comment. I am deff the first letter a. Like I said I was just trying to mess with some different posies to show my legs more that was all. There was NO intent on trying to look, feel,or act like a women.:wave: So I was also hoping to try to revive this thread in a good way. Guess I didn't.:(

    Oh...no criticism intended Sweetie...just a general clarification for us all really...

  2. Anyone. If I find a shoe, not in my size, and want to send it to a custom shoe maker to have it made in my size, heel height, Color of material, etc.,who is the best cobbler to send it to? (A bit of a run-on sentence.) I use to know where, but they have died off or retired. I am sure that 97 year old woman will know. Mike.

    These three companies offer this service.

    1) '6-Inch-Heels-Forever': www.orientvisual.com/6inchforever

    2) 'Burlesque-Blue': www.burlesqueblue.com

    3) 'La-Piazza-HighHeels': www.la-piazza-highheels.com

    ....and I am not 97..!!!:wave:

  3. Well for the most part I dont act like a women or look like one for that matter. The point of those pose's was to show my legs not to act or look like a women. For the most part I do not even try to pass, as far as crossdressing goes. Are we all tech. crossdressing? Yes we are, but its my oppinion and my only a crossdresser is someone who trys to pass there selfs off as the opposite gender. So with that being said I was not trying to do anything but find some posies that showed my legs more that is all. As far as my wife goes I hate to say it but ya she would be pissed and not happy about the pictures, but it really is a moot poiny since she does not like the fact I wear heels and skirta anyway.

    If you are male, and you:

    a) Simply want to 'mix and match' men's and women's clothes - then you 'freestyle'.

    :wave: Want to LOOK LIKE a woman - then you 'crossdress'

    c) Wish to FEEL LIKE a woman - then you are a 'transvestite'

    d) Wish to BE A WOMAN - then you are 'transgendered' or 'transexual'.

  4. I got them from 6ihf; I believe it is called v18 (?).

    as asked about the heel: it is really very stable for that height and for beeing that thin. actually the heel feels better, more reliable for walking than the ultra thin heel of these attached gml platform slings though one would expect it be reversed as gml is considered a designer shoe and the heel is also lower + platform ....

    but of course one should be aware the heel of those 6ihf shoes IS extreme high.

    I will show a little direct comparison of some of those shoes soon.

    I can see immediately that the GML platforms will be difficult to keep a balance on.....that heel is dreadfully thin and not well placed on the shoe.

  5. I've done my 'seasonal rush' buying for all time., I have eight or nine pairs of Winter boots I regularly wear which suit me fine, and will never go out of style. I have other Vintage pairs which are for fresh, dry days - and three pairs are fur lined for extreme weather. None have heels higher than 4" for practical reasons....like mud, snow and ice.
  6. This is a good discussion, In general, there is a directly relation between the size, the waist of last and heigh of heel.

    For example, the perfect armony for me is the 5,5" last. we don´t make 5,5" of real high heel because we used this table to improve the aesthetic of the shoes or boots.

    This is our heigh table we used it.

    size 35Eu to 37Eu 12.5cm (4.9")

    size 38Eu to 40Eu 13.5cm (5,3")

    size 41Eu to 43Eu 14,5cm (5.7")

    size 44Eu to 46Eu 15,5cm (6.1")


    I am a shoemaker from 22years ago. I am the thrid generation of shoemakers. This is my personal opinion May be could not the correct way for all the people but it is the best proportion I would like.

    I LOVE your website. I have sent you a Private Message.

  7. I was thinking about ordering a pair of these Pigalle clones, that I'm sure most of you have seen:


    My question - do they run small? I usually take an 11, but 11 always seems too tight in certain brands (Pleaser, for instance).

    Just looking for sizing opinions from those who have purchased these shoes... thanks!

    I have several pairs of heels from 'The Highest Heel'. Their OPEN shoes are usually 'true to size' - however their closed heels (pumps) and some semi-open styles are a LITTLE tight on my feet (I have broad feet for a gal).

    I would suggest that if you find 'Pleaser' closed heels a little tight - then go up one size for 'The Highest Heel' shoe.

    • Like 1
  8. Ok so after reading some of your guy's suggestion's I decided to look at what some of the other guys that wear skirt's and heels on here have done! So here is a picture of what I come up with. The outfit consist of A white mens turtle neck, a black mens blazer, dark blue izod jean skirt, nude leggs everyday support hose and my fioni pumps. I have read everyone of your guy's post and taken your advise. The one thing I don't want to do is pair a fem top with the skirt. I figure if a women can wear a skirt and heels with some sort of mens top why can't I put a skirt with mens stuff like they do. I really need to find a good black skirt but that's for a rainy day. Anyway most of the time I wear suntan hose but today I decided on nude cause some of the fashion web sites I have been too for women say that you should try not to wear leg wear that take's too much away from the total look of the outfit. So I wore nude for this outfit to bring out the shoe's and skirt more. To witch I think I did. So here is a picture of what I came up with. I also tried a pair of skinny jeans with these pumps since that seams to big thing with women right now. Now these jeans are my wife's so I wont wear them out cause they are her's. I just tried them to see how they looked with the pumps. I know the shirt looks bad cause it's too small. I need to find some other shirt's witch I will So let me know what you guy's think?

    Actually, I think that both outfits look pretty good...I really like the jeans. On balance, as you don't want to wear a woman's jacket - I think that a guys jacket with more 'fit' in the cut would look better. Can you get men's blazer's which are 'nipped' in closer to the waist?

    As for the jeans.....yes, I would wear a top that's a little more generous in body...something slightly more 'billowy'...that would emphasize the shape of your legs and your hips and butt (you have great legs BTW..).

    Overall, I like them.

  9. I agree with Pussyinboots. However, I have a minimum standard of my own. 4" high heel-no platform for women. 5" high heel-no platform for men. I wouldn't expect anyone to do less than me. When I see this in writing it some how seems self centered. Oh well.

    Actually I don't think it comes over as self-centred at all...it kind of makes sense, although I LOVE 5" heels! However, yes, MINIMUM height 4" is cool......

    BUT on the other hand......

    Some of us consider 2-3" high; some 3-4"; others say 4-5". Everyone is different, and we should recognize that; we all need be tolerant, understanding, and respectful of other opinions, too. Otherwise there is risk that threads like this could divide us instead of unite us.

    I had the privilege of seeing Spikesmike's heel collection, and his LOWEST heel is higher than my HIGHEST heel! I was amazed at how well he handles 5" heels and higher. He saw me try them on, and I could hardly stand in them, much less walk in them. My toes don't bend far enough to be comfortable in shoes with heels that high, at least not for very long. He's a cool guy, and he respected my preference for lower heels, even though he prefers much higher ones for himself.


    I totally disagree with regard to the context of the original post.

    If you actually read the text of the original question - it is very specific. I reproduced it above to avoid mis-interpretation, but it obviously didn't work.

    The original question asked - "What is the minimum height for a high heel......to truly be considered a High Heel?

    The question also states very clearly -

    "Please keep in mind that this is not necessarily the minimum heel height that you wear personally, and neither should it be the minimum height that you would like to see (on yourself, girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, etc.).

    The question is intended to establish the point at which a shoe ceases to be an "ordinary" shoe or boot and falls into the category that any manufacturer, advertiser, seller would call a High Heel."

    The answer therefore should be specific - not subjective. Hence my post - manufacturers class 100mm (3.5") and above as a high heel.

    That is the answer asked for in the original question.

  10. Danielle Lloyd....the epitome of all that's wrong with today's 'celeb' obsessed society.

    I saw her on 'The Weakest Link' WAGS Special last year. Anne Robinson asked her the question - "By what name is Edward Paul Sherringham better known?"

    Now, the correct answer was 'Teddy' Sherringham (Pro-footballer - and Danielle Lloyd's partner at the time).

    Her answer was (get this) - PASS.

    Enough said!!!!

  11. What would you consider would be the minimum height for a heel to truly be considered a High Heel? This measurment is the distance from the floor to the highest part of the insole of the shoe (minus any platform, if present) Please keep in mind that this is not necessarily the minimum heel height that you wear personally, and neither should it be the minimum height that you would like to see (on yourself, girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, etc.). The question is intended to establish the point at which a shoe ceases to be an "ordinary" shoe or boot and falls into the category that any manufacturer, advertiser, seller would call a High Heel.

    Most shoe manufacturers class 3.5" heels (100mm) and above as 'high'.

    So, the answer should be 3.5" MINIMUM height for a high heel.....

  12. I have no knowledge of this company other than what I've told you. If you desire to learn more about them, by all means either email the company or telephone them directly and ask them point blank about the quality of the workmanship of their products.

    La-Piazza produce some of the highest quality shoes and boots on the Fetish Heels market. How they compare to manistream designer heels such as Louboutin or Blahnik is a different question, as the requirements of the heels designs are different.

    It should be noted that some of La-Piazza's boots range actually come from 'Leatherworks' in London.

  13. First of all much respect for the ones that take that challenge!

    I think the high-platform heels are more likely to fall with/twist ankles with, especially if they have not much support for the foot when they are mules/sandals and just a strap would hold the foot onto the shoe! And one must notice the very slippery surface of a catwalk and the model have to walk almost awkward with the feet crossing over in an extreme way...

    I think with a little practice one could wear the extremely high shoes well, but better choose the ones with less high platform and not to choose mules, and maybe roughen up the soles a little...

    If the heel/arch is damn high/higher than the person every walked on, it's always tricky I think, and she should be cautious with every step.. But that's probably also the exciting thing for me watching and for her wearing, sporting/challenging a high heeled shoe that's not easy to walk in:yummy:

    I can assure you that falling off a platform is exceedingly dangerous and painful. The platform itself gives an extra 2", maybe as much as 4" for you to fall off, and for the foot and ankle to twist underneath. In the UK, nearly 18% of female severe ankle injuries are sustained by intoxicated young girls falling off platform stiletto heels.....and for 'simple' sprains the figure is almost 90%!(NHS). In the United States, the overall figures are closer to 25-30%.

    Platforms also require a different way of walking than ordinary heels, in order to keep your balance on a sole that is designed smaller than your own footprint.

  14. PIB, everybody, well at least most men need to understand the wisdom you are posting.

    Maybe all men won't acknowledge the superior position that women have or can attain, even though they don't receive the monetary equality for the same job men have. A bright outlook and an agressive attitude for life seems to accompany most women because of the freedom they enjoy by being able to have and make choices.

    Men live a mundane existence in comparison. They haven't had the daily choices women have learned to cope with as part of each day's activities, such as spear-heading the morning activities to help all family members get to their respective appointments and being prepared at a moments notice to change their attire and duties to fit an unplanned occasion. Men don't usually have these type of choices to deal with. Therefore, they are subtely denying themselves of the freedoms that come with being able to choose.

    Thank you for your comments - and I agree with yours too. In fact, I would go so far as to say that I sympathise with men in a lot of ways.

    Men are hamstrung by society's expectation of them to 'conform' to certain 'rules' and stereotypes far more than women ever are these days. Especially in terms of things like personal appearance, everyday wardrobe, and fashion choices, men are far more limited in the variety that they can - a) select from and :) actually wear - than women are.

    Even things as simple as colours of clothing - men have a choice of dull, or even more dull - whilst women have bright, colourful, daring and simply outrageous too. If a man wears clothing that is flamboyant, original or even dare I say it - stylish - then he is immediately branded as deviating from the 'norm' and receives criticism or derision for it. Woe betide the guy who struts down the High Street in tight jeans and stiletto heels - especially in this country - there are plenty of ignorant, small-minded individuals around who believe they have the right to forcibly 'sort his ideas out' for him!

    Whereas a woman in particularly tight revealing clothes and very high heels, can be considered as adventurous, sexy, sometimes common, or even trendsetting - but never deviant of the 'norm'.

    So to a certain degree, men's 'mundane existence' (as you put it) is actually forced upon them by society. Unlike women, they have no real variety or colour choice in everyday things.

    It's the complete opposite of Mother Nature of course. In the Natural World it is the male who is the most colourful and flambouyant - and the female who is plain and dowdy.

  15. In my experience a woman who habitually wears and enjoys her heels embodies an attitude or a 'take' on life; confident, assertive, sensual, provoking and aesthetically aware...

    What's not to like?

    If there are guys out there who don't get it, well, it's simply their loss... There's always page 3 of The Sun for them.

    A woman's shoes are not simply a fashion statement....they are a statement about her as a person as well. Yes, her fashion tastes, but also her general outlook on life, her opinion of herself, her 'social status'...and of course, her mood when she puts on whatever she wears that day. A woman's shoes say many things for her - and are exceedingly personal too. Women have shoes to wear for every state of affairs that life may offer them. A woman's shoes really go a long way towards telling you who she is, what she is like, and what she does with her life. There are many cases when a woman really needs a lot of different colors and styles, such as when she works everyday and needs a variety of shoes as well as some that are comfortable. These days, without a nice, matching pair of shoes, the fashion statement of a woman remains incomplete.

    There is another view....in that when a woman reaches orgasm her toes curl up - same way they look in high heels. So subconciously men like that look!

    Also, there's no greater put-down, than one woman criticising another woman's shoes....Miaoow!

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